Chapter 1,333,nine deaths and still alive

“hong long long!” The roaring sound suddenly rang, Yun Bufan’s diamond axe suddenly collided with the black feathers of the fireball and Satan. The golden axe was golden light, and the body was surrounded by a fierce flame. It’s magnificent, and Satan’s black wings are black light and dark!

“Two great gods!” Satan’s eyes flashed in a flash of light: “this Majesty’s knife, but Divine Artifact, even if you are two pieces of heavenly spirit, then how, this seat wants to break, then Just break at any time!”

“Take this seat to break!” Satan looked at Yun Bufan, his eyes suddenly showed a cold color, coldly smiled, whispering, the black demon wings suddenly black light flashed, black light skyrocketed, a black rays of Light suddenly fiercely rushed over!

The roar of the roaring sounded, the black wing and Yun Bufan’s diamond axe collided directly, and the roar of the buzzing sound continued. Yun Bufan’s diamond axe and the fireball were suddenly shaken out, and the demon wing was Directly toward Yun Bufan!

Satan’s eyes were cold, and his eyes burst into flames: “Devil’s wings, give me, tear him!”

“hu!” Demon wings, quickly rushing toward Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan shook the head: “Unfortunately, this is definitely not the strongest Divine Artifact of Satan, but I also want to use the strongest Divine Artifact, I don’t know. How should these bans he set up be broken?”

“weng!” azure light slammed, Yun Bufan whispered, a huge azure big bell suddenly appeared, and the day, Yun Bufan bursts of rays of light, and the day suddenly burst into a strong Cyan ray mans!

Cyan ray plunged, and the bells suddenly sounded a melodious bell. Yun Bufan’s body azure light blew, and the burst of cyan ray rushed into the clock, Yun Bufan blinked: “Day the clock, give me a big!”

“Weng!” The clock is getting bigger and bigger. Looking at the demon wing that is used quickly, Yun Bufan whispers, and the clock is directly shrouded by Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s eyes are in full bloom. flash!

“clang!” Demon wings, directly colliding with the clock, the bursts of bells continued to sound, Yun Bufan felt the shaking of the clock, Yun Bufan deep exhaled: “Damn, Tianleizhu And Locking Wind Bead has not broken through to the extent of the Heavenly Spirit, my way of overlord, can not be fully displayed!”

“It’s really hard to deal with Satan by the clock.” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, and the light in his eyes was flashing. At this time, outside the clock, Satan looked at the scene and suddenly sneered: “I want to make a coward by a certain clock? Yun Bufan, I am looking at you!”

“Ding the clock, are you really unable to deal with you in this seat?” Satan’s cold voice rang, and then there was a burst of black rays of light. Satan looked at the whispering opening of the clock: “Chaotic Divine Artifact, I am Satan, not dead yet!”

“weng!” A burst of black light slammed, Satan suddenly opened his mouth, a black painted pearl suddenly spit out from his mouth, black light 璀璨, the beads are round and smooth, exudes a heart-warming dark atmosphere!

“This Majesty’s demon beads, also the chaotic Divine Artifact!” Satan’s eyes showed a cold color, his body black light flashed, and his mouth vomited, a thick black mist rushed over, black fog, and immediately put that The demon beads are surrounded by the group, and the demon beads are constantly rotating!

“weng! ” “weng!” burst into black light, and the dark demon jewels turned to the day clock. In the clock, Yun Bufan’s eyes suddenly showed a shock, he could see Get, the powerful momentum of the demon beads!

“clang!” Devil’s Bead, fiercely hit the top of the clock, suddenly burst into a crisp collision, the rays of light flashed, the devil’s beads suddenly emitted a black ray of light!

Within a certain day, Yun Bufan suddenly fiercely trembled, a large mouthful of blood sprayed out, and then the eyes were full of shock: “Not good, this demon bead, can make the clock ring extremely strong shock, In this case, it is shock that can kill me!”

“Don’t help me, I can’t help me!” Yun Bufan realized for a moment that this day, I was afraid that I couldn’t protect myself at all. Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled: “The road to overlord is not complete, and the clock can’t be protected. I, this Satan’s ban has not broken open. Is it true today that I really want to die in his hands?”

“Can you resist a few times?” Satan’s cold laughter suddenly came over, and a burst of black rays of light suddenly flashed, and the devil’s beads suddenly turned, and the black ray of light continued. flicker!

“weng!” black light slammed, the devil’s dying dying toward Yun Bufan’s day clock fiercely smashed in the past, and another roaring sound, Yun Bufan only felt the whole day of the clock swaying for a moment, bursting The black light flashes, and Yun Bufan is the mouth spurt blood!

