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    When Cheng Mie only directed Han Liren, he found that the other person's Martial Dao talent could not reach his expectations, and he drifted away. Regardless of the name of the discipline, he left Han Liren to wait for more than 100 years.

    However, it can be seen by the original Cheng Mie. In fact, Han Liren's talent is still ok, but it seems to be worse with the original Cheng Mie standard.

    It is reasonable to assume that Han Liren rushed to the Nine Kings and even went further. It is not impossible to reach the Spirit Mending Temple.

    But the Han Liren is now only five kings. One is because of the limitations of the Eastern Fire Continent. In the second place, the cultivation technique he cultivated is too backward.

    To Shi Hao said that Han Liren was able to master the five kings with the ruined Cultural Technique, which is already an amazing performance of his talent.

    Now let Han Liren change the storm, although he will even let his cultivation base go backwards at the beginning, but if the foundation is re-established, he will be able to usher in a wave of eruptions. It is easy to rush to the nine kings.

    Even he has a chance to get involved in Spirit Mending Temple.

    He looked at Shi Hao, his expression was a little excited, but he pushed "Rainstorm" to Shi Hao: "Junior Brother, this is too expensive, I can't accept it!"

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "Senior brother, I just said that you are now the official discipline of the Master, and naturally you have to change the revision technique." Hold it, I will be ready before, but I have never had a chance to give it to you. ”

    Han Liren took the book down and his face was full of excitement.

    It was only a formal identification by Shi Hao, but it was only a form of identity, but now it has been given the "Rainstorm", which is a further recognition and makes him happy.

    "There are corpse ghosts in the front. Only Paramita and Nurturing Soul Realm are currently found, but I guess that should be Lokeśvara, and the number is amazing."Shi Hao said.

    "The ghoul?"Han Liren was amazed, and he apparently had never heard of such a thing.

    Ok, you will know when you look at it yourself.

    Shi Hao did not say much, just walked with Han Liren.

    Soon, the graves in front appeared.

    The army has been neatly arranged and seems to be starting a mighty battle.

    Everyone stopped and confronted the army in front.

    Can no longer move forward, these troops have blocked the only way, and if they want to go in again, they will inevitably clashed with these dead army–unless these ghouls are peace lovers.

    Obviously, the next step is to go through a fierce battle.

    "What are these?"


    "How can the dead body stand up again?"

    "Is there really a ghost in the world?"

    Looking at this ghoul army, everyone is shocked, they have never seen or heard of such existence.

    "Everyone, the next step is to go through a fierce battle. Please also go all out!"As one of the most powerhouses in the audience, Cheng Yang stood up and led the crowd.

    Everyone is nodding, this is a must-have awareness, unless they don't want a "treasure."

    The four major families are scattered, although they must be joined together, but there must be a gap between the four families. Forcing them together will not only enhance their combat power, but will even have counterproductive effects.

    Amount of

    They marched toward the corpse army and just approached some of them. These troops were immediately alarmed and looked at them.

    "Hey!"A corpse pulled out the sword and pointed to the Shi Hao people.

    Suddenly, the ghouls who stood at the forefront were all pulling swords, and they also angered Shi Hao.

    These ghouls are all green, and in their view, this feast.

    Fight, at the touch of a hair!

    Contacted on both sides, and then a big battle broke out.

    Shi Hao They have five powerful Casting King Halls on the side, what a powerful force?

    However, they did not take the shot, on the contrary, let the juniors in the family rush to the front.

    This is an excellent exercise.

    The ghoul will not have any scruples. You are the grandson of Casting King Hall and the son of Heavenly Foundation Stairway. They don't care, just thinking about eating and drinking, and treating everyone equally.

    Therefore, no matter what background is used here, only fight hard.

    Battle, kill and kill!

    Except for Shi Hao, there is no second person to have the Light Root, so everyone is very uncomfortable when it comes to these ghouls who are not afraid of injury.

    You cut the left hand of others, and people still lick you with your right hand, no feeling!

    Unless the head is blown up, there is only one head left, and they will bite their mouths or spit on the fire.

    At first, everyone was in a hurry, but when they were playing, they stabilized the front.

    After all, this ghoul army is also dominated by the Nurturing Soul Realm, and there are five Casting King Halls in the crowd, naturally it is more and more easy.

    Not long after, this corpse army was completely destroyed, and the ground was full of scattered armor.

    "Haha, these sergeants are not very difficult to deal with!"

    "That is, all three or two will be done."

    "I can play another hundred!"

    Young people are vocal, so a lossless victory makes their confidence skyrocket.


    In the distance, another wave of ghouls pulled out their weapons and pointed them at the crowd.

    It’s coming again!

    The voices of the people gradually went down, and the war broke out again. Of course, the intention was not great. Moreover, the battle was not as easy as they said. The ghouls can spit out the ghosts, killing the yang, infusing the infighting, and invigorating the living things. The trouble is endless.

    If there is no powerhouse, they will never win without loss.

    Boom, the army killed and the war broke out again.

    This time, the corpse army obviously has to be stronger, but there are five Casting King Hall powerhouses sitting in the town, and finally there is no danger.

    However, after this round, everyone is tired.

    However, the corpse army also dispatched a third wave of troops.

    They obviously use the "corpse" sea tactics, the quality is low, it doesn't matter, I have more people, one wave after another, tired and tired.

    This time, Han Liren and others must be shot. The juniors are obviously already at the end of the battle. If they want to fight, they will not be tempered, but murder.


    The five powerhouse shots, that is simply a horizontal push, what ghouls can stop?

    With their strength, a corpse that is capable of flying a hundred Lokeśvara levels, five people rushed into the flock, and it was simply that the tiger entered the flock, and soon the corpse was defeated and the armor of the land was left.


    The horn sounded, the ancient, vicissitudes of life, only the ghouls were separated, and a squadron of horses carrying a tall warrior slowly came out.

    The horse was three feet high, and the body was covered with armor. The armor was covered with spikes. The horseshoes stepped on the feet and left a green fire on the ground.

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