The first thousand three hundred 70 chapter Taikoo troll reincarnation

Jehovah, Father Yahweh, that is the super powerhouse of Saint Venerable Level, and Yun Bufan is nothing more than the Sky Monarch powerhouse. But Yun Bufan actually said that he came to deal with the Lord himself. The Lord looked straight at Yun Bufan: “You Are you fighting with me?”

Yun Bufan suddenly faintly smiled and looked at the Lord calmly opened the mouth and said: “What? Is the dignified Heavenly Father still afraid of not fighting with Yun Bufan? I think this battle of daggers should be more beneficial to you in Western God World? ”

The Lord’s gaze flashed and looked straight at Yun Bufan. There was a flash of light in his eyes. The Lord really couldn’t understand what Yun Bufan was playing. What did he want to do? How can I propose such a battle of daggers!

“Yun Bufan, what do you want to do?” The Lord slowly exhaled, watching Yun Bufan whisper, Yun Bufan slightly paused, said with a smile: “I just don’t believe in the strength of your Father, so I want to try. Try it!”

“I want to give it a try? I’m afraid, isn’t that simple?” The Lord’s gaze flashed, watching Yun Bufan slowly open his mouth, and Yun Bufan whispered: “So what do you think, what purpose do I have? Are you afraid?”

“Afraid?” The Lord suddenly laughed: “hahaha, you are right, I am afraid, you Yun Bufan is really too smart, there is a purpose behind everything you do, not Do you want to fight with me, what is the real purpose?”

“With my Western God World Rakshasa, you have a real demon god. You Yun Bufan wants to fight with me, then what do you want from me?” The Lord fixedly looked at Yun Bufan. , word by word, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said !

“If I said, I am fighting with you just to save my Master? Jehovah, can you believe?” Yun Bufan looked at the Lord with a smile, and everyone around him was shocked. The Lord was also surprised: “Save and destroy?”

“I believe!” After a moment of meditation, the Lord looked at Yun Bufan straight, then faintly opened, and Yun Bufan looked at the Lord with amazement. The face of the Lord appeared with a faint smile: “But you can’t do it.” Come, I will, kill you first!”

“Let’s see if you have this ability!” Yun Bufan looked at the Lord with a smile, and his eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. The Lord suddenly inactivated intent, and at this time, under the clock, That cyan ray halo, suddenly burst out of a strong black ray of light!

“He Lin!” Yun Bufan turned abruptly and looked straight toward He Lin. Under the cyan ray of the Tianzhong clock, he turned into a black paint. He Lin suddenly snarled and horrified. The black air waves are constantly erupting from He Lin’s body!

“Transmutation, done!” Yun Bufan is secretly relaxed, everyone’s eyes are directly concentrated on He Lin’s body, at the moment He Lin, the body black light is constantly flashing, the black paint halo makes all People are feeling dazzling!

“weng!” “weng!” From He Lin’s with the the body, suddenly floated one after another black ball, a total of nine black beads suspended around He Lin, He Lin’s eyes suddenly showed a hint of joy Smile: “Nine Stars Devil!”

“Devil inheritance, nine-star demon!” He Lin whispered, the nine black balls suddenly one after another bursting open, each and everyone dark space appeared in front of everyone, nine dark spaces lined up, In those dark spaces, a group of black mists permeate, forming the head of each and everyone black!

“Devil space, the devil is condensed!” He Lin whispered, the entire sky suddenly a rising winds, scudding clouds, a kind of force constantly pouring into the dark space, slowly, in the nine dark spaces In that, the black wolf head grew up constantly, one changed into two, two changed into four, nine dark spaces, and instantly filled with countless devils!

“How, how is it possible? He, is he a Taiko troll?” He was shocked to see He Lin, staring blankly at the nine dark spaces, his eyes filled with an incredible expression, eyes in the rays of light Flash, there is a faint color!

“The Taiko Troll!” is the creation of a harmonious, but also the same body shock, looked at He Lin with shock, the eyes of the Lord and Satan are full of incredible expression, the ancient trolls, they are too familiar, He Lin this The appearance of the time, even like the old Trolls of the past, too much like!

“The same troll space, the same inheritance, he, is he the reincarnation of the Taiko Troll? The Taiko Troll was attacked by the owner of God World with Optimus Prime. Everyone thought he had been destroyed. But he, is it really soul destroyed?”

At this moment, the eyes of the three very few are full of suspicious expressions. The Lord and Satan are also looking at each other. The ray of light on both of them is faintly flashing, and at this time, Yun Bufan’s mind suddenly screamed. Voice: “Yun Bufan, fast, kill He Lin!”

