However, Shi Hao is turning back.

God of War refers to it, and it also uses the power of gold.


The power of this blow is terrible. Rao is the ghost of the pure Soul body. The power of gold can cause damage to everything, and it can only cause physical shock.

The big sorrow immediately issued a Soul-level scream, and was blasted out of life, with a big hole in his body.

Shi Hao took back his fingers and thought he would take it lightly?

Just kidding, he doesn’t know how many ghosts there are in this place, and what is the highest level. How can he kill a few Great Heaven Offering levels and think it is too peaceful?

Therefore, whether it is Ascending Saint Position or Great Heaven Offering, such a ghost is only the beginning of wisdom, the level of IQ is really worrying.

Shi Hao wins chasing and punches with a fist.

When encountering him, the strength of all the ghosts has to be lowered to a big realm, so the Ascending Saint Position is no different from the delivery.

Oh, under his strong suppression, this big ghost was quickly bombarded.

Shi Hao did not stop and continued to sweep. In this vast ancient battlefield, the number of ghosts was reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it has not been completely destroyed, even if it ran out, it was not enough.

This is the horrible thing of Shi Hao, which can be called a ghost star.

At this time, the talents of the Ice Wheel Hall and the Fire Silk Palace came one after another.

Several Great Heaven Offering powerhouses led the team and found that they were excited before they thought that there was a breakthrough. However, when they found out that it was only an ancient battlefield, they were disappointed.

Just a battlefield, what kind of treasure can you expect to find?

Moreover, even Shi Hao’s weak discipline can be traversed here, and there is certainly no value here.


However, after they examined some of the bones, they showed a faint color.

It was not only the people of the ancient dynasty who died here in the war.

Because there is a bone that is connected to the sky level.

——If there is a powerhouse in the city, it is the dynasty, and the grade is higher.

Moreover, there are more than one such skeleton!

That is to say, the original ancient dynasty only met its meeting, just in the final battle of the final battle, can be involved in the battle, but not only this ancient dynasty.

“You know, there is a fault in our history.” A Great Heaven Offering powerhouse suddenly said, a sacred coat, from the Fireworm Palace.


Shi Hao heard his ears and immediately listened.

“I have heard of it.” Another Great Heaven Offering powerhouse opened his mouth. He served purple, but he was the owner of the Ice Wheel Hall.

Because there is no conflict of interest, and it involves the secret of the ancient times, there is no arrogance between the two super-powers, but it is discussed in a calm and calm manner.

“According to the inference of this seat, the history of our time, but the region is two million years!” Xuanyi Great Heaven Offering said.

When this statement came out, everyone was moved.

Only two million years? This is too short.

But the Great Heaven Offering is nodding: “Yes, should be only this time.”

“But, the few powerful forces under the sun, known as the inheritance of thousands of years, how to explain this?” Some people dissatisfied, immediately raised doubts.

Great Heaven Offering a smile, said: “Two million years ago, should be a super-war against the stars, most of the Martial Dao civilization was destroyed, only a few of the strongest forces were saved. Come down.”

“So, in most places there has been a civilized fault, and only a few superpowers have been preserved.”

“And according to this seat, the culprit that caused this to happen is the ghost!”

When I heard this, everyone could not help but breathe.

“Changfeng brother, what do you mean, here is probably the ancient battlefield of two million years?” Someone understood the meaning of the Great Heaven Offering.

玄衣 Great Heaven Offering Nod: “Not bad.”

This does not help so many people are exposed to the color of action, what does this mean?

This place is probably a huge treasure house, because there are countless people involved in the battle, there are also a large number of powerhouses, and if they leave something, how precious is it?

Suddenly, the value of this place has soared.

However, no one has said that to inform sect, please come to the more powerhouse to sit down.

– They have to make a time difference and get some benefits as much as possible. Otherwise, wait for the Ascending Saint Position, the Skyline or even the Heavenly Foundation Stairway’s powerhouse. Is there any benefit to them?

For a time, everyone was looking for it.

Shi Hao is no exception, let go of the gods to find.

There is Great Heaven Offering here, he is not convenient to use domain.

However, time has passed for a long time. If this is really an ancient battlefield two million years ago, then any Spatial Spirit Tool will vanish, and the items in it will be exposed, and it will also be decayed.

Years are the most unrivaled weapon between heaven and earth, even if the ten-star gold will be wiped out, only the time will be longer.

Everyone is holding the idea of ​​looking for the 10 Star Spirit Tool, which must have been left by the original Heavenly Foundation Stairway. It may not have been completely ruined by years, and may even be passed down by Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

However, the dead bones here are not squandered, too decaying, and the ten-star Spirit Tool is estimated to be the same, so that everyone’s eager heart slowly cooled down.

“Hey, there is a canyon there!” someone suddenly cried.

Everyone heard the sound and there was a canyon in front, but it was not on the ground, but in the ground.

Strictly speaking, they are now standing on top of the cliff.

Several Great Heaven Offerings flew immediately, others were like a monkey, crawling down the cliff, lest they should be one step late, and there would be no benefit.

Shi Hao stayed in the same place, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

He instinctively gave birth to a sense of danger.

So far, he only found the ghost of the Ascending Saint Position, and the level of the original battle was high, at least should be the big ghost of the heavenly level.


Shi Hao concluded that such a big ghost is very likely to be below.

Even if he is naturally restrained by the ghost, it depends on the situation. The road is more than two high realms. How can he suppress it?

So, cautiously, he decided to stay here.

Just after a moment, there was a terrible breath of volatility underneath, and then the screams were also up and down.

Shi Hao shot the light column in his eyes and broke the bottom of the cliff.

He finally saw that there was a very long bone at the bottom of the cliff, like a dragon and a scorpion, and the previous Great Heaven Offering has been occupied by the ghosts, quickly becoming a monster, full of tentacles. Barbed, it seems disgusting.

Being able to occupy them so quickly, the strength of these ghosts can be imagined.

Sure enough, the real big sorrow is hiding there.


Shi Hao said nothing, just turned and ran.

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