Section 42: The situation is raging, the sinister situation


The sudden appearance of the falling cherry king, the more people think. The Sakura King has been living in a stable country and rarely dispatched. The relationship with other kings is not deep, and live a life of near seclusion. I can’t think of him actually appearing at this juncture.

Chu Yun is the first time I saw the Falling Sakura King.

I saw him in a topaz shirt, tall and tall, and behind his hands, standing in the void, the sect of the Yuanting Yuelu.

When he was young, he must be a very handsome man. Now he is a white man, but he still shows his handsome style. flow.

His double eyebrows are not the thick bristles of the thick eyebrows, nor the sharpness of the dashing eyebrows, but the soft and slender.

He looks beautiful and elegant, and the sage is deep, and his eyes are always flowing out of the world to appreciate and nostalgia.

Time is also on the body of the shackles, marking the traces. Give him a kind of gloom and maturity that has suffered through the setbacks of life.

Combine all of the above to form the unique charm of his individual. It is unforgettable when people look at it, and the impression is extremely profound.

“In this way, I have seen almost all of the old seven kings of Stellar Province. The heroes are heroic, the greedy wolf king is greedy, the venomous king is mysterious, the merpeople king is noble, the immortal sack is old, the sakura king is really The hero of the people, just why the Falling Sakura King is coming to deal with me? Is this the plan of the mysterious dream teacher?” Chu Yun’s eyes flashed a bit of anxiety.

The Sakura King said that he was very polite and chic, but everyone in the place would not misunderstand his intentions.

The wine king smirked at Chu Yun, stood up and took a foot, and crossed the distance of several tens of feet to the front of the falling cherry king: “haha, worth mentioning. Let me see and see you again.” Hundreds of hua battles.”

“Respectfully, it is better to ask for it.” Falling Sakura King shot an immortal sack and flew out countless streamers, and instantly opened up space for battle.

The wine king never talked again and slammed into it. The two king-level powerhouses disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

“Chu Yun, my father is invited to the wine king of the king. As the saying goes, the father and son soldiers, I am a son, but also a little itchy. Benjun heard that the unparalleled master has invested in you, it happened that the king has cultivated a There are a lot of researches. It’s also a grand occasion for my unparalleled masters to learn from each other’s faces.”

Nine-lived demon, laughed heartily, stood up. He originally wanted to challenge Chu Yun, but after seeing the strength of Chu Yun, he would not dare to make a second, immediately retreat to the next, the match is unparalleled. His father is the master of cultivation. He has been immersed in his childhood and naturally has a good foundation in cultivating one.

However, the unparalleled is Chu Yun, everyone does not know. Nowadays, Jiu Ming Yaojun is challenging how Chu Yun can call out the unparalleled unparalleled?

Trouble comes one after another, but it is far from over.

“Immoral sack King Senior, junior is trusted by the people, to bring you a letter.” The voice of the ordinary, far from the banquet.

“What letter?” immortal sack Wang stood up.

Chu Yun’s heart flashed a faint hunch, and he was led by a banquet in his hands.

Immortal sack Wang began to look at it, suddenly changed se.

The letter reads: “Immoral sack king, I told you that the secret of the emperor should be returned. I immediately withdraw from the Star Islands, and continue to do your research without asking the world for three months.”

The last payment in the letter is nothing else, it is the night emperor.

“This thing turned out to be his old man’s manipulation behind the scenes!” immortal sack king’s forehead, instantly dripping cold wells.

For a time, his face se was very ugly.

“It’s a hard time. Chu Yun is by no means an opponent of his old man. Even if I don’t have the confidence to win him, but if my research is successful, I will be able to use the king as a king! Now he and him It’s unwise to break out of the battle. Moreover, between me and Chu Yun, it’s just a trading relationship. The immortal sack exchanges with each other…”

Thinking about it, the immortal sack king has made up his mind. He sighed sighly and said to Chu Yun: “The human debt is the most difficult debt to be repaid in the world. This time, the king is in a loss, and he can help, and he will be compensated in the future.”

When Chu Yun heard his sigh, his heart sank and he had bad guesses.

Immortal sack Wang said that after the loss, Chu Yun did not change se, but the heart was shaking: “Great!

What is this letter? Actually let the immortal sack king retreat. The so-called human condition is just an excuse. Even the immortal sack king must be jealous of existence…”

“No matter, immortal sack King Senior can leave.” Chu Yun with a smile, calm and calm, people can not see the real, the secret is in the bitter, in the blink of an eye two king-level arm help, have lost. Has not yet officially fought with the Lu Whale King, the high-end combat power of his own has lost more than half! .

“Good means, this must be the arrangement of the mysterious calculator.” The intuition in the heart told Chu Yun the truth.

“Hahaha, my Montenegro is also on the tasting, I have a lot of experience. I want to ask the unparalleled masters for a second or two.” The arrogant laughter came, and Montenegro’s ridiculous smile, the more out of the crowd, and looked at Chu. Yun.

He was barely fell, and the wolf princes over there also stood up: “The unparalleled masters of the famous earthquake college assembly, sensational Stellar Province. Ben also wants to ask for one or two.”

