The first three hundred and three hundred and thirty-four chapters of the whole battle

“Yun Bufan, how can you resist the killing of the Holy Powerhouse?” Satan only looked at Yun Bufan with a cold eyes, and the killing intent appeared constantly. Yun Bufan looked pale and the eight Divine Artifact floated behind him. The eyes are as sharp as ever!

“Satan!” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, his eyes flickered, and watching Satan, the eight Divine Artifacts on Yun Bufan were slowly floating: “You want to kill me, I am afraid you have no such ability!”

“Lock the tower, set the body, set the god!” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes, whispered, then the body bursts of dark green rays of light, Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “I remember, you demon and Angel One family, the most fearful, should be the power of creation!”

“Golden hand seal!” The anti-defense attack, Yun Bufan suddenly appeared a burst of dark green rays of light, the power constantly gathered in the air, forming a dark green great hand seal, made great hand seal, Directly in a moment, Satan fiercely rushed over!

Satan’s eyes suddenly showed a shocking color, watching Yun Bufan’s face look gloomy: “Creating scripture, you really understand the creation of scripture, the power of creation, it is good to restrain me, but it depends on who made the scripture. It’s up to you, it’s still far behind!”

“weng!” Satan’s body suddenly appeared in a burst of black paints of light, Satan coldly snorted, demon beads rays of light flash, a dark light scene suddenly appeared in front of Satan, Yun Bufan’s great hand seal In a flash, it hit the black light curtain of Satan!

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound, and the great hand seal and the dark light curtain exploded in an instant. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed and whispered, and the great hand seal was suddenly rushed. Front fiercely a push!

The roar of the roaring sound, Yun Bufan suddenly burst into the shock, his own great hand seal, did not cause any harm to Satan, Yun Bufan deep exhaled, watching Satan can not help the face is extremely dignified!

Satan was deeply exhaled, the devil’s bead in his hand swiftly turned, and the black halo spread out. Satan’s body suddenly burst into a strong black halo. Satan looked at Yun Bufan coldly and then whispered. The demon beads spurted in an instant and turned into countless bats, which swept directly toward Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan bites his teeth, his dark green rays of light flash, and the two dragon-shaped gates appear directly in the hands of Yun Bufan: “The power of creation is the strongest of the dragon’s gate, can you resist this Satan? The attack, just look at the door of this dragon domain!”

Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed, a burst of azure light, the dragon’s gate, directly expanded, turned into two shields, directly in front of Yun Bufan, emitting a dark green halo, Yun Bufan slightly raised, The eyes flashed, and the black bats had already swept over!

“weng!” The green light flashed, and the dragon’s door suddenly burst into a strong dark green halo. The roar of the roaring sounded, Yun Bufan’s body trembled, then looked up, the black bat, Even each and everyone was shocked out!

“This, the Dragon Field Gate, is so powerful?” Yun Bufan was shocked to see the door of the Dragon Field, his eyes filled with incredible expression, and Satan, already horrified and shouted: “Creating scripture, actually turned out to be Scripting, how is this possible? How could it be scripture?”

“Create scripture?” Yun Bufan is slightly startled, he did not expect that the door of the dragon domain is the so-called scripture, scripture, he has heard more than once, it can be seen that this script must be a Supreme Treasure !

“How can a scripture appear in your hands? How did you get this scripture?” At this moment, Satan also stopped the attack, looked at Yun Bufan with horror, deep exhaled, and flashed in the eyes. And up!

“Satan, you have forgotten, you come, but come to kill me, instead of asking Dong to ask West!” Yun Bufan looked at Satan, his mouth slightly tilted, and then a hint of smile, calmly said. !

“Yun Bufan!” Satan stared straight at Yun Bufan, deep exhaled, said solemnly: “Tell me, how did you get the scripture, and then hand over the scripture, I can’t kill you!”

“Handed it over?” Yun Bufan shook his head and laughed. “Satan, are you sure you are not telling a joke? Hand over the scripture, do you think it is possible? If you want to kill me, you will do it and ask me to hand it over. Scripture, that’s absolutely impossible!”

“Good!” Satan bit his teeth, and a burst of cold light flashed in his eyes, watching Yun Bufan coldly said: “You think that you have a scripture, why can’t you do this? You can see this, you make this Scripture, can you keep your life!”

