Next, the war broke out silently.

The Dark Empire has issued a declaration, and the people who lived with me and the people who died against me died. Therefore, they quickly took the step of conquering again. This time, they did not issue a notice to attack which star, but directly Killed.

Or the three-way army went to three stars, but after a few days of effort, these three stars were completely shrouded in darkness.

what does this mean?

Three stars have fallen.

God, this dark empire is too powerful, where to fight?

After learning the news, the natural world was shocked, and then as long as there is a star connected to the Dark Empire, I will not close the transmission array for the first time.

Who dares to open, otherwise, let the army of the Dark Empire kill the first time?

However, can this stop the pace of the invasion of the Dark Empire?

Soon, I saw a large ship flying up into the starry sky on the starry body ruled by the Dark Empire.

These big ships were also shrouded in darkness. They could only be distinguished from the outline. These were the hulls. When they flew out of the gravitational area of ​​the stars, they began to fold up the space. The speed was amazing. It only took seven or eight days. Came over the new star.

Be aware that starships do have the ability to fold space, but this is much slower.

For example, Shi Hao returned to Apex Cloud Star, and even if the starship catches the last journey, it will take another month.

It was amazing to complete the voyage between the two stars in seven or eight days.

The dark ship fell, and the endless army smashed, and immediately set off a storm.

In a few days, three more stars fell.

After receiving the message, Void Realm was silent for a long time.

The dark empire, this butcher knife is too terrible, the force is unparalleled, and it means that it is destroyed, and even if there is no star field transmission, they only need seven or eight days to reach the next star.

So, how long does it take for them to conquer the entire star?

century? millennium?

It may seem long, but the long lifespan of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway can be completed in a lifetime.

For a time, all the forces in the world are trembled, and they have formed a more solid alliance. Otherwise, if the iron hoof of the dark empire comes, what hope is there?

Under such circumstances, even the pursuit of Shi Hao is much smaller.

It’s just a lot smaller, and it’s not stopped, because there are always people who ignore the big picture and their personal desires are greater than everything else.

Shi Hao remembered these people, and when he was strong, these people were the ones he was looking for, and he was not enough to die!

“Where are we going now?” Weng Nanqing asked.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “Is there any interest in seeing the army of the Dark Empire?”

“You are really crazy, others are hiding, you actually want to go?” Purple Rat laughed.

“Why, are you not curious?” Shi Hao asked.

“Whatever.” Purple Rat does not matter.

Can you not be so big?

Niu Wang is on the side, Master, you are still being chased by a lot of Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but you have to go to a more dangerous dark empire, how much do you die?

You will, sooner or later, make yourself dead.

However, what is the use of it against it?

set off!

They went to a star closest to the Dark Empire, and now the star has cut off the star-shaped transmission array that is connected to the Dark Empire, but retains other transmission arrays.

So now these transmissions are very busy, and a large number of people come from all directions in the universe to support this star.

This is most likely the target of the next attack of the Dark Empire.

However, with the expansion of the dark empire, they can choose to attack more and more targets, even if they also send three major forces at the same time, this may not be selected.

Will Martial Artist be less than Stars?

Therefore, even if the defense is very large, there is still a large number of Martial Artists on each star.

Some are excited, come forward, some are alliances, must come to support, otherwise the next unfortunate may be their own star, and there are mercenaries, collecting money, naturally to replace people.

The whole star is full of tension before the coming of the war. Perhaps, in the next moment, the starry empire’s starship will appear on the top, thus setting off a terrible massacre.

At least so far, the Dark Empire has not been blocked by human precedents. Everywhere, everything is shrouded in darkness, and then there is no news.

Are the aborigines dead? Still being captured?

No one knows that everything is unknown.

Therefore, it is inevitable that everyone will be nervous. If they fail, they are likely to all die.

Fortunately, after only two days, one is absolutely capable, and everyone is confident.

Absolutely, this is truly the best in the world, and every one is synonymous with invincibility.

This singular power is called the Blue Supreme, and now it is more than four thousand years old. If there is no such thing, it is estimated that he will not have to fly to Immortal World and attack the wonderland to extend his lifespan.

The old name is absolutely perfect, and the natural name is very great. Almost everyone has heard of his famous reputation. He is not talking about his previous record, and everyone is relaxed.

What are the fears of sitting in the city?

Shi Hao is still low-key, although the Blue Supreme has not chased him, but if he knows that he is under the eyelids, let’s take it easy.

Defending people’s hearts is of course a must.

It is said that the Blue Supreme Master was invited by the heavy gold and the humble words. Therefore, he is not worried about the great heroes of the world. Strictly speaking, he is also a mercenary.

Suddenly, it was two days. In the meantime, there were a lot of dark clouds in the sky, covering the sky.

Look closely, this is what black cloud, it is a big ship shrouded in the dark!

The Dark Empire is coming!

Shi Hao is also a brow, looking in the air.

Oh, a big ship.

According to common sense, the starship should be made as small as possible so that it can be built with the least amount of Material. Anyway, the Spatial Spirit Tool can accommodate objects. Then, go to another star and set up the star field. .

Such a big star ship… is simply a defeat!

How many ten-star materials does this cost?

In other words, this dark empire has long thought of conquering the world, and knows that their invasion will cause other stars to close the transmission array, so the starship is ready, and will never be blocked.

This Tamar is rich and rich!

Shi Hao thought of the chain in the immortal mansion, that is 9-Star Material, and the old elders are thick, re-melting, the value is amazing.

But compared with these starships, it is really a slap in the face.

壕 Unmanned!

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