Section 40: Strong repression


Ephemeris 756 10 Month 10 Day.

On this day, almost all of the people in the Stellar Province turned their eyes to the Star Islands.

On this day, it seems that the world has become a big stage, and the Shu family is the protagonist.

Founding ceremony!

“The Star Islands, since the fall of the Five Kingdoms, has fallen into turmoil. Millions of years of light yin, finally won the grand event!” Little arrow god Mengg led a dozen people, as a representative of the meng Yuanguo, Come to the ceremony this time.

“Shu family can unite the stars and islands. It is a miracle for millions of years. It is beyond everyone’s expectations. The heroes start from the end, and the world is impermanent.” The representative of the Grand Alliance of the Academy sent out emotions.

… Oh, it’s not necessarily a success. Shu family also has a sad hurdle, the land whale king said it must be done, I am going to have a look at the Montenegro savage, how Shu family how to overcome this difficulty. “Not only the Montenegro of the Yaoshan Kingdom, but also the nine fate of the kingdom of the kingdom, the sword of Jiang Hanguo, the wolf of the iron country, the dragon of the great wilderness, the lesser of the lava. Helping Sun Yan, the next generation of the city of Jiuyoucheng, the city lord, the sinister of the Kudu Temple…

From the major islands, the various colleges, the heroes of the various sects, or the younger generation, or the seniors of the older generation, they all came to the Shu family, the main island of Shu, to gather together today. For a time, the humanities gathered, Wu Xing contends to create an unprecedented grand occasion in Stellar Province for hundreds of years.

“You, please come with me.” Hua Ying is greeted. Today, he has a wide-sleeved robes, bright and awkward. He is a figure who is good at communication and hua.

“Hey! Shu family’s high posture, greet the king, actually only a hero level,

ghost. What about Shu Tianhao? Why didn’t he come to meet me? No, he is only a semi-junior weak. Call the drunk snow fox king, only he is qualified to talk to me. “A monarch is called a martyr.

“Who is this person?” Chu Yun stood on the side of the mountain, condescending, and took all of this to his eye.

“This is also from the great wilderness, from the yin Yang Lou, Luo Laojun. He is cautious, xing yin 狠. It is one of the three great monarchs in the Yin Yang Lou, is the mainstay of the veteran. “Beside Chu Yun, Yan Que explained.”

Chu Yun sneered: “It turned out to be Luo Lao Laojun, I have also heard of his name.

When he changed his previous style, he yelled here, obviously a temptation to our Shu family. These people are on the surface to observe the ceremony, in fact, most of them are guilty, some want to see the excitement, some want to slap and one foot, some want to fishermen profit” “But, to expel them, not let them enter the islands It is neither realistic nor my Shu family. Instead, they are invited to the city of Fire, and they are placed under the eyelids to monitor. After all, it is difficult to prevent a dark gun from hiding. “Yan Que is attached to the road.”

“Is everything else ready?” Chu Yun asked.

“The banquet hall has already been prepared. Fire City itself is a combination of demon soldiers.

All kinds of traps and arrow towers in the city have been opened, and 30,000 fire coppers are ready to go. Even if they suddenly rioted, they could delay for a while. Really not, Yu Ya master also laid the last resort, detonated the volcano, sacrificed the fire of the city of fire, and burned them so badly that they would not be killed. “paused, Yan Que went on to report again. “But just now, there was a secret agent who sent information. There were several fleets in Jianghan’s state, and they mobilized quietly. However, this is also in our expectation that the fleet of the governor of Dunhuang is now stationed on the edge of the sea of ​​the Star Islands to defend this force. “This is the case.” “Chu Yun secretly sighed in relief. Just did not see Jin Bihan in the crowd, he still has some concerns in his heart, fear is the calculation of the mysterious dream teacher. It turned out that Jiang Hanguo changed, this power from Dunhuang country had to Temporarily hovering overseas.

“The Jianghan lord and the old jian 猾 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 觑觎 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。.

Other forces are also so stupid. This Luobei Laojun is just the first to jump out. Whether it is killing chickens and monkeys, I will take you to the knife first. ”

Speaking of this, Chu Yun’s eyes flashed coldly, and the corner of his mouth floated with a chilly smile. He took an immortal sack and, in an instant, he flew a mysterious white light.


This white light is as lightning-fast as it is incredible. The air was torn at once, and the distance across the Baizhang was almost instantaneous, and it appeared in front of Luo Laojun. .

Luo Lao Laojun face suddenly changed. He stood up and provocatively, just want to test the temperament of the Shu family. It is also expected that someone will shoot, but did not expect that someone is going crazy, like this killer!

The white mans are like a star, dazzling and dazzling, straightening the throat of Luo Lao Laojun.

At this moment, Luo Laojun felt a vast chill, and overwhelmed him.

His heart is mad, and his years of rich combat experience have made his body move ahead of thinking.

“Mysterious turtle heavy armor shield!” He was loudly shouted in his heart, and the black light flashed in front of him. The heavy brilliance creates a solid barrier in an instant, keeping his whole person behind.


The next moment, 1’s small explosion caused the waves to roll, black and white flashing, and the eyes hurt.

Everyone was in the shape of electricity, and in the process of rapid retreat, he saw the figure of Luo Lao Laojun, throwing it away from the center of the explosion like a sack, spilling blood all the way, and finally slamming on the ground.

