The first thousand three hundred sixty eight chapters

Outside the battlefield, the Lord looked at Satan, and Satan looked at the Lord as well. Both of them were filled with shocking expressions. The Lord was deeply exhaled and whispered in a low voice: “The strength of really strong, this Rakshasa is holy. How horrible will it be in the world of honor?”

“Rakshasa!” Satan also deeply stared at the sword without a glance, then looked at the Lord nodded, whispered softly: “Rakshasa’s strength, although it is only a natural environment, but he can be said to be the first day. Right? It’s just creating them. It’s not an opponent of Rakshasa!”

“You can create them. Anyone can drag him. After all, he is only a god. You use the hundreds of millions of scabbard demons for him to slaughter and help him breakthrough. Satan, you think these, I really don’t know?” The Lord slowly turned and looked at Satan straight, word by word, and screamed!

Satan was slightly shocked, and the Lord was deeply exhaled, watching Satan whispered open the mouth and said: “Is he giving you instructions? If not him, how could you know that he is Rakshasa? Although you cover up very well But you forgot, Rakshasa is a breakthrough in the hell of your demon family!”

“There is the base camp of your demon family. There are countless scabbard demons in captivity. The scabbard demon has always been the food of the higher devils, but it has been slaughtered in this short period of time. Such a big news, my Angel family. How could it not be received at all?”

The Lord’s eyes flashed and whispered: “It seems that he has begun to distrust me with the Angel family. If it were not for these kinds, I would not think of it. Satan, should you be very happy?”

“Happy?” Satan looked at the Lord in a weird way: “If the Lord, if you are replaced by you, will you be happy? Although this is our mission, don’t forget, Angel or Devil, all Our own billions of years of hard work, who will be willing to squander their own billions of years of hard work?”

“But us, no choice!” Satan was deeply exhaled, watching the sword without squinting his eyes and whispering: “At the moment he appeared, we have no choice, Rakshasa, should not appear. !”

“But him, but you have one to offer!” The Lord slowly opened his mouth, and Satan’s eyes were filled with bitterness: “That is because I have no choice, I have only one choice!”

The Lord and Satan are silent, but the sword is inanimate, but staring straight at the town, and the eyes burst into flames: “The town of Paragon is worthy of the town of Paragon, which is known as God World’s first defense. It is really powerful. Then I will see, your town Tianshi can still resist my sword!”

“weng!” gray rays of light continually flashing, a path of gray sword qi emerged, slaughter’s breath continued to skyrocket, the sword no life suddenly burst into a strong gray atmosphere, the sword did not blink Looking at the town coldly smiled, countless gray sword qi rotates directly around the sword!

“hong long long!” roaring sounds, the sword looked cold and cold at the town, that a path of gray sword qi continually gathered at the top of the sword, the chaotic Divine Artifact long sword is more gray, sword No life slowly closed his eyes, and a layer of gray sword qi appeared on his body!

“weng!” gray light flashes, a path of gray sword qi is constantly merging, the chaotic Divine Artifact slaughter long sword suddenly emerges a burst of gray rays of light, the powerful slaughter sword qi constantly rises, the sword is not straightforward In the town, the cold light in the eyes kept flashing: “Kill!”

The sword is whispering, and the chaotic Divine Artifact grey long sword smashed down the town’s colorful stone wall fiercely. Although the word “kill” is not strong, the strong killing intent can make people Feel a tremor!

“Colorful town Tianshi, Zhentian great hand seal, give me the town!” The town looked straight at the colorful town of Tianshi, bursts of colorful rays of light constantly flashing, the multicolored halo outside the colorful stone wall suddenly More embarrassing, the five-color halo continues to pervade!

“hong long long!” The roar of the sword, the sword of the lifeless chaos Divine Artifact slaughter sword directly on the colorful stone wall, the entire colorful stone wall is constantly shaking, the roaring sound is constantly ringing, the colorful stone The wall suddenly trembled!

“weng!” “weng!” The multicolored halo is constantly permeating, the colorful stone wall is faint, the gray slaughter is constantly rising, and the sword looks straight at the town: “I am killing the sword three times. Strong, town Paragon, see if you can resist it all!”

“Kill!” In the gaze of the people, the sword has no time to step out again, and it is a low-pitched sound. “ka!” “ka!” Gray Slaughtering Qi is constantly emerging, and the sword is cold in the eyes. Flash, stare straight at the town!

The colorful stone wall in front of the town trembled constantly, and a path of fine cracks appeared directly. Even the multicolored great hand seal had a fine crack. The town stared straight at the sword and had an unprecedented face. Duffled!

