The 41 section: Tian Wang San sighs, purple stunned!



The waves beat the reef, and the tides began to rise and fall.

Here is an unknown island, but two or three acres of land. Sparse vegetation, uninhabited.

But at this time, there are two black people who are here.

They look into the distance, where the direction of the Star Islands.

“According to this time, the Shu family’s grand feast has begun.” Jiuyou city lord has no regularity, standing facelessly behind the mysterious man, cautiously.

“The glory is the truth of the world. Hehe, the Shu family is only in an instant.” The mysterious man is covered with a layer of black se smoke, Ghost Qi Sensen.

“But according to intelligence, the Shu family not only invited the heroes to help the boxing, but also invited the immortal sack king. If it is coupled with the king of poisonous kings…”

“Hey, do you doubt that I will fail?” The mysterious man gently coldly snorted, listening to the ears of the ordinary, like a thunder.

He slammed into the ground and shouted, hurriedly showing his heart: “Don’t dare! Don’t dare! Junior may have such an idea. With Senior’s shot, there will be no battles to win. Shu family is coming!”

“Hey, Shu family is nothing, but it’s just part of my plan. You have to be glorified when you have no time, because you will witness the arrival of the great era. Hehe hehe… How many years have you been prepared? “Mysterious man looked up and laughed.

“When I swear to follow Senior, junior has already felt that this is a kind of glory.” The impermanence is a big hit.

“Chu Yun is just a lucky little devil, even if it is the king, I will be played in the applause. The wine king, immortal sack king… Hey, I will first remove your dependence. Nothing, you bring this Letter, go to the city of Fire, and hand it over to the immortal sack king. Go.” Said, the mysterious man took out a letter.

Chang Hou took the hands with respect and respect, and after a few steps back, turned into a ghost, flying against the surface of the sea.

“The Destiny of the five-line cycle? It reproduces the grand occasion of the ancient times. It is a little bit interesting, but it is a pity that it happened to me. The magical road law!” The mysterious person urged the monster, and gave no light without a sense of the sun. The Star Islands, violently weakened the five elements of Destiny.

“old man advises you to stop. Otherwise, the consequences are very serious.” At this moment, the space suddenly suddenly moved, and the sleeping old man appeared in a place that was less than ten steps from the mysterious person.

“You can actually get my position? It seems that you have not only been saved by Chu Yun, the cultivation base is also advanced by leaps and bounds, promoted to the Hou class.” Mysterious people stopped the way of the way, the tone is still quiet.

Sleeping old man laughed: “Yes, eat a long one. I know that you have the method of transport, how can you make you succeed again. Now you and me are Hou level calculators, come, make a real knot, Zhuang Zhouxiao dream !”

“Hahaha, it’s just what I want.” The mysterious man smiled and looked up, and then showed his debut method. “Long night dreams!”

The king of the whale has not yet arrived. On an unknown island, the sleeping old man and the mysterious man have already fought.

Both sides are Hou’s mathematicians, and such achievements have not been seen in the past.

The sea breeze is soft, the green milk of the coconut milk tree, the sun of the golden se is sprinkled on the white sand. The two sides, like sculptures, stood in the same place, ten steps apart, and did not move. In the dream, it is the whistling wind, the landslide, the star ruining the moon!


Chu Yun sat in the main position, brows slightly wrinkle, he looked at the middle-aged man holding the axis of the picture, the memories of past life emerged in his mind.

In the ear, the words of Jiang Hanguo’s representative are still echoing: “The Zhuxing Islands are unified, so great achievements and great achievements. Mr. Dao Yue, a great painter of our country, specially painted a picture of Jiangshan Society, covering countless scenic spots in the major islands of Stellar Province. Presented to Yun Yun Young Master today, please enjoy it together.”

This is very beautiful, Chu Yun is sneer in his heart.

Purple Se’s double eyebrows, ordinary appearance, but Chu Yun is impressed with this face. This is clearly one of the three gods of the past and Huang Xiao and Bai Bian, the purple scorpion, once known as the killer and assassin.

In the past life, Ning Fanchen changed his name to Ning Tianwang. With the financial strength of Ning family, Destiny against the sky, the stronger the strength of the Vietnam War, solicited countless heroes in his majesty, and tens of thousands of warships with a lot of hands, and countless elites will drive them. The squadron was strong and Stellar Province was shocked.

Tie Ao lost in one day and the prospects were dark. At that time, Ning Tianwang was already the fighting power of Hou Fengfeng, only one step away from the king. The display warships are near the Tianshan Mountains. The army stretches for hundreds of miles, and the black pressure is overwhelming. Tomorrow, I will sweep the mountains and launch the final battle. On the night, I will reward the three armies, hold a banquet, and be full of enthusiasm. .

During the banquet, Zi Yan gave a picture with a true face and false identity. Also today, it is said that there is a “Jiangshan Society map” presented.

Ning Tianwang was drunk and was stunned. Hearing this big joy, come and see.

A scroll show, Ning Tianwang suddenly startled. A fresh, glorious atmosphere, blowing in the face.

I saw this picture of Cangrun ancient show, work and write, the mountains and rivers are majestic, the rivers are rushing, everything is eternal, spring is full. The vastness, shocking people, is absolutely the best!

Ning Tianwang immediately asked Ziyan.

Zi Yan answered one by one, and pointed out a mountain in the front scroll. He said: “This is Tang Jinguo, Hulu Mountain.”

