The first thousand three hundred sixty

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound. In the azure clock, He Lin’s body had turned into a black-painted steel body, and He Lin’s body suddenly broke out. Dark breath!

“Not good!” The sword has no eyes and suddenly cold, watching the town cold and cold opened the mouth and said: “The town, my three killing sword can you take it, presumably it has already done its best? Then my The next sword, can you resist the town Tianshi?”

“Not good!” The gaze flashed, and there was a burst of milk white on the side of the Lord: “I said that if you want to block, no one can penetrate, pole, create, hey, you three are Want to destroy the rules of the decisive battle?”

“weng!” milk white rays of light suddenly rose up, in front of the Lord, the Bible suddenly emerged, bursts of milk white halo instantly surrounded the sword and the town completely!

“The power of the Lord’s Bible!” The face suddenly changed. Looking at the white halo, the eyes suddenly showed a dignified color, creating a deep exhaled: “I am coming!”

“Open the axe, the power of the heavens!” The body of the pole has only the Divine Artifact, and the Bible of the Lord is the chaotic Divine Artifact, the chaotic Divine Artifact performed by a saint, the Divine Artifact is absolutely broken. If you don’t open it, only the power of the chaotic Divine Artifact will break the protection of this Bible!

“weng!” bursts of golden light continually flashing, and a path of strong golden rays of light emerged on the body of the creation, the golden halo filled, the diamond axe appeared in the hands of the creation, the hands of the creation Suddenly, ten thousand zhang golden light!

The body of the wound suddenly burst into a strong golden halo, creating an axe fiercely and smashing toward the white halo of the milk, golden giant axe violently violent, a powerful momentum instantly emerged, the golden share of the blind suddenly fiercely The cockroach has reached the milk white mask!

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound, the roar of the roar, the golden axe and the white mask directly collided, the white mask suddenly trembled, and looked straight at the Lord. The eyes are suddenly full of sharpness!

“Break for me! Open!” A whisper, a burst of golden light skyrocketing, the golden giant axe suddenly flashed, the roar of the roar, the milk white mask instantly exploded, turned into a crush !

“bang!” “bang!” The roar of the roaring sound continued, but the Jehovah’s Bible was transformed into the milk white halo but it was completely motionless, and the eye of the wound suddenly showed a dignified color, and at this time, the sword of the sword was born. Has been thrown into the air!

“clang!” “clang!” Slaughter’s sword suddenly gray ray of light, the gray sword qi is constantly integrated into the slaughter Divine Sword, slaughter Divine Sword rays of light 璀璨, the sword is not straight Staring at the town, then coldly smiled: “I am a sword, called the war!”

“A sword fights all directions!” In the eyes of the sword, there is a burst of cold light, and the gray sword qi is directly integrated into the sword of the Slaughter. The sword of the Slaughter suddenly slams down to the town fiercely, this sword Glow in the air in the air suddenly into eight words qi!

Eight words qi suddenly emerged, overbearing sword qi respectively from the town’s eight directions fiercely smashed down, the town’s eyes burst into the flash of light, these eight sword qi turned out to be the same sharp, a sword into eight swords, formidable power even Not yet, the sword that this sword has no life is really horrible!

“Not good!” The complexion greatly changed. Looking at the overwhelming gray word glow, there was a burst of anxious color in the eyes. Looking at the complexion changed, the town and the town were all blinking, and the two suddenly changed. I am very dignified!

“Block him, he must stop him. The town is definitely not his opponent!” The face was heavy, and there was a burst of light in his eyes. Both the creation and the sorrow were a bitter smile. The Bible of the Lord could not be broken in time. How to help the town!

“Damn!” screamed in a low voice: “If it wasn’t for that Optimus Prime was taken out by God World’s Lord to repel the Taiko Trolls, causing God World to lean southeast, the town’s colorful town of Tianshi had a part to suppress this God. World is stable, and this divides the town Tianshi into two parts. This sword has no way to attack the defense of the broken town!”

“The town is not complete, the town’s defense will become so easy to be broken, if the town is full of stone, Rakshasa’s attack may not be able to break the town’s defense!” 羲 slow exhaled, watching the extreme and creating slowly open The mouth and said !

“That again, I am afraid that the town will be hurt by him. His sword is that we are going to resist it. It is also very difficult to stop. The town’s Tianshi is absolutely impossible to resist!” The eyes flashed and looked at the eight gray swords. Glow, the face suddenly becomes very dignified!

