boom! boom! boom!

A large, distorted figure rushed out from the bottom of the canyon, emitting a horrible and powerful atmosphere. Zhang danced with tentacles, shaped like a human, but exuded evil to the ultimate breath.

The creatures occupied by the ghosts are not born or killed, not yin and yang, as if they do not belong to any boundary.

The speed of these big ghouls was too fast, and Shi Hao thought about it and hid directly into the immortal mansion.

It is conceivable that these big ghosts will be born, and will definitely attract the savage and the sorcerer. Therefore, if he takes the opportunity to start, the possibility of looting the fire silkworm palace is very high.

Is the identity of this fire silkworm discipline still needed?

No need.

He couldn’t help but sigh. Every time he made a plan, why didn’t he always follow the script?

If you know it early, he will wait for the ruins of this ancient dynasty to open. Why do you still pretend to be identity?


There are a total of 19 big ghosts, 11 of which are Heavenly Foundation Stairway, and there are only eight heads on the road. I don’t know if the body is not enough, so some ghosts are crowded in the same body. in.

Shi Hao sees it clearly in the immortal mansion, and these ghosts fly out of the broken stone.

He walked out and rushed back.

“Hey, the survivor of the Fireworm Palace!” One person didn’t know where to climb out. It was only the cultivation base of the Spirit Mending Temple. I didn’t have time to enter the canyon. Later I found it was not good. I also escaped quickly and escaped. Robbery.

However, his cultivation base is too low, and it is estimated that those big ghosts are too lazy to occupy his body.

Shi Hao shrugged and said, “I am not a fire silkworm.”

“Do you think that I can spare you?” The man sneered.

Shi Hao sighed: “I don’t want to kill you, but don’t push your neck to the knife!”

“Looking for death!” The man immediately murdered.

There are countless frictions between the two top ten-star forces, and there will be conflicts almost every day under Great Heaven Offering. It is normal for the dead to die. It’s just after the Great Heaven Offering, it’s a precious asset for both forces, so it’s not allowed to go wrong.

Shi Hao shook his head. He didn’t mean to kill him. But who told this guy not to listen?

Besides, the shot is about to put people to death, and the character of this person will not be good.

He pressed it, hey, the man was bombarded.

Shi Hao kept on foot and quickly left the underground battlefield, and among the monuments outside, it was a dead silence.

The big sorrow is everywhere, and the grass is not born.

“Small stones, anyway, the stone is not secure, and it is not that you are stunned by these ghosts. The killings that they cause will not count on your head.” The purple rat comforted him.

Your comfort is not at all reassuring.

Shi Hao said in his heart, but immediately went to the main palace of the Fire Silk Palace.

The birth of the Great Ghost, which naturally triggered the explosion, also successfully led to the two major ten-star forces into a state of full alert.

At the beginning, the two major ten-star forces took the defensive, and even deliberately directed the big sorrow to the other side’s territory, trying to kill by the knife, but they soon knew that they were wrong.

These sorrows are constantly creating killings, and they continue to devour their souls, and their strength is steadily increasing, making the savage and the sorcerer are taboo.

If this continues, can these ghosts still get rid of it?

Can’t condone anymore.

The two forces began to cooperate sincerely. On the other hand, they sought help from the outside. The number of ghosts of Heavenly Foundation Stairway was as many as eleven. Even if the power of the ghost is weaker than that of the creature, the quantity can be placed there. ?

When the two sages did not want to destroy the sorrow, they also followed the West.

However, how can the ghosts give them a chance to recuperate?

Soon, this powerful squad squad attacked the Ice Wheel Hall.

If you put it in ten days, the Seri will always be very happy. You can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. However, he now realizes the truth of the cold and the teeth, how can he still dare to listen to it, and quickly lead the master in the palace to support .


After these masters left, Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing swayed toward the palace.

“Who, stop!” Seeing two strangers coming up the mountain, the discipline of the Fire Silk Palace immediately intercepted.

Weng Nanqing slammed, swayed with a sword, brushed, and the sword was light, and instantly wiped out the fragments that had been washed away.

For her, Shi Feng is her father-in-law, and the fire silkworms are trying to kill Shi Feng. For her, this is the killing of the father!

Once a woman is irritated, it can be much more difficult than a man.

“Your daughter-in-law is too ferocious, it is better to take a break.” The purple rat yelled on the side.

Hey, Shi Hao kicked out and flew the unspoken mouse.




There are always people in the palace rushing out, but Weng Nanqing is one person and one sword. Under the pressure of the four sacrifices, who can match?

You must know that the masters of the Great Heaven Offering in the palace have been taken to support the Ice Wheel Hall by the Seri Residents. How can the Weng Nanqing be blocked?

Soon, the two fell into the depths of the Fire Silk Palace.

Unfortunately, before Shi Hao did not come in, I don’t know where the treasure house is.

For this, Shi Hao did not care too much, even if he did not find the treasure of the Fire Silk Palace, but he made such a trouble, the fire silkworms were naturally damaged.

This is enough.

Of course, if you can make a fortune, then Shi Hao will definitely not mind.

Shi Hao grabbed a few questions from the Firefly Palace and it was easy to know where the treasure house was.

The two immediately found the past and soon found the place.

This is a very old house and there is no array protection.


Because there are masters to guard.

“A big courage, I dare to smash and rob!” An old man sitting in front of the house looks like an old-fashioned look, clearly speaking, but he is squatting, a look that may hang at any time. .

Shi Hao glanced at it and couldn’t help but reveal the expression of attention.

“Ascending Saint Position !”

Unexpectedly, the Fireworm Zun has left a master to guard here.

“Little Great Heaven Offering, actually dare to be so arrogant?” The old man said, but this time he straightened his waist, oh, his bones were all crisp and white, fluttering, but it seemed a lot younger.

Shi Hao smiled and threw the purple golden rat out: “The mouse, the task of collecting the treasure will be handed over to you.”

“Reassured, the Lord will never be corrupt!” The Purple Rat flew out immediately.

It said that it is not corruption, it must be corrupt.

The old man could not help but be angry. In front of me, do you still want to rob the treasure house?

Who gives you the courage?


He immediately shot and slammed toward the purple golden rat.


However, Shi Hao shot, but he blocked him.

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