Supreme Lord

Chapter 1376

There are gods roaring above, earth mothers screaming below, and Three Thousand Great Daos endless incarnation howling.

This scene is crazy.

It is also breathtaking.

It is unique since ancient times above heaven under earth.

Have you ever seen the Three Thousand Great Daos endless incarnation all come?


Have you ever seen Three Thousand Great Daos so crazy?


Have you ever seen the goddess and earth mother join forces to encircle and suppress?



More crazy.

More breathtaking.

What’s more unique is that even under the frantic siege of Heaven and Earth and even the endless incarnation of the Three Thousand Great Daos, the former King of Scarlet Heaven, the former Emperor of Nether, stood in the void like that. Don’t dodge, don’t dodge, don’t say a word, let this Great Dao Incarnation, let this mother and father, let everything obliterate yourself like this.

His fleshy body is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but it is reborn after death.

His soul is flew away and scattered in the soul, but it is recast in Nirvana.

He is dead and alive.

He is alive and dead.

Life is being reborn, death is dying.

What is transcendence of life and death? This is called transcendence of life and death.

What is Undying and Inextinguishable? This is called Undying and Inextinguishable.

Can you kill it?


The power of Cangyan and other Holy Land blessed land is not enough.

Three Thousand Great Daos, incarnation is not good.

Neither is it.

No one will do.

He opened the Slaughtering Dao, dominating the killing, how can he kill?

He opened Dao of Life, the way of death, beyond life and death, Undying and Inextinguishable, how can he die?


Gu Qingfeng has recovered the six forbidden avenues, and no longer took out the Asura soul, and there is no incarnation. Incarnation, the ancestor of humanity who descended from Yellow Springs to Yellow Springs.

He is just him.

But not him.

The white hair is whiter and the bloody eyes are more bloody.

There is billowing smoke all over my body. This smoke is black smoke, white smoke, chaotic smoke, and smoke of original sin.

“Since you all want to end this, kill me at all costs!”

Gu Qingfeng swept across, sweeping Jun Xuanji, sweeping the setting sun. Sweeping Yun Nishang, he roared: “Kill me!”

With a loud explosion, Jun Xuanji and the others were sprayed with blood from their mouths and noses, and flew out.

“And you!”

Gu Qingfeng leaped up, a pair of bloody eyes swept across the countless Great Dao Incarnation in the sky, shouted: “Kill me You can’t kill me today, Lao Tzu has killed you all!”

Gu Qingfeng raised his palm, and with a bang, an incarnation of the great master’s incarnation scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

“Kill me!”


Another incarnation disappeared of the Great Master!

“Kill me!”

Boom! boom! boom!

One by one, the Dao Masters were beaten by Gu Qingfeng, collapsed, and disappeared.

“Kill me!”

Gu Qingfeng took a punch, and Great Dao Incarnation fell one after another in the trembling sky.

“Kill me!”

Gu Qingfeng is like a madman, bloodthirsty, violent, brutal and violent. One person singles out the mother of heaven and earth, and beats the mother of heaven and earth. No fight back!

“Does the so-called mother of heaven and earth have this ability? If only this ability is possible! Motherfucker will give Laozi scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!”

Gu Qingfeng raised his arms , Clasping the head of the goddess, and stepping on the head of the mother of the earth with his feet, saw him roaring up to the sky, his body shook suddenly, both of the mother of heaven and earth disappeared!

Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke even the mother of heaven and earth was beaten?


The god of Heavenly Dao Incarnation, the earth mother of the authentic incarnation was so scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by Gu Qingfeng.

Other Three Thousand Great Daos incarnations have also been beaten up and down, and there are still countless Great Dao Incarnations, countless incarnations of the venerable, less than 5 minutes of time before and after Gu Qingfeng is playing less and less.

Looking at this scene.

Daxing monk and the others have forgotten breathing, thinking, and everything.

They all know that Gu Qingfeng is very powerful, incredible powerful, and powerful beyond imagination.

But now the Three Thousand Great Daos is the incarnation of the endless venerable, and even the mother of heaven and earth has come, and the joint encirclement and suppression can not shake Gu Qingfeng. Not to mention, now Gu Qingfeng has been hit one after another scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

This motherfucker is not the incarnation of any cat or dog, but the incarnation of the Three Thousand Great Daos.

Even if the origin of Three Thousand Great Daos has not been reorganized, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, Grand Dao Source is Grand Dao Source, and no matter how weak it is, it is also Grand Dao Source. Just like the Spiritual God, no matter how weak the Spiritual God is, Fiend cannot mention on equal terms. How come these venerables who are comparable to the incarnation of the gods are so impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Gu Qingfeng.

I don’t know.

No one knows.

Cang Yan was also seriously injured. Gu Qingfeng was shocked by the bleeding of Qi Qiao, she flashed back to the ancient unknown side and exclaimed: “The power of original sin is too terrifying. !”

She could see that the Gu Qingfeng at this moment is no longer the previous Gu Qingfeng, even if it has not completely become the original sin incarnation, it is absolutely the same.

“Wuming, why don’t you take the shot?”

Finding that Wuming has always been as indifferent as an outsider from beginning to end, Cang Yan asked.

“I can’t kill him.”

The ancient nameless murmured voice, Cangyan wanted to cry without tears, did she not ask the ancient nameless if she hoped to kill Gu Qingfeng, and Gu Wuming just answered that he didn’t know at the time, and I asked again at this moment, Gu Qingfeng was bluntly telling Gu Qingfeng that he could not kill.

“Should you at least give it a try?”

Anonymous shook his head.


She didn’t even want to try.

If the ancient nameless said that Gu Qingfeng can’t be killed, then it really can’t be killed.

The Cangyan who had such a glimmer of hope in her heart, looking at the silent eternal namelessness, she was left with despair.

Previously, she also asked Eternal Unknown, if she would lose this round.

Anonymous said that she didn’t know if she would lose, only that she would not win this round.

Cang Yan asked again how badly he would lose if he lost this round.

An ancient nameless said, how miserable this round was, it depends on how miserably he wants us to lose…

Now Cangyan still has so much incomprehension. Until now, up to this moment, she finally understood.

In the face of an Undying and Inextinguishable life, the incarnation of the original sin with infinite power, what else can you do besides admitting your fate?

The answer is yes, you can’t do anything, except for fate, you can only accept fate, accept his fate!

“Back then, since you were able to suppress Chi You and Xingtian’s original sin incarnation, why couldn’t you suppress him?”

An ancient nameless murmured: “He is not Chi You, he It’s not Xingtian either.”

“Is there any difference? They are both the incarnation of original sin!”

“Chiyou and Xingtian may be the incarnation of original sin, and his existence may be from the very Beginning is not just the incarnation of original sin……”

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