The first three hundred and thirty-two chapters of war Satan

“Yun Bufan, you haven’t seen it for many years, your strength has increased a lot!” Satan looked at Yun Bufan with a smile, and said with a smile, Yun Bufan also smiled slowly: “I haven’t seen you for many years, your Satan’s injury, can you all? Restored?”

“Injury?” Satan smiled proudly, watching Yun Bufan faintly opened the mouth and said: “Do you think that if there is any injury in this seat, will this seat come to you for trouble? Yun Bufan, you are a fool in this seat. ?”

“You are not a fool, but have you ever thought about it, you can come over this time, but I can make you seriously injured again?” Yun Bufan suddenly became cold and cold, killing intent, and a powerful momentum suddenly broke out. !

“Let me be seriously injured?” Satan shook the head and watched Yun Bufan open the mouth and said: “I’m afraid of you now, there is no qualification for me to be seriously injured. Why do you want to seriously hurt this seat now? Sky Monarch? Joke!”

Satan, who has fully restored his strength, has become a holy powerhouse. He really does not need to fear a Sky Monarch. He wants to kill a Sky Monarch, but it is as simple as pinching an ant. Yun Bufan is not ordinary. Sky Monarch!

It was because of this that Satan did not take the shot. Yun Bufan looked at Satan and then shook the head. He slowly opened the mouth and said: “Satan, if you really have the confidence to kill me, you don’t have to lay it out. This layer is banned again!”

Satan was lightly startled, watching Yun Bufan’s eyes burst into a flash of light, and Yun Bufan’s mouth tilted slightly: “Why are you setting up a ban? Because you are not sure, you are not sure, you still want to kill me, it is too It’s ridiculous!”

Satan’s eyes suddenly burst into a chilling, cold color, and Yun Bufan was right. He didn’t have the confidence to kill Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan reached the Sky Monarch and boarded the Divine Paragon Mountain. 3,333,300 33rd-layer, he knew, Yun Bufan, he is not good to kill!

Yun Bufan has a faint smile in his eyes, watching Satan slowly say: “Satan, since you want to kill me, then do it, I also want to know, you can prepare to kill me! ”

In the eyes of Satan, a burst of light flashed and stared straight at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s mouth was a faint smile: “Here, God World, if I die so easily, then Explain that God World’s defense is really bad, but if you can’t kill me, the consequences, I don’t know if you can afford it!”

“Beginned to suppress hundreds of millions of years, God World, lurking in the dark, it is not a teenager, but now, if you can’t kill me, then you don’t want to go back to the sky, ready to be trapped God World Well, maybe it will be a billion years!”

Yun Bufan has a hint of light in his eyes: “And, God World, and the existence of God World’s original consciousness, Satan, you have arranged so much, is nothing more than fear that God World’s original consciousness senses your power to shoot you? The layout may not have any effect!”

“Yun Bufan, do you want to shake your heart to kill your heart? But you can’t shake it!” Satan’s eyes are chilly, and his body is killing intent. “There is a killing of you, three.” The knife is enough. Do you think this Majesty’s layout is because this seat is afraid of killing you?”

“Yun Bufan, you are too high to look at yourself, this seat is so arranged, it is really afraid of God World source consciousness, not afraid of not killing you!” Satan’s body, has already burst into a thick black fog, A dark momentum is constantly filling up!

“weng!” bursts of black rays of light, Satan suddenly burst into a strong and powerful momentum, Satan stared at Yun Bufan, black light flashed, a black long knife, already appeared in Satan In the hands!

“This is the devil’s knife in this hand, this Majesty’s knife, never shot easily, but this Majesty’s knife, once you shoot it, you will definitely die, this Majesty’s three knives, I don’t know if you can take it!” Satan smiled Looking at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s face is also very dignified!

Yun Bufan can see that Satan’s knife can’t be easily confronted. After all, the other is the holy powerhouse. This Prestige of single blade is terrible. I am afraid that no one can say that Yun Bufan is dignified and slow. A golden glow appears slowly!

“It is said that you have recently condensed two pieces of heavenly spirits. I also want to see if your two pieces of heavenly spirits are stronger, or is my demon knife more powerful?” Satan looked straight. Yun Bufan, a burst of light in the eyes!

Yun Bufan slightly paused, then suddenly smiled: “It turned out to be the case, I said that you dignified Devil Lord how come suddenly came to assassinate me, turned out to be for the day of the Spirit, I understand, Are you afraid that I will threaten you and the Lord in the future?”

