Supreme Lord

Chapter 1377

The incarnation of the goddess has disappeared.

The incarnation of Venerable Endless also disappeared.

The original incarnation of Three Thousand Great Daos has also disappeared.

Only Jun Xuanji, Yun Nishang and Setting Sun Wuyou are still killing Gu Qingfeng.

But it was just killing, nothing more.

No matter how they kill or how they kill, they will never kill Gu Qingfeng.

“Kill me…why don’t you do it! Kill me!”

Jun Xuanji was killing like crazy.


She doesn’t seem to want to kill Gu Qingfeng, but more like she wants to be killed by Gu Qingfeng.

“I said, I won’t kill you! I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, I will never!”

Gu Qingfeng raised his palm , Deducted Jun Xuanji and the others.

Jun Xuanji wanted to die.

Wuyou also wanted to die.

Yun Nishang also wanted I beg you to die.


They are not the only ones who are begging for death. Gu Qingfeng is also begging for death.

He lifts the head, looking at the eternal namelessness, Yang pointed his finger: “An eternal unknown! Why don’t you shoot! Kill me! Kill me to end it all! kill me! “

The ancient unknown looked at him, and said expressionlessly: “I can’t kill you, and I can’t end it all!” “

“Then I will kill you! “

Anonymous eternal replied: “Please! It! Do not! Got it! “

“ha ha ha ha! What a desperate one! What a desperate one! ha ha ha ha! “

Gu Qingfeng laughed loudly, the laugh was especially crazy!

After laughing, he looked towards Wudaoshan again.

It was a simulacrum The tortoise is like a mysterious snake and the Wudao mountain like the Black Tortoise One, the mysterious tortoise is like a tomb, the mysterious snake on the mysterious turtle’s back is like a tombstone, and on top of the tombstone stands a person, a person entangled in white cloth. /p>

“Aren’t you here to kill me too? Why don’t you do it again! “

Gu Qingfeng asked sternly.

The mysterious person entangled in the white cloth did not respond, and the exposed eyes were just staring at Gu Qingfeng.

“Kill me! “

Gu Qingfeng let out an angry cry, jumped up, shouted: “Otherwise I will kill you!” “

The voice fell, Gu Qingfeng took a punch and took it out, with a bang, and hit the person who was entangled in the white cloth. He didn’t dodge or fight back, just so solidly. Gave Gu Qingfeng a punch.

“Kill me! “

Bang! Another punch!

“Kill me! “

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know how many punches he hit. The person who was entangled in the white cloth just stood there, suffered, said nothing, was The white cloth Gu Qingfeng hit was dyed into blood cloth, and it was also distorted and blurred by the hit!

“ha ha ha ha! “

Gu Qingfeng didn’t make another move, but laughed loudly, pointing to the person, said with a smile: “I know who you are, you are not me at all!” You are not here to kill me, you are here to beg! ha ha ha ha ha! Unexpectedly, even you came to beg for death! ha ha ha ha! “

“ha ha ha ha ——”

Gu Qingfeng stands on the tombstone of Wudao Mountain, looking up to the sky and laughing.

Laughing arrogantly , The domineering laughter, the fearless laugh, the fearless laugh, the free and easy laugh, the unruly laugh.

I laughed at Chiyanling, who was wandering when I was young, and laughed at the new Yunxia school, I laughed at the Northwest, laughed at the whole world, and laughed at every place I’ve been, everyone I’ve met, every time I’ve spent, every life and death I’ve experienced, and even more laughed me for 500 years. Five hundred or so years of endless, vain, perplexity, and hesitation.

I don’t know how long I laughed.

Laughter finally stopped.

He still Standing on the tombstone of Wudao Mountain, the brilliance of original sin envelops the entire Wudao world, and the smoke of original sin also permeates the entire Wudao world. The power belonging to original sin is dominating the Wudao world.

He raised his head, closed his eyes, and stood with his hands under his hands.

Shengxue’s white clothed has long been turned into a blood coat, and his clothes are flying freely in the glory of original sin.

Ru Mo’s long hair has also turned into white hair, and her hair is dancing wildly in the smoke belonging to the original sin.

The lonely body has also become misty, and the silhouette is in the original sin. The power swayed violently.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Gu Qingfeng sighed deeply.

No one knew what he was sighing.

He opened those bloody eyes, his eyes were on the ancient nameless, Cang Yan and the others one after another, and he looked at Great Dao Incarnation, which had long since disappeared, shook his head and sighed again. .

Still no one knows what he is sighing.

He looked towards Jun Xuanji again, looked towards Yun Nishang, looked towards the setting sun, looked towards the body entangled with white cloth The man sighed again.

Similarly, no one knew what he was sighing.

After three long sighs, he casually said: “Is there anyone Can kill me? If you have any, stand up quickly and kill me now. As long as you kill me, you can end it all. “

No one responds.

Because no one can kill him.

“My fleshy body, my soul, my creation, my Everything has become the original sin. Now there is only a touch of consciousness that is still supporting it, but it is only supporting it. It will not last long. While I am still sober, I will ask again, is there anyone who can kill Damn me, if you have something, do it quickly. “

“Time is running out, and my self-awareness cannot last long. Once my self-consciousness falls, I will no longer be me, but the true original sin incarnation, when the time comes once opened This Wudao Mountain, the avenue collapsed, Heaven and Earth reincarnation, the era of Wudao will begin…no one? “

There is still no response.

“Since there is no one, then forget it…Wu Dao Mountain will be opened later, you guys don’t blame me, I’m desperate to die. I want to end all this, but you can’t kill me, what can I do? I am also very helpless, I am also very desperate…”

“Don’t expect me to kill myself, believe me, if I could, I would kill myself a long time ago, not to say , I can’t kill myself. I can kill myself. I have the confidence and certainty, but I’m only sure to kill myself. The problem now is that my existence is not just myself, but also a The incarnation of original sin, I am sure to kill myself, but I am not sure to kill the incarnation of original sin. “

“You can’t kill me who is the original sin incarnation, and I can’t kill myself who is the original sin incarnation, what should I do? Who can tell me what to do? ”

Gu Qingfeng looked towards Unknown in the past, saying: “Aren’t you known as above heaven under earth know everything?” Can’t think of a way? Shall I be sent to the market? “

The ancient nameless shook his head and said: “Guixu has long since collapsed. “

“It’s broken… Then just find a place to suppress me first?” “

Ancient Wuming shook his head again, and said: “Suppressing the original sin will not help, and I can’t suppress you who is the incarnation of the original sin.” “

“You can’t kill and kill, and suppress and suppress…Then you can only watch me become an incarnation of original sin, open Wudao Mountain and bring the era of no way to…”

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