Supreme Lord

Chapter 1375


The white clothed man, then Gu Qingfeng is still in this innocent world of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, walking slowly towards Wudao Mountain, he is carrying an altar He raised his head and took a few sips, and looked at the Great Dao Incarnation, said with a smile: “It’s nothing more than a trip to Wudao Mountain. You guys are so troubled by such a tiring work. It really is enough. Oh, my face!”

“My cultivation is only five hundred years old, and I have lived so much. This is the first time I realize that my face is so big. Yes, it means that I have not lived in vain in the past five hundred years. Ah, it’s worth it!”

I raised my head, drank, and said again.

“All the immortal dao, the demon lord of the demonic path, the demon lord, the demon lord, the buddha… “

Gu Qingfeng ignored the sky full of Great Dao Incarnation and the venerable incarnation, and continued to look forward, looking at the Wudao Mountain that looked like a black tortoise, a black snake, and a Black Tortoise One.

As he gets closer to Wudao Mountain, the blood of the original sin within the body becomes crazier, Rumo’s long hair gradually turns gray, and his dark eyes become red. The six forbidden avenues that belonged to him, the incarnation of the ancestor of humanity in Yellow Springs, the incarnation of the ancestor of humanity in Yellow Springs, the soul of Asura is changing, and his self-consciousness has become increasingly blurred.


The Great Dao Incarnation is in full bloom. Obviously, they have noticed something and begin to stir.

At this time.

Gu Qingfeng stopped suddenly, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said: “Want to come, you guys should have been waiting for this day for a long, long time, since they have been waiting for so long, it is not bad. For a while, I am not in a hurry. I have not yet become the original sin incarnation. At least, I am still awake at this moment.”

“Of course, it’s only now that I’m awake. That thing has always been In summon me, the blood of original sin is getting more and more crazy, and my self-consciousness is disappearing bit by bit. I don’t know when it will become the real original sin incarnation.”

“So, take advantage of it. Before I fully become the original sin incarnation, please allow me to drink for a while, otherwise I won’t have the chance to drink again. After becoming the original sin incarnation, no matter if I live or die, there will be no chance…”

“Master, I haven’t had much prospects in my entire life. I’m just fine with this one bite in my life. Please bear with me. Let me have a drink today.”

Gu Qingfeng opens one. Altar of wine, drink up in one sip, another altar, then drink up, one altar after another.

I don’t know how many altars he has drunk, but his hair is getting paler.


He stopped drinking, opened his eyes, he was already a pair of extremely evil blood eyes.

“Come on! Today is not waiting for you to die, or I will live!”


When Gu Qingfeng jumped up, his whole body flashed, This brilliance is the way of silence, the Slaughtering Dao, the absolute way, the Dao of Life, the way of death, and the way of purgatory.

At the same time, immortal dao, Buddhist path, demonic path, spiritual path, and Great Dao Incarnation of Three Thousand Great Daos are all coming out, countless, countless Grand Dao Law like howling Wind and torrential rain generally madly attack Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body collapsed on the spot, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

While just scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, Gu Qingfeng’s voice exploded in the air.

“I have realized the great dying! Already beyond life and death! Life and death is enough for Laozi!”

The voice fell.

Gu Qingfeng, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, died and was reborn in a flash!

Just when he died and was reborn, the Grand Dao Law of Three Thousand Great Daos changed again, covering Gu Qingfeng like an inescapable net!

“I also realize that I am at ease, go up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent, with this little trick, I also want to trap Laozi?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his body and transformed Make endless dust.

When he reappears, Gu Qingfeng is still Gu Qingfeng, but not Gu Qingfeng either. It is not only the Asura who dominates purgatory, but also the incarnation of the ancestor of the humane taboo who dominates life and death. !

“I have long heard that there is a god in the sky, and a mother in the earth. Now that you are here, let me get out of here!”

Gu Qingfeng of Springs is like the giant of Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart, with his arms breaking through the sky and his feet on the earth!


The sky collapsed for it

The earth collapsed for it!


When the sky collapsed, a huge monster burst out of the sky.

When the earth collapsed, a huge monster also burst out of the ground.

The two huge monsters are like Primal Chaos Giant and Spiritual God in this world. The breath is like a storm, the sound is thunderbolt, and you open your eyes. The left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, and the limbs and five bodies are like four poles. The five mountains, the blood enters the river, the veins and veins are like geography, the moustache is the stars, the fur is the grass and wood, the teeth are the gold and stone, and the essence is the jade, which is very shocking!

The only difference is that the Primal Chaos Giant that broke out of the sky is a human face dragon body, and the Primal Chaos Giant that broke out of the ground is a human face and phoenix body.

The eternal nameless and the others know that this is not a huge monster, nor is it a Primal Chaos Giant. The dragon body of the human face is the incarnation of the heavenly Dao, and the human face is phoenix It is the incarnation of the real veteran and mother!

When the incarnation of the mother of the gods of the day appeared, many immortal dao incarnations, many Buddha incarnations of the Buddhist path, and many Demon Lord incarnations of the demonic path. Three Thousand Great Daos incarnations all appeared. Out.

At this time, a round of bloody sun and moon rose slowly, and the stained sky became bloody. A woman turned out to be born, it was a poignant woman.

It is Jun Xuanji.

“Kill me!—”

Jun Xuanji appeared, raised her hand and pinched Gu Qingfeng’s neck. Her speed is very fast, but Gu Qingfeng’s speed is faster, He snapped Jun Xuanji’s wrist for an instant.

“I said I would not kill you!”

“Then I will kill you!”

“Then you will kill you.”

After Jun Xuanji appeared, another woman appeared. It was the setting sun. She said: “It’s either you or I die today…”

The rainbow bloomed all over the sky. A woman was born as Naiyun Nishang, and she said: “I want to end all of this… end all of this…” Jun Xuanji, the setting sun is not secluded, Yun Nishang, one after another, there is no way. People of the times appeared one after another, they all seemed to be lost, they all wanted to end it all, they wanted to kill Gu Qingfeng, and they all wanted to be killed by Gu Qingfeng.


A Dao Void shadow also swept away, it is Cangyan.

Next, whiz whiz whiz whiz! Countless illusory shadow swept away, they are the same as Cangyan, they are all the masters of Holy Land.

“Since…you want to end all this, then kill me and end it all.”

took out the soul of Asura, the incarnation goes to the poor and the blue falls to the Yellow Gu Qingfeng of Springs just stood in the air.

Let the people of the innocent age, such as Jun Xuanji, Setting Sun Wuyou, Yun Nishang, the masters of Holy Land such as Cangyan, and the Mother of Heaven and the Lord of Three Thousand Great Daos Incarnation obliterates myself.

He didn’t move again, didn’t fight back, didn’t resist, didn’t even move again.

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