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    Many people's eyes are condensed on this big head, but Shi Hao's focus is on the Cavaliers.

    This is a ghoul who can still see the five senses. Although there are obvious rot holes on his face, and even oysters are crawling, it still emits a terrible momentum, and more importantly, on his spine. There are also some purple-red mosses.

    Dead moss!

    Shi Hao immediately exclaimed in his heart and couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

    Dead yew can refine the dead dan, which is an irreplaceable main medicine.

    What is the use of this Dan?

    Can not promote the cultivation base, can not prolong life, but, when people are hit hard, hold a breath, and then slowly recover, can be said to be life-saving holy medicine.

    Of course, the dead moss itself has an effect on the refining effect of the refining process due to the year of growth. For example, some can work for Paramita, some can work for Casting King Hall, and some even for Heavenly Foundation Stairway. Have an effect.

    In this piece of dead moss, Shi Hao secretly estimated that should be enough for Lokeśvara!

    Therefore, if you can get this dead moss, he will be more than one life.

    He glanced at it and found that no one had a look at the moss.

    Obviously, there is no one who knows the goods except him.

    Good one.

    Therefore, Shi Hao did not even tell the Han Li people, saving the scruples between the other side's shots, but it caused other people's doubts.

    The knight screamed at the horses and stood out from the crowd, looking down at the crowd.

    – If you can be as tall as him, you will only be Shi Hao sitting on the dark leopard.

    “Go to hell!”The ghoul knight opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice.


    Everyone is shocked, and this undead still speaks?

    This, after the death of a person, can it really turn into another kind of existence?

    The world is afraid of death, because it does not exist after death. However, if it can be transformed into a dead soul after death, it also has wisdom, can speak, and has strong strength. Why fear it?

    Shi Hao frowns, is this why Mo Du wants to transform ghouls?

    The problem is that most of the ghouls are devoid of wisdom, and Mo Du has buried himself for thousands of years. It is not easy to see that it is necessary to turn into a ghoul.


    Under the command of the ghoul knight, all the ghoul warriors took out their weapons and pointed them at Shi Hao.

    Stepping, stepping, stepping, smashing horses carrying ghoul knights, slowly walking toward Shi Hao, and the corpse army is also closely followed, they all emit terrible killings.

    "This undead knight, can't be underestimated!"Cheng Yang said.

    "Mm."Zhang Gui nodded. He was the Casting King Hall powerhouse of the Zhang family. It was also the existence of the Seven Kings, and he could keep pace with Cheng Yang.

    “Casting King Hall level.”Han Liren is also a dignified face.

    They don't know how the undead is cultivated, but they can make judgments about their strength by sensing the opponent's aura.

    "Ha ha ha, you have killed so many undead, no more than one!"Shi Wendong laughed, he was naturally the Casting King Hall of the time.

    At this time, the corpse army has been led by a ghoul knight, like a tsunami.

    Suddenly, the war broke out!

    Brush, the ghoul knight shot, he waved an epee, long Zhang Zhang, dancing, with the whistling wind, the air was split, visible to the naked eye, made a clear two.

    The wildfire burns on the epee, which is specially used to absorb the vitality of the living and is extremely poisonous.

    Cheng Yang first went on, but when he touched it, he was taken back by a sword.

    This made the other four Casting King Hall powerhouses all shocked and quickly joined forces to rush.

    "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

    The four powerhouses teamed up, which was able to block the ghoul knight, and when Cheng Yang made a comeback, the scene was slightly tilted toward their favorable side.

    However, the ghoul is not afraid of injury, this is a big problem, it can completely hurt with the powerhouse, but it is not affected.

    Therefore, the five major powerhouses are not willing to care, and may even turn over the ship in the gutter.

    On the other hand, there is no embarrassment for the people to pay attention to this battle, because the corpse army has already been killed, they must fight for their own lives.

    – Obviously, the five people of Han Liren have no time to take care of them.

    Kill and kill!

    "fatty, come over!"Shi Hao snorted.

    Han Dong rushed over and wanted to roll over the dark-striped leopard, but he was kicked out by the dark-skinned leopard and fell directly to fight.

    He can't help but be depressed. How much do you dislike me?

    He didn't know that Vicious Beast was the most proud. Most of them would rather die than be confined by humans. This dark-skinned leopard is only high in intelligence and will be stunned by Shi Hao because it sees amazing in Shi Hao's body. s future.

    But what is Dongdong?

    To be riding on this fatty, it would rather die.

    Shi Hao Haha Yixiao: "You will follow the little dark."

    Han Dong sighed. If he could ride the dark leopard, what would it be?

    At this time, he was not motivated by cultivation.

    He must upgrade his strength and conquer a dark leopard.

    Boom, the ghoul killed.

    The dark-skinned leopard took the lead, and the two front paws alternately swung forward, the speed was amazing, and the ordinary Paramita might capture the afterimage.

    And every time it was shot, a ghoul was torn into two pieces by the waist!

    – The dark leopard's claws can crack steel, which is not blown out.

    However, the key to the ghoul is only in the brain, so even if it is broken into two, they can still use their hands to support the ground and continue to attack.

    "Hong!" "Hong!" "Hong!"

    Shi Hao fills the knife and the Inner Strength hits and blasts the heads of these ghouls.

    "Small dark, hit their heads."He said.


    The dark-skinned leopard once again clawed, and directly smashed the head of the ghoul.

    Because they are only facing the ghouls of Paramita, it is naturally easy to solve.

    Moreover, the strength of the ghoul is that it does not hurt, it is difficult to die, and the combat power is completely dependent on the wildfire and the corpse, but the power is really not strong.

    Therefore, in the face of these ghouls, everyone seems to become a genius that can jump two or three levels of battle.

    The battle formed a very distinct level. Casting King Hall played with Casting King Hall, Lokeśvara was also smashed, and Paramita was in Paramita.


    After a long battle time, someone soon screamed and was spurted by ghosts. The scene of horror appeared. His life was quickly burned out. The black hair instantly became white, and the original smooth face. There were also wrinkles on the top, as if the old man was seven or eighty years old.

    This made everyone yell, and involuntarily, they used the Inner Strength and tried to distance them from the ghoul.

    Shi Hao has experience in fighting ghouls, but he is not so scared.

    – Even if it is hit by a wildfire, it can also be protected by Elemental Power, which is not incomprehensible.

    Of course, if the ghoul knight of Casting King Hall squirts a wildfire, then Shi Hao must be unstoppable.

    The ghouls were so tidal that they quickly surrounded Shi Hao and became an endless bloody battle.

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