“ka!” “ka!” colorful hand seal, the multicolored handprints appeared directly a path of cracks, the town stared straight at the sword without life, the face suddenly appeared dignified color, the town blinked “This town is a great hand seal, but it can’t resist the sword qi!”

“Hongmen strength of Space, can not be enough, it seems, can only rely on the power of God World!” The town’s eyes burst into the flash of light, then deep exhaled, face dignified, whispered: “Colorful town, God World’s power, bring me together!”

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound, and the entire God World sky suddenly rang, and the entire God World suddenly trembled. The power of God World flooded directly into the town’s within the body. The whole sky was suddenly covered by a multi-colored light!

“God World!” The town looked straight at the God World sky, and then suddenly there was a burst of multi-colored light, and the entire God World sky suddenly bursting winds, scudding clouds, multi-colored light constantly gathering, the town’s The colorful hand seal of the colorful town, suddenly burst into a strong five-color glow!

“weng!” “weng!” Under the five-color rays of light, the crack of the colorful great hand seal turned out to slowly heal, and the town stared at the sword without the gray long sword. The roaring sound continued. From that, the chaotic Divine Artifact’s slaughter long sword gray rays of light flashed, it was directly blocked out of this colorful stone wall!

“The town, it really is to show this move!” Looked at this colorful hand seal, a hint of complex expression in the eyes, the side of the creation and the cockroaches are blinking, whispered: “Look this Rakshasa, it is extremely powerful!”

“Kill!” The sword snorted in a low voice, and was shouted in a low voice. The roaring sound continued, the gray sword qi emerged directly, and gathered into the chaotic Divine Artifact slaughter long sword, slaughter sword qi Constantly gathering, the chaotic Divine Artifact slaughter long sword is even more bursts of gray rays of light!

“bang!” The gray sword glow skyrocketed again, the gray light flashed, a roaring explosion continued, the colorful great hand seal was evenly halo, the rays of light flashed, and the entire colorful hand seal became extremely Solidified!

“God World’s power, colorful town, great hand seal!” The town is also whispering, five kinds of power, rushing directly from the sky of God World, gathering on the colorful great hand seal, that multicolored Great hand seal 猛然 rays of light skyrocketing!

“bang!” “bang!” The roaring sound continued, the sword was born and the eyes were sharp, staring at the colorful great hand seal, the grey sword glow and the colorful hand seal of the colorful rays of light constantly collided, gray sword qi One inch inch of the colorful great hand seal is constantly cut!

“Chī!” “Chī!” On the multicolored great hand seal, it was immediately directly torn by this gray long sword into a small half. The sword has no life and death. The starry singer is constantly appearing, gray ray Of light continues to skyrocket, the gray sword qi is constantly integrated into the chaotic Divine Artifact!

“bang!” gray long sword’s sword glow suddenly skyrocketed, roaring sounds constantly bursting, the gray sword glow suddenly shattered this colorful great hand seal, this colorful great hand seal suddenly exploded!

“hmph!” town groaned, then directly back three steps, and the sword opposite the town is also a body tremble, back a few steps, the face is also a shocking color, the sword is not looking straight at the town, The town is also quietly watching the sword without life!

The sword of the swordless Divine Artifact slaughter flew back to the back of the sword, and the colorful town Tianshi was also swept away from the town, floating directly on the top of the town, flashing colorful halo, this scene, let Everyone is shocked!

Regardless of the up and down, the collision of this attack turned out to be a situation that did not differ. Yun Bufan and the others were shocked to see the sword without life. They did not think that the strength of the sword was horrible. !

“Not good!” The eyes flashed, and then there was a hint of expression in the eyes. Looking straight at the sword and the town, deep exhaled: “The strength of the town, the strength of the town has reached the limit, and That Rakshasa, I haven’t done my best yet!”

“If the town’s colorful town Tianshi is still complete, I am afraid it may not be the opponent of Rakshasa!” In the eyes of the eye, there is also a flash of light, and the face can not help but become dignified. The town’s colorful town Tianshi is originally incomplete. of!

羲nodded, also opened the mouth and said: “The colorful town of Tianshi, because of the lack of a part, so its defense not at all reached the strongest point, otherwise, Rakshasa’s slaughter sword qi can not break it defense!”

“No matter what!” Yun Bufan looked at the town and the sword without life, and was not deeply exhaled: “The sword is lifeless, still not full of strength!”

“He Lin, he has to breakthrough!” Looking at the black rays of light, in the clock, He Lin, who is constantly becoming a black steel giant, Yun Bufan is also a flash of light, real Devils, how strong will it be!

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