Yun Bufan’s body fiercely trembled, and he couldn’t believe the Chaoji side. The voice of Chuanghe and Hey also sounded in his mind: “Hey, kill him now, he is the weakest moment at the moment. He has just completed the transformation and killed him!”

Yun Bufan was shocked. He didn’t know why the pole, the creation and the scorpion would call him to kill He Lin, but He Lin walked along with him, how many things he did for him, and he was not only a master servant, but also a friend. How many Life and Death have passed, can be said to be the real life and death!

Now, the extreme, the creation and the cockroaches are all saying that they want to kill him. Yun Bufan’s eyes are full of incomprehensible colors. “weng!” is in the eyes of Yun Bufan’s incomprehensible eyes, and the town’s body suddenly emerges for a while. The multi-colored light, the five-color rays of light directly pressed down to He Lin!

Yun Bufan’s body fiercely trembled, looked at the town, his eyes suddenly filled with fierce colors, his body rays of light flashing, a multi-colored light flashing toward the town, “hong long!” The bombing sounded loudly, and the colorful town Tianshi was suddenly shaken out by Yun Bufan!

“pu!” Yun Bufan mouth spurt blood out, the town looked at Yun Bufan and shouted: “Yun Bufan, what are you doing? Let go, don’t kill him, my God World is afraid that there will never be a peaceful day, wait for me to kill He, let us explain to you again!”

“You, why should you kill him?” Yun Bufan looked straight at the town, and then looked at the past, and he saw the past: “He Lin, not only my men, but also my relatives of Yun Bufan, brother, me. I can’t watch him being killed by you!”

“He is very likely to be the reincarnation of the Taikoo troll, do you know?” Looking at Yun Bufan shouted in a low voice, Yun Bufan body fiercely trembled, shook his head said solemnly: “Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, Lin, how could it be the reincarnation of the Taiko Troll?”

“The Taikoo trolls were defeated by Optimus Prime by the Lord of God World, but no one saw whether he was soul destroyed. Only after the attack of Optimus Prime, the Taiko trolls disappeared. At that time, everyone was very Naturally, he was completely killed by the Lord of God World!”

Very deep exhaled, watching He Lin whispered open the mouth and said : “But now, he appeared, do you know the appearance of the Lord God World? Lord God, exactly the same as him, but also comprehensible power Of Darkness, like him, has nine dark spaces, and in the nine dark airs, there are also so-called countless devils!”

“Yun Bufan, all of this, is undoubtedly telling us that this He Lin is very likely to be the reincarnation of the Taikoic trolls. This risk, we can’t take it, you know?” Very deep Exhaled, opened to the mouth and said to Yun Bufan

“What?” Yun Bufan was completely stunned. What he didn’t expect was that he wanted to kill He Lin. This is why Yun Bufan turned slowly and looked at He Lin quietly, flashing at the black rays of light. Among them, He Lin is still steadily condensing the devils in the nine dark spaces!

“Yun Bufan, fast!” The sound of the sound is very loud: “Nine dark spaces, if he is all condensed, it is very likely that he will become a Taiko troll. At that time, it is very likely that no one can deal with it. He, you understand?”

“Hilling He Lin?” Yun Bufan looked at He Lin slyly, but his eyes showed a sense of ecstasy. The town was gnashing his teeth, and his colorful rays of light flashed: “You can’t go, Then let me come, Yun Bufan, for the entire God World, he must die!”

“weng!” colorful ray of light flashed, the town was a palm directly shot down to He Lin, and at the same time, a burst of white rays of light flashed, a white mask completely gave He Lin Shrouded!

“Satan, Rakshasa!” shouted in a low voice, the silhouette of the Lord appeared directly in front of the town, the town body fiercely trembled, stepped back, and at this time, a black mist also filled the dark, dark The power is constantly emerging!

“weng! ” “weng! ” black light glimmers directly, the satan’s silhouette is also emerging directly, the black mist is shrouded, and when the extreme and the others are too late to react, He Lin has been directly used by the Lord with white rays. Of light surrounded by the give out!

“Not good, kill him!” suddenly shouted loudly, however, did not wait for the pole and the others to chase, but also bursts of gray rays of light constantly rising, a path of gray sword qi constantly blended in midair Get it directly into the sword of the chaotic Divine Artifact slaughter!

“weng!” “weng!” gray light flashes, the sword’s lifeless silhouette comes from the volley, the gray light flashes, the sword has no life, the chaotic Divine Artifact long sword directly on the pole and the others fiercely squatted down, a path The horrible slaughter is constantly emerging, making people feel scalp!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The roar of the roaring sounds constantly, after a burst of bombing, the sword is not born, and the others suddenly disappeared!

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