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    This is going on, the situation is not good!

    Although Shi Hao does not care about the lives and deaths of other people, but his lips are cold and he is dead. If he is dead, he will be alone. If he is besieged by ghouls, he will also die hard.

    He jumped on the back of the dark-skinned leopard, his eyes smashed, and the two beams of light blasted out like a chopstick, but it was very solid, and the light column swept, oh, the head of a ghoul directly exploded. Instant death.

    After killing dozens of ghouls in one breath, Shi Hao found that the light elements around him were almost exhausted by him, although the heavens and the earth would be self-balancing, and the light elements would be filled from a distance, but the speed was very slow and wanted to return to the original. Level is not a one-and-a-half thing.

    He leaped down, tangled in his hands, and rushed into the ghoul.

    Among the flames, a head ghoul was burned and hit hard.

    Hey, Shi Hao’s fist has been beaten, and he has seen a broken bone. There is no corpse at all that can be his enemy.

    "Boss, fierce!"Han Dong raised his thumb.

    Although all the people around did not speak, they had to admire them.

    They are not not fighting, don't you know the hardship of this ghoul?

    Only blast your head will hang!

    Shi Hao, eyes, a beam of light will kill dozens of heads, and now it is a flame and a fist, such as the tiger into the flock, unmatched.

    "Haha, Young Master Shi, let me fight side by side with you!"Zhang Santian laughed and rushed up, and shouldered with Shi Hao.

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "Good!"

    Zhang Santian is Jiudao, and he can jump to two levels of battle. The combat power is of course amazing.

    In fact, in terms of conventional combat, Zhang Santian is not only on top of Shi Hao, but also surpassed that it is not a star and a half. Therefore, he shot it with a palm, and the ice directly frozen the ghoul, unable to play at all, and was easily defeated by him. .

    The two joined forces and they were invincible.

    "Hmph!"When it was too hot and uncomfortable, the scene defeated by Shi Hao was still vivid. He turned his head and beat himself, lest it affect his mood.

    "happy! happy! ”Zhang Santian laughed and only felt dripping.

    Shi Hao also fought, and he took out Nine Layers Mountain and swam toward the corpse.

    Once the 200,000-pound knives are waved, the ghouls can be broken into pieces by inertia, not too sharp.

    However, although it is easy to see them, what strength is the two?

    This is not everyone's strong, there are a large number of people in the two islands and three islands, and even Second Step Third Step, they are big on the corpse ghost army, the battle is extremely difficult.

    Fortunately, the corpse ghost army is such a wave. If there are still a large number of corpses, they will not move. When they are exhausted, they will definitely not fight again, but they must consider retreating.

    There are casualties on the human side, and the number of casualties is increasing. The ghouls are even more arduous. The balance of victory has gradually tilted toward the human side.

    After half a day of fighting, the remaining ghouls are few.

    Although the human side has nearly half of its casualties, it has actually won the battle on the ground.

    But the key is in the battle between Han Liren and the Ghost Knight.

    If they lose, the Ghost Knight can easily complete the harvest for others, and everyone still has to do all the military.

    The five major Casting King Halls were encircled, but the ghoul knight was left-right and right-handed, and he was not afraid of being hurt. He did not fall into the passive.

    This made Han Liren have to sacrifice the trick to suppress it with more fierce firepower.

    In this way, the ghoul knight will have to be bombarded, and the dead moss will also be damaged.

    Shi Hao's heart moved, his eyes glowed, and he shot the light column toward the eye of the corpse knight.

    This can't hurt the ghoul knight, can be shot by such a burning light column, even if it is like a ghoul knight, or involuntarily biased his head.

    This made its attack suddenly smashed, and the defense also appeared flaws, and Han Liren and others seized the flaws and madly output a meal.


    Shi Hao is the same, the light element has a strong restraint and influence on the ghoul, even if the Casting King Hall level is not afraid, it will instinctively hate.

    “Go to hell!”The ghoul knight stared at Shi Hao, and it came out and killed Shi Hao.

    In its view, Shi Hao’s threat is even greater than the five Casting King Halls.

    DareHan Liren snorted and chased away to the corpse knight.

    "quack!"Seeing that Han Liren is going to catch up, the Ghost Knight is abandoning the horse and jumps down and continues to kill Shi Hao.

    This made Han Li unexpected, and was suddenly opened by the ghoul knight.

    For example, Cheng Yang and others, they have nothing to do with Shi Hao, naturally they will not go to the heart, chasing is not fast.

    Suddenly, it became a Shi Hao single-faced ghoul knight!

    Paramita, isn't it a dead end to Casting King Hall?

    In the face of this situation, Shi Hao did not panic, but became more calm.

    He launched the Penetrating Cloud Step and quickly stepped back, then shot the light column in his eyes and stabbed the eyes of the Ghost Knight.

    If you change a Casting King Hall, you can directly ignore the interference with the elemental eye and suppress it with two big realms. The problem is that the Ghost Knight is most restrained by the light element. Otherwise, it will not rush to kill Shi Hao.

    It had to bow down to prevent the light beam from hitting directly.

    As a result, its speed has been affected.

    But how fast the Casting King Hall is, even if it is affected, it is still a little faster than Shi Hao.

    The Ghost Knight is still close, but Shi Hao has adjusted his direction and leaned toward the Han Li people.

    “Go to hell!”The ghoul knight waved the epee and yelled at Shi Hao.

    "dream!"Han Liren greeted him. He had already flew into the battle horse. Hey, he also sacrificed a stick and held the epee.

    Hey, he was suddenly shaken off, but the Cheng Yang four finally caught up and blocked the corpse knight.

    The situation has returned to the previous, the five largest Casting King Hall combined with the ghoul knight, and Shi Hao is harassed from the side.

    This time, the ghoul knight has no more mounts, less change, and can no longer break through the perimeter of the five powerhouses.

    It is constantly hurt, although it does not hurt or hurt, but the lack of an arm is the absence of an arm, which will definitely affect the combat power. After the two arms and one foot, it is finally killed.

    At this point, the battle is finally over.

    This is a terrible victory.

    See how many people have died in the four major families?

    This is hurt by the ghoul, it will inevitably hurt, at least within a year or two of the cultivation base, and then make progress, even want to return to the peak is difficult.

    Therefore, everyone is silent and silently recovering.

    After a day of rest, they decided to leave.

    Shi Hao quietly walked to the side of the Ghost Knight and scraped the dead moss.

    No one noticed, very good.

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