The coldness of the world, no matter how chilly, it is only the flesh, but it is not the case with the ghost, it will make Soul feel chill.

Should be is a real hammer, which at least suppresses a lot of ghosts.

“Small stone, it’s time to make meritorious deeds.” The purple-golden mouse played a poor way.

Shi Hao smiled and jumped forward, jumping in from the broken mouth.

What surprised him was that this is not a hole but a great space.

This is a huge battlefield. It is full of heights. In this battlefield, the bodies that turn into white bones are everywhere, densely packed, human, humanoid, and monsters.

Shi Hao stood in the air and looked at the top of his head. He saw that there was a trace of the road on the “ceiling”, which gave off a terrible breath.

“This is a palm!” said the Purple Rat. “In the beginning, there was a powerful shot, and one hand covered it, and everything was suppressed.”

Niubi, this is really only a hand to cover the sky.

If you are flooded, I will suppress it.

At this moment, I saw that there was a black air in the bones that came out and turned into a personal shape, clearly without eyes, but seemed to be staring at Shi Hao and the purple golden rat.

Ghost, old acquaintance.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “First kill and talk again.”

He is now a five-day sacrifice, and his power is straight to Ascending Saint Position. Moreover, if he encounters a ghost, his ten-yang sacred body can exert all the power, and the restraint of the ghost is not too strong.

Therefore, killing the ghost is definitely a good hand.


He figured down to the ground, and did not say anything at all. He just excited the ten-yang sacred body and rolled the heat wave.

Oh, the rushing ghost immediately disappeared as if it had evaporated.

Shi Hao is rampaged and has no rivals under the impact of yang.

Although these ghosts are not like the ancient world, time spans two worlds, but it has been suppressed for a long time, the fighting power is no longer full, and Shi Hao is too strong, and the ten-yang holy body is their Buster.

Therefore, they are like a moth to fight fire, and they can’t stop Shi Hao’s footsteps, only the ones burned out by the students.

However, immediately there was a big ghost.

Great Heaven Offering level.

After entering Great Heaven Offering, the Ghost also opened up wisdom, no longer just moving instinct by instinct.

It shouted, and suddenly, a large number of ghosts no longer blindly attacked Shi Hao, but formed a certain formation in order to break through Shi Hao’s defense and deal with him.

However, Shi Hao uses the power of Physique. There are no dead ends in 360 degrees. The horrible yang is enveloped in his body, and all the rushing ghosts are only scattered.

However, under the intensive moths, the flames have also been extinguished.

Every time a ghost is killed, Shi Hao consumes a part of the yang. Although this part of the yang is negligible, but the quantity is too much, it should not be underestimated.

The ghost of the Great Heaven Offering level does not go into battle. It is the command of many small ghosts to shock Shi Hao to consume Shi Hao’s Physique power.

This is wisdom, even if it is a result of the glory of the sea, it is also a performance of progress, it does affect Shi Hao.

A lot of ghosts!

Shi Hao was amazed. Is this ancient dynasty really mad and mad, taking the initiative to take the ghost?

He opened a black hole and swallowed it.

However, black holes can absorb all energy, but they are ineffective against the ghost.

He absorbed more ghosts, but there were as many ghosts that were excluded. The black hole’s strangulation had no effect on these ghosts.


Shi Hao blooms the sun, the effect is completely different, although not as horrible as Shiyang Physique, but still a big killer for the ghost, under the sun, the nearby ghost is directly evaporated, and the distant ghost It is also a significant reduction in combat power.

He used the source again, but he could not see through the essence of the ghost.

It seems that… they don’t belong to this world, so the source is ineffective.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, there were several big ghosts appearing, all of them staring at Shi Hao, revealing the coveted color.

They are eager for the flesh, and once Shi Hao’s horrible body is obtained for them, the extreme yang will transform into a very yin, which is a fortune for them.

Wait a moment, the power of this creature will be exhausted, and they will be able to shoot.

The ghost has a completely different “eyes” from human beings. They see the breath of life and the intensity of energy. In their view, Shi Hao’s life has been reduced a lot, not far from exhaustion.

Shi Hao smiled, and after killing another pass, he entered the immortal mansion directly.

Fuck, what about people?

Those big sorrows are stunned, and a big living person disappears out of thin air?

Shi Hao didn’t use the time fluid, which only allowed him to recover in nine instants. He had to use it at the most critical moment. Anyway, the situation is not urgent anyway, and he is slowly recovering.

After half a day, Shi Hao was completely restored. He rushed out and launched the massacre again.

The ghost is falling down in pieces.

A few big ghosts are speechless. They are meant to exhaust the power of Shi Hao, and then easily take the shot and grab the shell of Shi Hao. I didn’t expect this creature to be wonderful, but it can disappear in a vacuum, and it will be restored and regained its strength.

No way, these big ghouls had to join forces and attacked Shi Hao.

However, what is the Great Heaven Offering level in front of Shi Hao?

Don’t say that the ghost is innately bound by Shi Hao, but there is no restraint. Which Great Heaven Offering is now comparable to Shi Hao?

Unless it is Shi Zhong.

Hey, Shi Hao is like a tiger into the flock, a punch, I am invincible!

Just a few punches, these big ghosts are all destroyed.

Oh, a terrible cold hit, and Shi Hao was shocked.

Unconsciously, a ghost does not know where to sneak out and rushes toward his body.

Ascending Saint Position level.

This sinister is really deliberate, clearly the strongest, but has always been hidden, until Shi Hao has wiped out the ghosts of several Great Heaven Offerings, and it is thought that when there is no threat, this will launch an attack.

In this case of the level of the ghost, deliberately converging the atmosphere, it is Shi Hao can not find its existence.

But when it came to the near future, Shi Hao finally found out.

It’s only a rule!

The sinister grinned, his mouth opened to the size of a human head, and he rushed toward Shi Hao.

As soon as you enter the body of this creature, it will win.

Because the ghost is the complete Soul state, the battle in the soul sea does not reduce the strength, and Shi Hao’s words, the soul is gone, how can the strength be reduced by half?

At least, Shi Hao’s Physique is unusable.

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