The starship was lined up to cover the entire sky. It was clearly a bright sun, but now it seems as if the night is coming, and there is no star or moon.

Oh, immediately, the lights are bright.

Some people lit up the torches, others fired themselves, others summoned the light elements, illuminating the starry sky, although not comparable to the sun, but it is enough to make people look normal.

“The dark empire, give this Venerable a face, how about retreating?” An old voice sounded, and a huge figure appeared, standing on the ground, as if to darken all the smashed.

Blue Cream Supreme!

Only he dared to say such a thing, obviously there is only one person, but he wants a big army to give him face.

This is the ultimate power.

“What are you, too?” A sneer, never knowing which starship was passed.

The Green Frost Supreme is naturally furious. He has been invincible for thousands of years. Now, some people dare not give him face?


As long as he settled the discipline and descendants, he was alone in finding the troubles of the dark empire. He did not say that the empire would be destroyed. After all, people may also have absolute sorrow, but killing the individual and turning the horse away makes the empire so weak. It is naturally easy. Loose things.

After all, it’s absolutely strong, even if it’s only a second of seconds, can it be a horrible blow to a force?

So don’t provoke the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, let alone the power.

“Let’s relax!” The blue frost screamed and the detective patted the star ship in the sky.

He wants to break a star to tell the Dark Empire that it is absolutely insultable!


Brush, a sword light across, is too fast to describe.

Oh, I saw a bloody light, and the huge body of the Blue Frost Supreme was opened a big mouth, and blood was spurting out of his body.

What, what!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and then chilled.

Extremely powerful, was it hurt by a sword?

Others did not think that the Blue Frost Supreme did not expect it, he squatted back, his face with an unbelievable expression, staring at the sky.

The most unacceptable thing for him is that he did not even see the faces of the people who shot them!

How is this possible?

Who is so strong?

He has set foot on the road and has already gone out of at least ninety-three steps.

You know, after you step on the 90th stage, it is difficult to make another step. It can be said that he can also be called a powerhouse in the absolute.

However, as strong as him, he was injured by a sword!

It’s terrible, this dark empire is terrible!

The Blue Supreme Master said nothing, immediately narrowed his body and turned around and ran.

– He put his body so big, just for the show, but not as good as people, isn’t this a live target?

Run, want to fight against this dark empire, you need to dispatch more than ninety-five orders, and at least dozens, otherwise you will only be broken one by one.


The great power ran away!

This makes everyone feel like the sky is falling.

Even if the power is not the enemy of a sword, choose to run, then what hopes do they have?

It is no wonder that the army of the dark empire is unstoppable. Indeed, there is such a powerhouse to sit down. Who can stop it?

“I am the army of the dark empire, no one can escape!” In the sky, sneer still, then, brush, Jianguang, and sweep the world.

The Blue Frost Supreme found tragically that the transmission array here was completely destroyed by Jianguang.

That is to say, now, apart from the starship, there is no way to leave the star.

– flesh flight?

Just kidding, even with the utmost energy, it takes tens of thousands of years to fly to the next life star.

Where can the Blue Cream Supreme go?

Unexpectedly, the Blue Supreme Master did not fight back, but the figure flew up and chose the wandering star.

I am afraid that I will die so much, I would rather die in the lonely, unmanned universe?

No, he is absolutely perfect and has the ability to travel to Immortal World, so he can completely extradite Immortal World and get rid of such a crisis after he is out of danger.

“Want to run?” The sneer continued to sound, brushing, and another sword light came over.

The Green Frost Supreme has quickly burst out to resist. For him, now the face of dignity is fake, and life is greater than everything.


Jianguang smashed, and the body of the Qingshuang Supreme spurted blood, and it was so strong that it was still hurt.

Boom, at this time, it seems that there is a heavy rain in the sky, and countless black spots have fallen.

No, it is not a rain, but a person!

The warriors of the Dark Empire, all of them are wrapped in black armor, and these armor are surrounded by black mist, which makes them add mystery.

Everyone is in danger. Now who still manages the life and death of the Blue Supreme Master, they must fight for their own lives.

Escape is inviolable, hiding can’t hide, if you want to live, you will only be desperate.

Hey, the Dark Warrior landed and immediately launched a massacre.

No matter who they are, as long as they are in sight, they are the target of their attacks and kill innocent people.

Shi Hao also met with these dark warriors, brushing, a warrior slashed and slid toward Shi Hao’s waist, to split his life into two.


Shi Hao slammed out and the fighter was immediately kicked out, but what made Shi Hao surprised was that the soldier did not break.

Hey, although he didn’t use all his strength, how can he achieve the Sixth Step level with a single blow, which can only knock people back?

The defense effect of this armor is also very good!

Then come again, Shi Hao rushed up, and the iron fist hit.

Hey, a hundred punches in one breath, the soldier finally did not move.

In his armor, a few shallow punches were left, which was spurred by Shi Hao, but it can only be so.

Jiuxing Zhenjin, must be!

Ten stars, even if Shi Hao runs out of gold, it is impossible to leave traces, so it is only possible to be a nine-star gold.

However, this is still astounding.

What an amazing family base this dark empire has, and a soldier can arm the armor made by Jiuxingzhen?

Shi Hao’s brow wrinkles, there is the armor protection of the nine-star Jin Jin, Rao is that he also needs to hit a hundred punches, this can kill the people inside by the force of shock, that is to say, other people do not reach If you take the road, you can’t help these soldiers.

What a terror fact?

It is no wonder that the dark empires have arrived, and they have no rivals.

This is really too strong.

However, when the man died, Shi Hao opened the armor very easily. He wanted to see if the soldiers of the Dark Empire looked like they were human.

However, when he unveiled the helmet, he was stunned.

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