“No, if I go on like this, I can’t stop it!” Yun Bufan secretly gritted his teeth, then his body azure light flashed, Yun Bufan’s silhouette flew straight out of the clock, and appeared in the clock for a moment. Outside!

The clock azure light flashed, Yun Bufan waved his hand, and the day was suddenly binned by Yun Bufan with the body, Satan looked straight at Yun Bufan, then suddenly smiled: “What? Don’t hide? You hide again Can you hide?”

“Hide?” Yun Bufan shook the head, smiled opened the mouth and said: “Why should I hide from you? What qualifications do you have for me to hide? Do you really think you killed me? Satan, you are too small. Look at Yun Bufan!”

“en?” Satan’s gaze flashed, and Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a flash of red rays of light: “Today, I will try with all of my Divine Artifact to see if you can kill me!”

“The diamond axe, the green wood needle, the water emperor, the fireball, the earth god shield, the gold spirit beads, the clock, give me all!” Yun Bufan whispered, a piece of Divine Artifact suddenly emerged from his within the body Then suspended behind Yun Bufan, the momentum is amazing!

“Oh? Your Divine Artifact, seems to be missing one or two?” Satan looked at Yun Bufan with amazement, Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, his mouth slightly tilted, faintly opened the mouth and said: “Yes? Then you Instead, look at the Divine Artifact that I am missing, is it it!”

“Lock the Tower!” A burst of rays of light flashed, the lock tower suddenly appeared on the head of Yun Bufan, emitting a faint rays of light, the ray of light of the lock tower, Yun Bufan deep exhaled: “Satan, How do you kill me?”

“Divine Artifact is more, it is also awe-inspiring, you Divine Artifact, this one can be defeated!” Satan shook the head, then a black light flashed on his face, watching Yun Bufan smile, the devil’s beads floated in On top of his head, the rays of light flash, and the demon beads are constantly spinning!

“Yes?” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled and looked at Satan indifferently said: “But before you kill me, maybe, I have already broken your ban, Break for me! !”

A golden light flashed, Yun Bufan waved, and the diamond axe spurred directly from Yun Bufan. A large golden axe suddenly rose and the golden axe suddenly went down to the surrounding dark space. !

“You want to break my ban? Are you doing it?” Satan was coldly smiled, and the demon jewels swept away toward Yun Bufan. The golden axe of the diamond axe suddenly emerged, and the demon beads and the diamond axe crashed into each other. The roar is constantly coming up!

“Yun Bufan suddenly screamed, behind Yun Bufan, Jin Lingzhu rays of light 璀璨, turned into a golden giant and a golden giant axe, and a golden shield, the momentum is amazing!

“hong long long!” The body of the criminal day suddenly broke out of the golden rays of light, a burst of golden light flashed, the horrible momentum suddenly broke out, a golden axe, directly toward the dark space fiercely Knocked down, with a strong momentum!

“This is, the power of the heavens?” Satan looked at the golden axe with astonishment, and his eyes suddenly became terrified: “The power of heaven is actually the power of heaven. How can he exert the power of heaven?” But the power of Splitting Heaven Ax!”

“Not good!” Satan’s complexion greatly changed, the huge golden axe, already collided with the black space, the roaring sound continued, the black space was strange, suddenly cracked a golden slit, Yun Bufan The eyes suddenly flashed in the eyes!

“Bastard!” Satan complexion greatly changed, then whispered, the devil beads have already swept away to Yun Bufan, the black long knife is also a moment of instant, a moment directly to the punishment day fiercely smashed down!

“clang!” black long knife and criminal day’s giant axe suddenly collided, corporal groaned, the whole person quickly flew out, and then directly returned to Jin Lingzhu, Jin Lingzhu, instantly poured into Yun Bufan’s within the body!

Satan’s full blow, the sacred singer’s full force, how can the punishment be able to withstand it, Yun Bufan’s face could not help but become very dignified, with a burst of rays of light on his body, Yun Bufan whispered, then complexion greatly Changed: “Golden Pearl, has been hit!”

“Devil Beads!” Yun Bufan looked at the demon beads flying in the sky, his face was changed, and then deep exhaled, a burst of light flashed in his eyes: “Tu Shen shield, set the clock, give me a stop!”

“hong long!” A horrible explosion sounded, Yun Bufan’s silhouette was suddenly flew out by fiercely, blood sprayed the sky, Yun Bufan was complexion greatly changed, this Satan, has done its best, Yun Bufan did not expect this A blow is so horrible!

For a while, Yun Bufan was completely immersed in the scene of nine deaths and still alive!

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