Supreme Lord

Chapter 1417

Just as Prince Ma said, all the masters who enter the garden to play are either rich or expensive.

The garden is naturally more splendorous and majestic, more luxurious, all kinds of delicious food, all kinds of wine are also free to taste.

A circular gaming table is large enough to hold fifty people. At this moment, there are more than thirty people betting. Every gambler is accompanied by a maid who is responsible for serving tea and pouring wine.

In the middle of the table stood an Elderly, who seemed to be the waiter in charge of this table. However, Prince Ma, as an old gambler in this gambling park, knew clearly that Elderly was more than one A table game waiter is so simple, but the principal of this gambling garden, known as Li Old Master.

Looking at Li Old Master as a table waiter in person, Prince Ma knew that the gamblers in this game were not ordinary.

He looked at it and, as expected, the more than 30 gamblers on the table were either Small Secret Realm Elder, Great Secret Realm’s deacon, or the expensive Young Master of the fairy family. Without exception, they are the masters of not bad money. Among them, there are two members of Golden Crow Secret Realm. One is the deal of Golden Crow Secret Realm, and the other is the Li Family of Golden Crow Secret Realm. Your Young Master, Li Fengyan.

“This is not our Golden Crow Secret Realm’s Ma Dasha.”

Li Fengyan sat sideways on a chair, holding a enchanting maid in his arms, tilting his head slightly, When I saw Prince Ma, he said disdainfully: “I said Ma Dashou, because of the broken stone on your body, I dare to come here to play, can you play?”

“sorry Li First Young Master, this one is not for us to play today.”

The family behind Li Fengyan is one of the nine immortal families who are in charge of Golden Crow Secret Realm. People like Prince Ma who have no family background or background He basically recruited cannot afford to offend and said: “It is with my brother.”

“Your brother?”

The eyes of everyone fell on Gu Qingfeng’s body. Seeing that he didn’t have any cultivation base for good fortune, he felt very strange. After all, it was not easy to see a mortal with flesh and blood in Dahuang, a place where he could be born into an immortal.

“This is really rare today. A mortal with a trifling flesh and blood actually wants to play two of them.”

“There is no rule that mortals cannot play two of them, right? “

Gu Qingfeng wasn’t welcome, he found an empty seat and sat down.


The people at the gambling table are not ordinary masters, neither experience nor vision can be compared to ordinary gamblers outside. It’s clear Knowing that since Zhu Guang deacon can bring this mortal, it at least shows that he has this financial ability.

Li Fengyan asked disdainfully: “Who are you.”

At this time, Zhu Guang introduced: “This is the local tyrant, Young Master, just outside, with 80,000 immortal stones. I singled out four points and won the giant of 4 million.”

When I heard this, everyone was startled at first, and then couldn’t help laughing, especially Li Fengyan, who laughed contemptuously. “This Young Master thought it was who are you. It turned out to be a nouveau riche, Young Master? tsk tsk… I have to say, this name really matches.”

“Maple Young Master, I can’t agree with the old man.”

One of the Elderly stared at Gu Qingfeng and said: “Although this Young Master is plain and unremarkable, there is no cultivation base on his body. It looks like a mortal, but the serene that this Young Master reveals in his words and demeanor is not something a nouveau riche can have. As for the local tyrant, hehe, it should be just a pseudonym.”

Elderly’s words have been approved by many people, and they all believe that the serene that this local tyrant Young Master reveals is definitely not as simple as a nouveau riche.

“serene? Huh.” Li Feng said with a smile: “Why can’t this Young Master see what serene is on him?”

“What serene is not plain, Let’s not hide it from you, I’m a complete nouveau riche. If not, how can I afford the word “local tyrant”.”

Gu Qingfeng snapped his fingers and said, “Sister, I heard you guys here Drink fine wine, right?”

Next to the maid nodded, she asked: “Young Master, can I get you a pot first?”

“A pot is enough, come first A dozen or twenty altars.”

The maid was a little embarrassed, and she didn’t know how to respond, because no one had ever asked for a dozen or twenty altars when she came over. This is too cruel.

Zhu Guang stood up and said: “Young Master, although our wine here is free of charge, but it is only for self-drinking in the garden, not take-out.”

” Did I say to take it out?”

“Young Master, do you think this will work, I will give you a pot of wine first, if it is not enough, the maid will offer a second pot at any time.”


“That’s so troublesome.”

“Young Master, don’t worry, the maid in the garden is waiting for you.”

“Yes, then in this manner Well, don’t froze, go to a pot and taste it first.”

Looking at this scene, the other gamblers on the table were a little confused.

I just saw Gu Qingfeng’s speech and behavior, not like a nouveau riche, but now I see Gu Qingfeng demanding a dozen or two dozen jars of fine wine in one breath, and it seems that he is a bit nouveau riche.

Whoever needs a dozen jars of fine wine when they come over.

Have you never drunk wine in a few lifetimes?

Or looking at the free wine reception, ready to drink all at once?

This is too unqualified.

Is it difficult for me to look wrong?

Everyone is puzzled.

“The nouveau riche is a nouveau riche and can’t get on the stage.” Li Fengyan shook his head and sneered, not even bothering to take care of it.

The maid presented a pot of wine and poured a glass for Gu Qingfeng. Gu Qingfeng looked up and drank it, looking at the gaming table.

There is no difference between the gameplay and the scattered tables outside. It is still playing dice, betting on odds and even doubles. The only difference may be that the table is a little bigger, the stakes are higher, the betting cup and the dice are not small .

“Everyone, please place your bet.”

Standing in the circular table, Li Old Master raised his hand.

Everyone began to place bets, and they are indeed rich and noble. The shot is a hero, not 35,000, or seven or eighty thousand. Then Li Feng said even more, and one hand is still a hundred thousand chips.

Prince Ma next to him has been a lot more honest since he entered this garden. When he was outside, he dared to yell, but he didn’t dare to be in it. After all, the lord here is in the bipolar universe. More or less can be considered a character neither too big nor too small.

On the other hand, Gu Qingfeng, facing so many great characters, is no different from outside. He still sits on a chair casually, with Erlang’s legs tilted, drinking a little wine, no stage fright, no tension, There is no fear, some are unspeakable leisurely.

This made Prince Ma admire him, and he became more and more convinced that Gu Qingfeng must have been a great character before.

“Before I came, my Lord thought you were playing so much. It turned out that it was just this way.”

Gu Qingfeng’s unsalted and undiminished voice came, and everyone’s brows were one Wrinkle, Li Fengyan said with disdain: “It’s nothing more than a nouveau riche, and the tone is not small!”

“If the tone is not big, would you dare to call yourself a local tyrant?”

Gu Qingfeng put 4 million Xianshi’s chips in front of him, and directly introduced some of the chips, saying with a smile: “Get a 1,000,000 first try.”

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