Satan coldly snorted, looking at Yun Bufan coldly said: “Threats? Then I will kill you this threat, I will look at it, how do you pose a threat to me when you arrive!”

“weng!” Satan’s body suddenly burst into a burst of black paints of light. Satan suddenly burst into a powerful dark atmosphere, and a powerful dark atmosphere suddenly shrouded. Satan’s body suddenly flashed for a while. Rays of light!

The black rays of light flashed, and Satan’s eyes flashed in a flash of light. Satan whispered softly, and a black light flashed. With a wave of hand, the black long knife suddenly smashed toward Yun Bufan fiercely: “Yun Bufan, pick up my Number One Blade and see if your strength has improved!”

“hong long!” The roar of the roaring sound, Satan whispered, and a fiercely squat, the black rays of light, suddenly formed a strong black whirlwind, this black whirlwind swept directly toward Yun Bufan Come!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the pupils were slightly shrinking. Looking at Satan, there was a strong golden rays of light on the body: “Since you have to try my heavenly spirit, then I will let you feel it, my god. Spirit!”

“Golden armor!” Yun Bufan whispered, a golden light flashed, a golden silhouette suddenly emerged, and a burst of golden light flashed on Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan whispered as soon as he grasped the diamond axe: Gold armor, axe cracked the sky!”

“weng!” An axe fiercely smashed down, a burst of golden light slammed, a huge golden axe, directly fiercely fell to Satan, Satan’s eyes suddenly appeared a black ray of light, black light Flashing, Satan whispered, and the black whirlwind greeted me!

“hong long long !” black whirlwind and golden axe suddenly crashed, the golden axe, the silhouette of the gold armor suddenly turned into a golden War God, an axe fiercely facing the other side of the black silhouette fiercely hit the past!

The roar of the roaring sounded, Yun Bufan whispered, the golden light slammed, and the gold armor broke out with a momentum of nowhere, and the momentum of the first move directly brought the black whirlwind of Satan. Instantly smashed into pieces!

“This is, the power of creation?” The devil’s master suddenly Pupils shrank, staring at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s mouth slightly tilted, a hint of sneer: “Satan, you want to kill me now, it seems that it is not It’s too easy!”

“Your spirits of the day, turned out to be the younger generation, good, good, the younger generation, it really inherits the power and momentum of creation!” Satan looked at Yun Bufan and watched the flash of the diamond in his eyes. Satan’s gaze suddenly became very cold: “Is this piece of heavenly spirit? Yuan Bufan, I remember, you have two heavenly spirits!”

Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, and suddenly there was a burst of red rays of light, fire red rays of light flashing a fire red bead suddenly appeared in the hands of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan smiled and looked at Satan: “This, then Is my second piece of heavenly spirit, Satan, your second knife?”

“The second knife, my devil’s second knife, called the devil’s wing!” Satan’s eyes burst into the flash of light, watching Yun Bufan cold shouted in a low voice. “Yun Bufan, you pick me up. Second knife!”

“weng!” a fiercely smashed down, bursts of black rays of light, black rays of light formed a pair of black wings in the air, the black wings flashed with dark rays of light With a horrible momentum, Yun Bufan suddenly fiercely trembled!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the rays of light flashed. The fire red rays of light flashed in flames, and Yun Bufan’s palms continued to rotate. Yun Bufan whispered: “Help melt!”

“hu!” The silly silhouette of the help suddenly emerged, and Yun Bufan whispered again: “Golden armor!”

“Weng!” The diamond axe and the refuge of fire, while the rays of light flashed, the silhouette of the golden armor and the helper appeared at the same time, and Yun Bufan whispered: “Gold armor, diamond whirlwind axe, help, melting the world !”

Helping the body, suddenly bursts of fire red rays of light, a strong flame suddenly emerged from the help of the body, instantly integrated into the gold armor of the diamond, the diamond light of the diamond axe The flame of help is suddenly blended!

“weng! “golden light slams, the flames burn, watching the golden rays of light slamming the diamond axe, Yun Bufan whispered: “The diamond axe, smashed his wings and shattered him!”

The golden axe golden light instantly skyrocketed, the body of the golden armor became more sturdy, and Satan was flashing in the eyes, watching the gold armor, the black light in the eyes flashed: “Metal Attribute, Fire Attribute Tian Zun Spirit, good, good!”

“Devil’s Wing, tear me apart!” Satan is also severely shouted in a low voice, and his body of black light suddenly slams up, and the thick black fog rushes directly toward the demon wing, the black wing, Suddenly became more rays of light!

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