“I want to build a demon sword. I heard that the Yu Ya master of the Shu family won the refining superiority of this year’s college assembly. I would like to pay a high price, please Yu Ya master to shoot, when Yang refines a demon sword. It’s a tribute to this banquet.

I took a sip of wine and looked at Chu Yun.

Falling down the stone!

This is the move of the red luoluo down the stone.

The deterrent power of the king of wine and the king of immortal sack was lost. Even if Chu Yun had the strength of Hou, the performance was cloudless, and it was difficult to contain the people who were on the scene.

“Drunk Snow Fox Jun, this King has one thing, I want to ask you for a face-to-face test.” This is not finished, the Zen Emperor of the Kudha Temple held a strange stone in his hand, and left the seat and went to the field.

He actually wanted to attack Chu Yun long ago, but Chu Yun’s Hou class strength exceeded his imagination and disrupted his plan.

Nowadays, the wine king and the immortal sack are gone, and the scenes are disrupted in an instant, forming a situation in which the wolves are devastated. Zen monk took advantage of the situation and sent a question to Chu Yun: “Drunken Xuehujun, I am now suspected that you are murdering the master of Beiguang. The master of Beiguang is one of the four great elders of my temple. The only bloodline that the bitter king has now inherited. Since the disappearance, my temple has been searching hard and searching, and recently I got the guidance of the drunk master, which is the clue.”

“Drunken Snow Fox Jun, my hand is the mysterious stone of my temple in the temple of Kuduo Temple. Its brilliance has already passed through the audience. Every time you answer, if it is a false statement, this strange stone will be red. Light, hoarse noise. If it is the truth, it will bloom blue glow, and the sound of Huang Zhong Da Lu. I am now asking you, is the missing of the North Light Master, is it related to you?”

Zen Jun rushed to ask, and did not give Chu Yun any chance to interject. A stick hit the Tianling cover, and the picture was poor. I wanted to force Chu Yun to the cliff.

Chu Yun couldn’t help but sink in the heart: “Northern Light is North Se. I was fighting against me in Yaoshan. I was captured by the riots and captured as a male pet. Now I am still in the endless forest. His disappearance is of course related to me. I can’t think of it. This matter has finally happened. No, it should still be arranged by people. I listened to the old man and talked about it. His life is his Junior Brother, and he is also the enemy of the teacher. It’s a good place, infinite means…”

“Chu Yun, what are you answering, why don’t you dare answer my question?” See Chu Yun indulging in words, and in the eyes of Zen, the severe light flashed and asked.

“Do you really want me to tell the truth?” Chu Yun sneered. The identity of the yin thief of the master of Beiguang is definitely a major scandal in the temple. Now, in the light of the exquisite stone, every word Chu Yun said can prove true and false. If you really want to say it, you will definitely let the reputation of the Kudiao Temple plummet.


“If I really said it, I also lost. The black hand behind the scenes is definitely calculated. The Kudu Temple will not give up. But if you don’t say it, anyone will think that it is what I did. If it is a lie, it is even more No, it will be exposed in public!” Chu Yun is in trouble, how to deal with it is not good. This is the strategy of the Houji, really terrifying. It is no wonder that Overlord Chu’s first bravery was also counted by Zhuge Wenhou.

Although Chu Yun got the help of the sleeping old man, the sleeping old man was also the only candidate who was promoted recently.

And the other party has been arranged properly, the calculation is completed, the celestial machine is confused with the meng, occupying an absolute opportunity.

After the sleeping old man notices, he can only be placed on the top of the monk and then insert a hand. In other respects, it is difficult to take the initiative.

Seeing Chu Yun advancing and retreating, Zen Jun is sneer, and is about to continue to say, suddenly his face is stagnation: “What sound?”

At the same time, everyone in the field raised their ears and listened carefully.

Wū wū wū ……

The generous and sad horn sound came from far away. It was very weak at first, and it could hardly be heard. But soon, this voice rang all over the world, and everyone was afraid of the eardrum.

Everyone in the field was shaking, and turned around and looked in the same direction.

The city of Huo Decheng was built on the hillside, and the banquet hall was on a hillside, so the view was excellent.

Chu Yun also followed, and saw the place where the sea and the sky lined up, and the sea level suddenly burst into an arc. The higher the arc, the closer and closer to everyone. The mountains of the green se, the land of the brown se, form a vast land of drifting, pushing the waves all the way, the momentum is vast and vast, directly rolling over to the fire city.

Chu Yun’s pupil slammed.

The voice of the King Whale King has already been heard: “Shu family, if you immediately give up the Star Islands, the Iron House, the king can not pursue. Otherwise kill without mercy, Shu family main island is flat!”

The sound is filled with earth-shattering battle intents, such as rolling thunder, constantly blasting roaring in Tianyu.

“Lu Whale King, this is the Whale King!” After a moment of silence, someone shouted.

“The East China Sea faction is a super-class Ranger force. The soldiers are like the rain, and the good will be like a cloud. It is really to attack the Shu family.” Someone sighed.

“The Shu family is over. There is no king-level power to hold the king of the whales, and the Shu family has no wins at all.” Someone chop nails and sever Iron judged underground.

“Chu Yun, don’t think that meng is mixed. Say, Master Beiguang is not your poisonous hand!”

Zen Jun is in danger, and the eyes of Yin are flashing in the eyes. @.


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