“Hey!” Luo Lao Laojun brows upside down, his eyes smashed round, want to stand up from the ground immediately, but the result is mouth spurt blood, upside down.

“Laojun!” The people who walked together quickly yelled and screamed.

A shocking emotion, like a hurricane, sweeps the hearts of other people in Dang.

“How could this be? Luo Laojun, is the strongman of the older generation, actually even beaten by one man!”

“Unbelievable! The mysterious turtle heavy armor shield is the defensive weapon of the famous Stellar Province. The cultivation base is as high as 800,000 years. The Lao Pijun’s Patriarch force demon soldier does not work.”

“Who is the hand?!”

The people followed the direction of the blame attack and looked at the past. Suddenly they all looked at each other. They saw halfway up the mountainside, and Chu Yun was dressed in white, proudly standing.

It’s him!

Shu family’s young lord, known as Shu Yunjun’s Chu Yun!

“He really promoted to a strong candidate. Otherwise, how could he defeat Luo Laojun on the spot.” Montenegro suddenly frowned and felt the growth rate of Chu Yun terrifying.

He was in the world of Longmen, Chu Yun. At that time, Chu Yun was just just promoted to the monarch. I did not expect that when he met again for the second time, he had become a Houqiang strongman and surpassed himself.

“No. Even if it is a Houqiang strongman, it can’t win with one blow. The defensive power of Xuangui’s heavy armor shield is very amazing. It can make Houqiang strong people have a headache, how can it be broken by Chu Yun? There must be weirdness in the middle, it’s good, it must be that he has shown some tricks!” The nine-life demon screamed in his heart, he could not accept such a thing.

Chu Yun was promoted to the Houdao news. When he was in the Stellar Province, he sneered and never believed. Although he has witnessed Chu Yun’s slap in the face, he still refuses to admit this possibility.

However, the next moment, the fact that iron is generally indisputable, completely dispelled the luck of the nine-death.

An overwhelming class of imperial pressure, bursting out from the mountainside, rushing up and sweeping across all sides.

The nine-life demon face is suddenly white, and other people are completely moved.

“Hou class spirit pressure, the real price of the real class pressure!”

“Chu Yun is really promoted to the rank of Hou, my God, the rumor is really not empty.”

“This spirit is so strong that it is like a mountain. The spirit light in my body is shaking. This is definitely not the first stage of the Hou class, at least the middle stage of the Hou class, or even the high level of the Hou class!”

People are so shocked that it is difficult to attach. Some people sweat on their foreheads, some face dry, and they don’t dare to look at Chu Yun.

And those who are still looking at Chu Yun’s eyes are now shocked, horrified, and confused.

Taboo, envy and so on.

“Today, my Shu family is a country, and welcome friends from all corners of the country to come to the ceremony. I like that you should cherish this kindness and arbitrarily provoke people who try the Shu family bottom line. I will not be polite to Chu Yun.” Chu Yun Said.

His voice is not big, but he is back to dang in the whole city of Huo De, which is as bright as a bell.

“young lord mighty! Young lord mighty!” In the city of Fire, countless shiwei heard this voice, and suddenly burst into the sky and shouted.

Hua Ying face se tide, suddenly felt the waist pole hard ting up. He looked at Luo Guan Laojun’s gaze, with obvious banter and ridicule, without any disguise. This is an arrogant, silent provocation.

However, just yelling and screaming, with a look of contempt, the arrogant and arrogant Luo Laojun, turned a blind eye to this provocation, as if he could not see the general. .

He is jealous!

His heart is still shaking, and his ears are resounding. He can’t think of it: “I suddenly broke the defense of my mysterious turtle’s heavy armor shield! How is it possible? At the moment of the attack, I It seems to have lost control of the mysterious turtle’s heavy armor shield. What kind of means is this!”

Unconsciously, he has been sweating. Chu Yun’s means, he completely invisible, brought him deep fear.

“Using the innate Malty Snow Knife main attack, and then using the psychic snake to interfere with the mysterious turtle heavy armor shield.

Being able to receive such care is also an honor for you. Luo Lao Laojun” overlooks these people under the leadership of Hua Ying, and slammed into the city, Chu Yun gave a sneer in his heart.

Luo Qian Laojun’s mysterious turtle heavy armor shield, there are 800,000 years of tribulation monster cultivation base. But Chu Yun’s Malty Snow Knife and the cultivation base of the psychic snake have skyrocketed for millions of years. Chu Yun has a small knife and no killer. Otherwise, is he still alive?

After all, this is the founding ceremony, and there is a strong enemy of the land whale king. If it is really killing him, the madness will immediately arouse the vigilance of others, and also provoke the strong enemy of yin Yanglou without any reason.

Only the next heavy hand, killing the chicken and the monkey, can temporarily hold back these stupid and fascinating, and all the heroes who are determined by the heart.

“Now the Shu family is like a tightrope, only to be shocked by a high attitude, to be able to live in the scene. The weakness is not desirable, but at the same time it is not appropriate to establish a strong enemy. The provocation of Luo Laojun, first record, after the autumn Come back slowly.”

Chu Yun walked down the mountainside and hosted a state banquet in the arrangement to deal with these “guests”. @.


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