Supreme Lord

Chapter 1374

In this innocent world where everything is disappeared like ashes.

There is a mountain that seems not at all affected.

This is a boundless mountain, on which stands a lonely peak.

The mountain does not look like a simple mountain, but also like a huge stone turtle. The lonely mountain does not look like a simple lonely mountain, but also like a Dragon Snake.

The stone turtle does not look like a simple stone turtle, but more like a huge tomb. Dragon Snake does not look like a simple Dragon Snake, but also like a stone tablet.

Mountains are boundless mountains, and peaks are boundless peaks.

The tortoise is the endless turtle, and the snake is the endless snake.

The tomb is the tomb without a master, and the stele is a stele with no words.

Standing next to this mountain and a lonely mountain, a stone turtle and a dragon snake, a tomb and a tombstone, the ancient nameless murmured: “I was wrong…”

“Wrong?” Cang Yan also looked at and asked, “How to say?”

“I used to think that the era of innocence is just the past, and then I thought that the era of innocence is the future. I realized that I was wrong. I was not only very wrong, but also lost, and even more hesitant…”

An ancient nameless and quietly said: “The era of innocence may be the past or the future. Is it the past or the future…I don’t know… Maybe it’s the past, maybe it’s the future… More maybe it’s now…” Cang Yan shook her head, she didn’t understand and knew no way. Whether the era is in the past, the future, or the present, she is very certain that the mountain in front of her is the legendary Wudao Mountain.

She knows even more that the secrets of the Wudao Era are hidden in this Wudao Mountain. As long as the Wudao Mountain is opened, there will be no secrets in the Wudao Era. Therefore, Wudao Mountain is also called vain. mountain.

She really wants to open this Wudao Mountain.

Not only she thinks, but also unknown.

Three Thousand Great Daos and even Heaven and Earth want to open this Wudao Mountain.

But no one dares, no one has the courage.

They all know that Wudao Mountain is a cursed mountain, and it is a mountain cursed by fate by cause and effect. As long as Wudao Mountain is opened, the road will collapse, Heaven and Earth will collapse. The era of Tao will also come…because Wudao Mountain is not only called Wudao Mountain, it is not only called Xuwang Mountain, but also has another name, Yuanshan Mountain, and even rumored that Wudao Mountain is the source of original sin.

Don’t say that they don’t have the guts to open Wudao Mountain. Even if they have the guts, no one has the ability, and no one has the qualification.

Throughout Heaven and Earth, the only person who has the ability to open the Wudao Mountain is the original sin incarnation.

Standing at the foot of Wudao Mountain is not only the ancient nameless and Cangyan, but besides them, there are also Naraku from the demonic path, Hu Meiniang from the demon way, Ruying from the spiritual path, Kaluo from the wizard way, etc. Some Daoists, as well as Xuanyuanwan from Holy Land, as well as Dazhangchu, Zixiaowang, Third Prince, including the Daxing Monk and the white eyebrow saint monk of Buddhism, and even Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao. It’s all here.

They may not have that many that ancient unknown, but they all know what the existence of Wudaoshan means, and they all know what the existence of Gu Qingfeng means to Wudaoshan.

They are all waiting.

Waiting quietly.

No one dared to speak.

In the world of innocuous space, it is as if there is no time passing by. I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, a voice came.

“Oh, you guys are here very early.”

This is a very frivolous voice, frivolous and seemingly casual, casual like a friend meeting Say hello.

Everyone looked over.

I saw a person walking slowly towards this side.

Is a man, a white clothed man alone.

Shengxue’s white clothed is flying slightly on the lonely silhouette, and Mo’s long hair is dancing slightly on the cold face.

He walked slowly like this, carrying a jug of wine, drinking as he walked, talking endlessly and freely.

It’s him.

Gu Qingfeng.

The Chixiao King who once laughed and stand proud in the whole world.

The Great Emperor Nether who once one hand shrouding the heavens.

When Gu Qingfeng appeared, wow! The sky turned into a round of scorching sun, accompanied by the rolling Heavenly Might, and then, the earth turned into a round of bright moon, accompanied by the rolling heavenly might.

Not only the way of heaven has come, even the resurgent Earth Dao has come.

Immediately afterwards, immortal dao, Buddhist path, demonic path, demon path, spiritual path, witch path…Three Thousand Great Daos all came.

Looking at the past, the sky full of scorching sun, sky full of bright moon, sky full of stars, countless, uncountable.

Whether it is Wan Huaiyu or Qin Hao, whether it is a monk or a white eyebrow holy monk, they all know that these scorching suns and moons are not the previous judgments, but incarnation ! It is the incarnation of Grand Dao Source!

The Dao Judgement and the Great Dao Incarnation seem to be the difference between two words, but they actually have a difference between Heaven and Earth.

The Dao Judgment is just the one Law of the Dao, and the Great Dao Incarnation contains more than one Law, but endless.

If Dao Judgement is a towering tree, then Great Dao Incarnation is the entire forest.

If Dao Judgement is a gravel, then Great Dao Incarnation is a mountain range.

If Dao Judgement is mountain and river, then Great Dao Incarnation is the entire world.

If Dao Judgement is a man, then Great Dao Incarnation is a god.

The scorching sun and moon are the incarnation of the Grand Dao Source, and the stars in the sky are also the incarnation, but not the incarnation of the Grand Dao Source, but the incarnation of the Dao Venerable!

What is the Dadao?

For example, the five kings of Buddhism and Taoism.

For example, the purification dragon of immortal dao.

These are all masters of Dadao.


At this moment, the Buddha and Taoist priests who appear are not only the incarnations of the five kings of the Ming, but also the incarnations of the Four Great Vajra Bodhisattva and the incarnations of the major Buddhas.

This is the case with Buddhism and Taoism, and the incarnation of the Taoist priests of immortal dao is not only the dragon of purification, but also the incarnation of the great immortals and emperors!

The six monarchs of the moon of the demonic path, the ten kings of the underworld… the incarnation of the major Demon Lords!

The major demon masters incarnation of the demon way!

These Dao Venerables are absolute bigwigs between Heaven and Earth. Each is the master of the Dao. Each has the power of terrifying. Not to mention the real body, but the incarnation. It is absolutely huge, the master of a world can be destroyed with one palm.

The incarnation of such a group of Venerables has all come now!

These scenes, these lineups, let alone Mysterious Immortal like Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, let alone living Buddha like Daxing Monk, even if it is Legendary like Cangyan, who was in the wild. The woman, who is also the master of Langya, one of the seven blessed places, has never seen her before, and she has never even heard of it.

I have never heard of it.

That’s because since ancient times never happened. At least, Gu Wuming knew that even when the original sin incarnations of Chi You and Xingtian were suppressed, the scene was not that big.

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