The Lord and Satan had a faint smile on their faces. In the eyes of both of them, the town was absolutely at least seriously injured. The Lord and Satan were calmly watching the sword without life, and the sword was innocent and blinking. But it is a burst of killing intent and constantly flashing!

“Chī!” A ray of light flashed up, and outside the milky white mask, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly flashed into the milk white mask, and instantly appeared in front of the town, Yun Bufan Whispering: “Wang Dao, the king of the king, give me away!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of colorful rays of light suddenly burst into the air, a hegemonic momentum broke out directly from Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan looked straight at the sword without life, nine Divine Artifact all appeared in an instant, and the clock was still suspended at the top of Helin’s head, while the other eight Divine Artifacts rushed toward the eight gray swords qi!

“bang!” “bang!” A loud sound of bombing continued, the eight Divine Artifact and the overbearing gray sword qi were directly shattered by Yun Bufan’s eight Divine Artifact, Yun Bufan was also groaned, silhouette suddenly retreated, mouth corner overflow A long bloodshot!

“pu!” sword is lifeless but it is direct mouth spurt blood out, watching Yun Bufan’s eyes ray of light flashing: “The king of the road, it really is the road to overlord, the power of overbearing, Yun brother, no If you think about it for years, your strength will increase so fast!”

“Slaughter breath, slaughter breath, this slaughter breath, more than a hundred times stronger than when I first saw you!” Yun Bufan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, watching the sword no slow: “You first He Lin won the battle and tried his best to deal with the town of Paragon. Now it’s hard to pick me up, but it’s just a minor injury!”

“The sword is lifeless, your strength is really unbelievable. I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong, people can’t believe it!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, and his eyes burst into flames. !

“Yun Bufan, he, how did he get in?” The Lord looked at Yun Bufan with horror. His eyes were full of incredible expressions, staring at Yun Bufan with disbelief: “Impossible, how did he get in? How could he go in?” ?”

“Father!” Satan whispered, but the Lord took a deep breath, shook the head, and looked at Satan’s voice. “I don’t know how he got in, he didn’t even have it.” It’s really incredible to cause the earthquake in my Bible!”

“What?” Satan was also shocked to see Yun Bufan, the defense of the Jehovah’s Bible, that is, he also spent a lot of effort to get in, and Yun Bufan, who went in for a moment, is really incredible!

“Yun Bufan!” Extreme, Chuanghe is also a slight glimpse. Looking at Yun Bufan inside, the eyes of the three people all have the wrong color, and they are very surprised to see the mouth and said: “What is he?” Go in? Have you seen how he got in?”

Both Chuang and Hee are shook the head, and there is a bitter smile in his eyes, creating a slow exhaled: “There are a lot of secrets in this kid, we have no way to the Bible, he can directly shuttle in!”

“Yun Bufan!” The Lord looked at Yun Bufan inside and couldn’t help but look cold. The killing intent flashed up: “Are you going to break the rules? If that is the case, then our so-called decisive battle, I don’t see it. Necessary!”

“I think so too!” Yun Bufan looked at the Lord calmly, and there was a faint smile on his lips: “The one-on-one battle is really unnecessary. Jehovah, I will give you a suggestion, we You can turn the battle into a battle of daggers. What do you think?”

“The battle of the dagger?” The eyes of the Lord flashed, and Yun Bufan’s mouth suddenly had a faint smile: “Yes, it’s the plan of the dagger, the angel of the Angel family, the demon master, and the Rakshasa of the Rakshasa! ”

“The strength of all three of you is the strongest one. If that is the case, then there will be no meaning in other battles. Let us go out and fight with you three, ireconcilable, see the leaders of both sides, who will die. Who is living, this is the battle of daggers, what do you think?”

Yun Bufan looked straight at the Lord, and there was a faint smile in his eyes. The eyes of the Lord suddenly burst into the air, staring straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan faint with a smile: “What? Jehovah, you are afraid Yet?”

“Afraid?” Jehovah shook the head, watching Yun Bufan faintly opened the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, I am very curious, how are you going to arrange your so-called dagger battle? I, Satan, and the sword without life. Who are the three people on God World who will fight with us!”

“The Lord of the Devil, his power is power of Darkness, my God World side, very Senior is enough to fight him, and the sword is lifeless, and the Senior can also fight with him. As for the Father, you are Yun Bufan. Come and teach you in person!”

Yun Bufan looked at the Lord with a gaze, and his eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, but what he said was that everyone was shocked and looked at him incredulously!

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