“Devil’s Knife, Devil’s Bead, Demon’s Wing!” Satan whispered softly, black long knife, black bead and black wing appeared at the same time, Satan looked at Yun Bufan coldly opened the mouth and said: “All the gods know me Satan There are three great supreme treasures, but they don’t even know that my Satan’s three Supreme Treasures can be merged into demons!”

“Integral 傀儡, give me!” Satan whispered, a burst of black rays of light slammed, the devil beads, demon knives and demon wings, suddenly blended in the air, bursting out for a while Black paint of light!

“roar!” The demon is turned into a body, the demon wing is suspended behind him, holding a demon knife, and a black-painted demon suddenly emerges in the air, Satan coldly snorted: “Devil, give me a drive!”

“weng!” Devil’s chest, suddenly there was a crack, Satan’s black light flashed, a flashing, directly into the devil’s chest, “hong long long!” A powerful momentum, suddenly Erupted directly from the devil!

The roar of the roaring sounded, the black light of the demon smashed, and Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, looking straight at the devil, the devil, and the sound of Satan’s cold sneer: “Yun Bufan, I With my own, combined with the chaotic Divine Artifact demon beads, the Divine Artifact demon knife and the demon wing of the gods, you can be proud of this lineup to deal with you!”

“this Majesty’s demon 傀儡, will be used when dealing with the sacred, even against the Same God, this seat does not bother to use, and you a Sky Monarch, but let this seat make the devil, you Yun Bufan, Be worthy of the name of genius!”

Satan looked at Yun Bufan coldly, Yun Bufan slightly startled, and looked at Satan’s shook the head: “Satan, you can’t afford to see me too much. I think if it’s not for your ban, you don’t need to use the devil to deal with it. Me?”

“You are smart!” Satan coldly smiled: “If it is not to prevent the ban from being destroyed, why do you need to use the devil in this seat? This is just to prevent it, just to kill you completely!”

Yun Bufan stares straight at Satan. He can feel the horrible power of the devil. This demon is more powerful than Satan. After all is the fusion of three, Yun Bufan blinks: “This demon Oh, I am not an opponent at all. Now it seems that I can only rely on it!”

Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, watching Satan calmly open the mouth and said: “Satan, don’t know if your clansman can tell you, there is a Supreme Treasure in my hand, a Supreme Treasure that is enough to make your devils fear. ?”

The devil’s movements slowly slowed down. Yun Bufan’s golden rays of light flashed, and a golden pillar suddenly appeared. Yun Bufan held the golden pillar and looked up slightly, watching Satan calmly!

Satan’s demon scorpion stopped for a moment, looking straight at Yun Bufan, Satan in the demon, but his face was full of fear. Satan stared at Yun Bufan, whispering: “Qing Tianzhu, how could it be Optimus Prime?”

“Qing Tianzhu, how can it appear in his hands, in his hands, why is there the existence of Optimus Prime? This is impossible, this is impossible!” Satan shook his head again and again, his eyes full of unbelievable expression!

“Qing Tianzhu, it is really capable of restraining the demon family!” Yun Bufan is secretly relaxed, and the devil is no longer moving forward. The devil’s vigilance makes Yun Bufan more certain. Optimus Prime is the real taboo of Satan. !

“His Optimus Prime is not complete!” Satan’s eyes suddenly burst into a flash of light: “And with his strength, it is impossible to exert the power of Optimus Prime, this Optimus Prime, in his hands, fundamentally I can’t hurt me!”

Satan suddenly burst into a burst of black paints of light, and the devil’s cockroach was also black light, and there was a horrible momentum. Looking at Yun Bufan, Satan’s cold voice spread directly: ” Yun Bufan, I want to see if your Optimus Prime can hurt your seat!”

“Weng!” Demon 傀儡, the black light of the body skyrocketed, the black rays of light kept flashing, the devil slammed directly into the fiercely and smashed down to Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan suddenly pupils shrank, staring straight at the devil, he did not I thought that Satan would actually kill himself!

“Optimus Prime!” Yun Bufan whispered, and the power of his body rushed into the Optimus Prime. On top of Optimus Prime, suddenly the golden light skyrocketed and Optimus Prime suddenly emerged a horror. Powerful!

“Give me the go!” Yun Bufan is also a whisper of madness, the Optimus Prime suddenly golden light flashes, “hong long!” a loud roar suddenly sounded, a golden light column directly toward the devil The knives of this smashing past, the momentum is amazing!

Painted black horror blade glow, golden light 璀璨 golden golden light column, under the gaze of Yun Bufan and Satan, in the air, collided with each other!

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