Supreme Lord

Chapter 1415

“Brother, can you do it, let me come, my brother has lost more than 200,000, even if you are lucky, you should transfer it.”

” Nonsense, just watch.”

Gu Qingfeng sat in the seat of Prince Ma just now, and the next one just started.

When the maid raised her hand, gamblers placed bets one after another, all of which were of different sizes, ranging from hundreds to thousands.

“Okay, you come here, brother, this one will continue to bet on the small, and it will definitely win! I believe my brother is not wrong!!”

Prince Ma bet on the small and lose I’m not convinced in my heart, and I want Gu Qingfeng to continue betting.

“This one should indeed be bet on a small, but…Since the odds for a small bet are too low.”

Gu Qingfeng took a look, and directly bet a thousand chips. At nine o’clock below.

His bet made the audience bewildered.

Know that Gu Qingfeng bet nine points, and the odds are one to six.

Although the odds are high, the odds are very small. Only when the sum of the three dice is exactly nine points is a win.

Under normal circumstances.

Many gamblers, in order to reduce their losses, will spread their bets. If you bet one thousand, five hundred bet on small or small, three hundred bet on odds and doubles, and the remaining two hundred will bet on the sum of this heads-up.

After all, the higher the odds, the smaller the odds. Even if you lose, it doesn’t matter. If you win, you win very much.

Prince Ma thought he was ruthless enough, but he didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to be more ruthless. With such a thousand chips all over his body, he was all bet to nine points.

“I said brother, without your gambling method, we only have a thousand chips, how can we bet all of them to nine points.”

“The odds are high! “

“Crap! The odds are small, and the odds are of course high. The Leopard’s odds are still one to 30. After playing so many, how many times have you seen the Leopard?”

“No hurry, I’ll come out later.”

Seeing Gu Qingfeng doesn’t listen to persuasion, Prince Ma turned around anxiously and said: “Even if you have to single out for nine points, at least bet less. , How can I bet all of them, at least leave some flipping books!”

“Flip the books.”

On the other side, the maid saw that the two of them were arguing, and asked:” Are you sure you want to bet on nine points?”

“OK, let’s start.”

The maid nodded, turns on Xiaoqian’s Fortune Chaos Formation, and the dice cup blooms brilliantly. When the sound stops, The maid opened the dice cup.

One dice is three points.

A dice is four points.

One dice is two points.

No more, no less, exactly nine o’clock!

Seeing this scene, not only was the gambler at the same table dumbfounded, even the maid also found it incredible, and Prince Ma looked like a miracle, as if he could not believe his eyes, it was too long. It took a while to react and said, “motherfucker, is it nine points?”

“Otherwise, can it be fake?”

One-to-one odds of nine points Six, Gu Qingfeng went down and won six thousand.

“You brat’s luck is also very good!”

“The luck of the Lord has always been very good.”

Gu Qingfeng put another seven thousand immortal stones, All bet big.

“I said brother! Can we make a smaller shot and save some money, we can’t bet it all.”

“Didn’t you just play like that?”


“So my brother lost everything in the end!”

“Don’t worry, it was you. Lord, I told you, let’s play gambling. I have never lost in my life. That’s it.”

“Mother! You brat just won one and started to float!”

The second one started.

Little Thousand’s fortune is running in chaos, and after the dice cup is blooming, the maid opens the dice cup and it is big!

Gu Qingfeng won the second hand.

In the third hand, Gu Qingfeng will win the 14,000 celestial stones and bet the odds.

Little Thousand’s Fortune Chaos Formation is running again, and the dice cup blooms again. The maid opens the dice cup again. At 13 o’clock, it is indeed an odd number. Gu Qingfeng won again.

Fourth, fifth! Until the sixth, Gu Qingfeng won six consecutive games, winning a total of 110,000 Celestial Stones.

Prince Ma started to get excited again, and started to get excited again. He was more happy than when he won just now. When he was happy, he didn’t forget to remind: “brother, this time you must listen to my brother. Don’t stake all on one throw anymore, make a smaller shot, and definitely bet all on it again.”

“Yes! Listen to you!”

Gu Qingfeng bet Ten thousand celestial stones, singled out at eight points, the odds are one to eight.

What a pity!

This time Gu Qingfeng lost.

Gu Qingfeng continued heads-up, still at eight, and this time bet 10,000.

It’s a pity.

I lost again.

Gu Qingfeng continued to single out, still at eight.

The result was lost again.

I singled out four in a row and lost all of them. Fortunately, each one only bet 10,000, and there are still seven or eighty thousand Celestial Stones on hand.

“Brother, you can’t be too greedy. Why are you so ambitious? Why are you on the eight-point bar? It’s not easy to win!”

“Then you What time do you say heads-up?”

Gu Qingfeng, with Erlang’s legs upturned, and drinking a little wine, looks quite leisurely.

“I want my brother to say, let’s not go heads-up. Let’s continue playing singles and doubles. Although the odds are one to one, the odds are great!”

“There is one Mao means, that’s just a little bit if you win, it’s not enough to stuff your teeth, since you’re gambled, it’s an excitement to play! If the odds are one to one, it’s better to go out and work.”

After all, Gu Qingfeng bet the remaining seven or eighty thousand immortal stones on four points.

Everyone around was in an uproar.

To know the sum of three dice heads-up, the odds of four and seventeen are the highest, which is higher than the Leopard, and a full payout is 50. Because of the high odds, the odds are also the smallest. !

“Brother, do you want to be so exciting! Are you…Are you sure you are singled out for four points?”

“What is uncertain about this, the odds are so high, as high as five Ten, if we win, it will be 4 million Celestial Stones, how cool!”

“motherfucker! You singled out four points, can this win? God is not easy to win when it comes to the world!”


“It’s not God’s decision to win or not.” Gu Qingfeng raised his head and drank the wine in one cup, said with a smile: “It’s the grandfather and I said the final decision.”

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng’s bet was too big and too exciting. The other gamblers at the same table didn’t continue to bet. They all wanted to see if Gu Qingfeng could win this hand, but everyone was not optimistic. They are all old gamblers, knowing that the odds of winning heads-up by four points are too slim.

When the Chaos Formation of Xiaoqian Luck was turned on and the dice cups bloomed, the gamblers were watching, and Prince Ma was standing next to him. Perhaps he was so nervous that Prince Ma was all over It was profuse sweat, he didn’t care about wiping the sweat, staring at his eyes, holding his breath, and staring at the dice cup.

When Xiaoqian’s Fortune Chaos Formation stopped running, and when the dice cup stopped blooming, Prince Ma suddenly closed his eyes again. He really did not dare to watch such a stimulating scene, because he was afraid that his heart could not bear it.


A tumultuous boiling sound suddenly sounded, Prince Ma’s ears were buzzing, and he opened his eyes subconsciously, and found that everyone was screaming. Prince Ma seemed to realize something and fixed his eyes. Looking over, at the three dice in the dice cup.

One dice is one point.

One dice is one point.

Two points for a dice.

A total of four points.

“God! Four points! Motherfucker! Really four points! Won, his grandma… singled out four points, unexpectedly… I won, singled out four points and the odds are one to one. Fifty, let’s bet 80,000 chips, and we can win a total of 4 million Celestial Stones, God!! Earth! This is too exciting!”

I realized that Gu Qingfeng had won 4 million Celestial Stones all at once. Prince Ma could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart and shouted excitedly: “wow hahaha! You won! Heads-up and won by four points! Brother! You are a god! Hahaha!”

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