Stellar Province has four famous mountains.

Guishan Tianxia show, Qingshan world is quiet, the knife mountain is in danger, the tiger is the world.

In the immersed painting of Ning Tianwang, he sighed: “The Tiger Mountain is not the first mountain in the Stellar Province. At the beginning, the Tang Jinguo was here to build a tiger in the mountains. This city is known as the first city of Stellar Province. How is this painting? Can’t see?”

The purple scorpion fingered the dust in the ruins of the painting and replied: “The country is broken and the river is deep.”

Ning Tianwang sighed.

Painted to the middle volume, Zi Yan points to the Jiangchuan country’s Luochuan Dajiang: “This is the main peak of the mountain range of the year. It was used by the sword Wang Yan and the sword to display the channel of the Great Sword, which was destroyed and formed a river. The big river.”

Yan Yijian is the founding ancestor of Yan Wang Jianfu today. He entered the road with the sword and reached the peak of the king. He left a strong color in the history of Stellar Province.

Ning Tianwang saw this big river in the middle of the green hills, flowing freely, rolling forward, and could not help but praise: “strong planting, hero. Beauty planting, mountain river!”

The purple cicada shook his head slightly and scorned: “The mountains can’t cover it. After all, the east goes.”

Ning Tianwang once again sighed deeply.

After painting, I went to the frosty country. I saw the glaciers like the land, the heavy snow fluttering, the setting sun falling, and the red sky was red.

This made Ning Tianwang reminiscent of the rising sun of the forefront of the scroll, and nodded his head and sang: “Southern Tianchun is strong, the North is freezing. The Stellar Province is big, the sun and the moon are together!”

The purple cicada slowly said in a low voice: “Jiangshan is still there, and now the sunset is red.”

Ning Tianwang looks up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

at this time!

The purple dragonfly draws the drawing axis, and the demon soldier is in the hand, moving like lightning, murderous, and the heavens and the earth become se!

He hit the middle and immediately flew back, and the people in the field have not reacted.

Ning Tianwang slammed and fell to the ground, and the three armed forces moved. Tie Ao took the opportunity to fight against the attack, and a big kill, Ning Tianwang lost his helmet and abandoned the armor.

Since then, the two stars of the Star Islands, Tie Ao counterattack, to recover a large number of lost ground, and Ning Tianwang to fight against the court.

Although Ning Tianwang did not die, he was completely recuperated for three years. Three years later, he was promoted to the king. But at that time, the unified fighter had long been missed. On the Tie Ao side, it was secretly supported by Jiang Hanguo and Donghai School.

Ziyan became the most important figure in this battle, and it is therefore famous.

He changed the rules of the killer and stabbed him. It is to prevent the camouflage from being exposed by the master and to secure the enemy.

Taking the Jiangshan community as a guide, in the dark, you will lead the Ning Tianwang three sighs, quietly opening the gap in his state of mind, is his plan.

If you don’t move, you’re already stunned. It is its courage.

The wisdom and courage, the decision to move, affects the ownership of the Star Islands, bo and the overall situation of the entire Stellar Province. This battle has thus become the most classic assassination case, and was recorded in the annals by the historians of the College of the College.

Ziyan became famous in the First World War. Since then, he has been married to Huang Xiao and Bai Xi, and they are collectively known as the Three Stars of the Stars!

Now, one of the three gods, Zi Yan, the top killer of Stellar Province, stands in front of Chu Yun, smiling, holding a scroll, waiting for Chu Yun to taste this picture of Jiangshan.


Chu Yun does not change se, but it hurts in the dark. When Ning Tianwang was the strength of Hou Fengfeng, he was also counted. At present, at best, it is only a high level. How to deal with this top assassin?

What worried Yun Yun most was that this was the founding ceremony of the Shu family. Regardless of whether his assassination is successful, once he acts, it will cause confusion. Many people in the field are secretive and stupid. Once they get confused, will they still sit in their seats safely like now?

impossible things!

Chu Yun’s eyes are flashing, and he knows he has to deal with this matter, otherwise the scene will be out of control.

If it is just the hunger of the hunchback Laojun, it is a test of his strength. So now, the assassination of Zi Yan is to test his wisdom. .

How to do?

“Hehe Oh, Jiang Han Guozhu has a heart. Jiangshan Society’s map? Once you listen to this name, it will be extraordinary. In this case, the wine king, Senior, immortal sack King Senior may wish to move over and enjoy the close-up with me.” Yun laughed aloud.

Pupils shrank in the eyes of the purple eyes, slightly undetectable. The representative face of Jiang Hanguo is also a change.

Chu Yun’s move is tantamount to keeping the two kings escorted. Ziyan is only a monarch’s assassin. Even if he has the ability to assassinate Hou, he must also create a favorable fighter. To let him assassinate the king, it is definitely beyond the scope of power.

Once the king’s powerhouse erupts, it can greatly affect the spiritual light of him and the hand of the demon. In order to assassinate Chu Yun in front of the two kings, it is a fantasy.

“There is nothing to do with the flowers. It seems that I have come back to see Yan. The wine king, we have long time no see between them. Why do you want to stay in this banquet, and enjoy the flowers with the king, but you are much more comfortable.” At this time, A voice suddenly came, and returned to dang under the vast sky.

Everyone is moving.

Falling cherry king! @.


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