Under the helmet, it was a hoe!

Oh, it can’t be said to be a hoe, because the bones are covered with a layer of skin, but they are completely attached to the bones, as if there is no meat.

Is this a living or a dead person?

Shi Hao’s brow wrinkles, are these big armyes made up of ghouls?

He opened the Small Universe and the domain, and both observed it.

These warriors… are living people!

However, the breath they exude is incomparably weak, and they are very strange and very similar to the dead.

To what Shi Hao said, they seem to be living dead, not living creatures, not ghouls, but somewhere in between.

What the hell!


While he was still observing, he was also stared at by other soldiers and killed him.

Shi Hao shot the ice and shook it, and the attacking soldier was immediately shaken out, but even with the power of the ice god, it was still impossible to kill the soldier.


Shi Hao is speechless, even if he can, he wants to kill these fighters.

Then try other tricks.

Shi Hao took out the whip and took it to the soldier.

The whip shadow is invisible, which is unsolvable in the real world. If you do not repair the rules of Immortal World, it is impossible to block.

Therefore, even if the warrior is wearing a nine-star armor, it is useless.

However, the warrior was slashed, but it was unaffected.

Fuck, don’t you have Soul?

You know, like the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, you have to be influenced by the whiplash, only to a certain extent. However, at such a close distance, the whiplash did not cause a little bit of a soldier with a great Heaven Offering. The impact, this is too wrong.

Shi Hao reached out and blocked the attacking knife.

When it comes to combat power, how do the soldiers of Great Heaven Offering compare with him?

These soldiers are just very difficult to kill.

Shi Hao thought about it, Small Universe opened and wrapped the soldier directly.

Black hole swallowed!

Oh, but the soldier was quickly sprayed out and it was intact.

– His body has armor protection. With Shi Hao’s current ability, the black hole can’t help but the nine-star gold, and Soul’s words… the other party doesn’t seem to have Soul, so it’s okay to be swallowed up by the black hole.

It is like a ghost, this kind of existence is very special, there is no entity, and it is not affected by the black hole, it is weird.

No Soul?

Shi Hao feels like he has touched something.

Playing whiplashes and black holes is ineffective, which is enough to prove that the soldiers of the Dark Empire are without the walking dead of Soul.

Also, although the fighting is fierce now, no soldier in the dark empire has made a cry, which is extremely abnormal.

However, if they are just walking away, everything can be explained.

Also, they only have skinny bones, which is also in line with Shi Hao’s speculation.

By the way, what is the dark empire, who established it, and what do they want to do?

“Ah!” Just heard a scream, the blazing light appeared in the sky, dazzling and indescribable, and the waves swayed, forming a terrible energy frenzy, where it was rolled over, landslides.

Stronger than Great Heaven Offering, under such fluctuations, it is only a part of the body, even if Ascending Saint Throne is also hurting, only the level of the road can compete.

This is… the blue frost sage is fallen!

He was strangled and blew himself before the annihilation. Under the big bang, such a wave of energy would be formed, and even Great Heaven Offering could kill.

Such fluctuations swept almost one-third of the stars, and the creatures in such a large area were almost completely destroyed. Only the Ascending Saint Throne, the Heavenly Road, and the Heavenly Foundation Stairway were the few powerhouses.

However, the soldiers of the Dark Empire had the protection of the armor, but they were unharmed, and they were still carrying out massacres, and all the creatures on this star were to be slaughtered.

Shi Hao has already sent Weng Nanqing and Niu Wang into the immortal mansion. Now he and the Purple Rat are outside, and one person and one mouse are all in awe.

For the sake of reason, it is the ordinary Heavenly Foundation Stairway that wants to run. It is hard to stop because of the great power. But now the Green Cream Sisters are desperately trying to escape, but they are quickly killed, and the shots are strong enough. ?

The rule of the realm of the world is that the immortal can only run the power of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, which cannot be broken.

So, this makes Shi Hao and the Purple Rat more curious, what exactly is the person who shot?

“I am afraid, it is comparable to the powerhouse of Old Man Gu.” Shi Hao said.

Old Man Gu walked to the ninety-ninth stage at the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. What made myriad sects come to the fore?

Such a powerhouse, the same level of war, one hundred hits is not a problem.

The Purple Rat nodded: “The strength of this dark empire is really terrifying. At the same time, it sends out a three-way army. It can be seen that every road has a powerhouse.”

“What’s even more frightening is that of course, the dispatch of the battle will be, then, what is the king of the empire to be strong?” Shi Hao frowned.

On the ninety-ninth stage, this should be the limit of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. However, Shi Hao is confident that if he steps into the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, he will never stop at the 99th order, but will break through the hundredth order.

This is just an idea, but now it is very likely that someone has already achieved it.

The master of the dark empire!

The fall of the Blue Frost Supreme also directly lost the Martial Artist on this star.

– Even the most powerful powers are hung up, and the transmission array is also ruined. There is no escape, can’t you just wait to die?

Shi Hao killed a few more fighters, put away the armor on them, and did not fight again, but entered the immortal mansion.

Even the most powerful powers are killed in battle. This should be an absolute concern of the whole world, forming a coalition and declaring war on the dark empire.

Otherwise, everyone simply organizes a coalition for joint defense, and the result will be flattened by the dark empire as it is today.

The Holocaust is still going on, and Shi Hao is unable to stop it.

Not to mention the super-powerfulness that is suspected of the ninety-ninth order, that is, without this sitting, so many warriors can also make Shi Hao live and die.

Therefore, he can only sit and watch.

This feeling is very bad, but fortunately it only lasted for a few days, and the massacre finally came to an end.

The Dark Empire completely occupied this star, and they built a new transmission array that was connected to other stars of the Dark Empire.

Shi Hao controlled the immortal mansion flight and came to the transfer array. He wanted to mix with the star of the empire, to see what the old empire was like, and what kind of “man” the empire was.

However, in these few days, only one army was sent over, but no one was sent away, which made Shi Hao very disappointed.

Three days later, Shi Hao finally found a person who entered the transmission array, not from the transmission array.

This person is also wrapped in the armor, can not see the appearance, Shi Hao immediately mobilized immortal mansion flew past, attached to the other side.

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