The first thousand 320 seven chapter advanced heavenly spirit

Among the dark green shrines, Yun Bufan has a divine object and a divine object to explore, even one by one to imagine their magical use, each divine object, is divided by Yun Bufan Yun Bufan looked at the small pile of divine objects, but it was in a bitter smile!

“It’s a collection of holy powerhouses. This time, Senior has collected so many divine objects. Is it necessary to refine the Divine Artifact?” Yun Bufan looked at the treasures and couldn’t help but sigh. These divine objects are refining Sky Monarch. There are even more treasures in the refining of the heavenly spirits, which shows the richness of the collection!

“These divine objects are enough for me to advance the Sky Monarch treasure to the level of the Heavenly Spirit. But where is the Pur Qi Qi? And Jin Lingzhu, Jin Lingzhu was originally a special Divine Artifact, like the Metal Attribute Divine Artifact. Not Metal Attribute Divine Artifact, this advanced Jin Lingzhu, what other divine object should be used?”

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, the nine Divine Artifact, the Tiantian clock has reached the Diavine Artifact’s Peak, and the other eight Divine Artifacts, each of which is difficult to upgrade, each step is more difference between heaven And earth !

“The diamond axe, the weapon of attack, my strength today, the worst is the power of this attack, I do not lack the skills of attack, to upgrade, first upgrade the diamond axe!” Yun Bufan eyes flashed in the blink of an eye !

“I have saved the Purple Qi, I should be able to upgrade the four pieces of Heavenly Spirit, and these divine objects in the Shenfu are enough for me to upgrade the four pieces of Heavenly Spirit. If so, then upgrade the Diamond Axe and avoid the fireball. There are also Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead !”

Yun Bufan blinked, then sat on his knees, his golden light flashed, the diamond axe appeared in his hand, and the ray of light on Yun Bufan flashed. Jin Jia suddenly appeared in front of Yun Bufan, watching Yun Bufan kneel on his knees, respectful Opened the mouth and said : “Master!”

“Gold armor, you follow my years, it should be the longest one!” Yun Bufan looked at the gold armor, sighed, Jin Jia suddenly respected with a smile: “The subordinate is just one Qi of Metal Essence, but I didn’t expect it to become the soul of Divine Artifact, and I was able to meet the Master, which is the blessing of the Golden Armor!”

Jin Jia said that it is absolutely a matter of heart. If it is not Yun Bufan, perhaps it has cultivated to the point of this day’s treasure. I don’t know how many years it will take. It is like a metamorphosis like Yun Bufan. The cultivation foundation is not only triumphant, but also triumphant. And Divine Artifact, which I carry with myself, is constantly breaking through!

“Chaotic Divine Artifact is the most top-notch for your Divine Artifact, but now you are three steps away from the Divine Artifact. These three steps are extremely difficult, even impossible. Step on!” Yun Bufan is slowly exhaled, and the look of Jin Jia is also somewhat bleak!

“Divine Artifact, Chaos Divine Artifact!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled: “Gold armor, I can give you only an advanced opportunity. As for whether you can succeed, it depends on yourself. !”

“Master!” Jinjia eyes immediately lit, Yun Bufan suddenly shook his head and laughed, watching the gold faint with a smile: “Yes, I really have a chance here, a chance to let you reach the heavenly spirit, as for you If you can’t reach it, then look at your own!”

“Master, Jinjia will not let you down!” Jin Jia looked straight at Yun Bufan, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. Yun Bufan suddenly smiled, nodded, and slowly said: “Okay, in this case, gold armor Then I will give you this opportunity!”

Yun Bufan waved his hand and there were three jade bottles and six bamboo tubes in the distance. Yun Bufan looked at the three jade bottles and six bamboo tubes and opened the mouth and said: “There are nine worlds here. Metal Attribute Supreme Treasure, these nine Metal Attribute divine objects, each of which is extremely rare enough to break through to the heavenly spirit!”

“Of course, if you can’t breakthrough to the Heavenly Spirit, it’s your own problem. As for the Breaking Qi you need when you break through, you don’t need to worry, Hong Qi Purple Qi, I will give you naturally. Ready, won’t make you lack!”

Yun Bufan looked at the gold armor, faintly smiled, and the golden eye suddenly burst into the air, watching Yun Bufan heavily nodded: “If this is the case, the subordinates can’t step into the heavenly spirit, it is also my gold armor is too useless. !”

“Well, now that the war has not yet begun, you will breakthrough as soon as possible, I will be in the Shenfu, give you a layer of space, you try to breakthrough, when you need Hongqi Purple Qi, I will naturally appear!” Yun Bufan waved his hand, and the nine Metal Attribute divine objects flew over the golden armor!

“Yes, Many Thanks Master!” Jin Jia looked at the nine big divine objects with joy, and Yun Bufan waved his hand. In this shrine, a burst of rays of light flashed up and appeared in this shrine. A layer of independent cultivation space, golden light flashed on the golden armor, and then directly into the independent practice space!

“Golden armor, and the creation of Shibo has a thousand relationships!” Yun Bufan sighed slowly, followed by a burst of rays of light, Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead popped up, Tian Thunderbolt flashes, Locking Wind Bead gusts of wind, Lei Gong and Feng Po, directly in front of Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan looked at Lei Gong and Feng Po, and his eyes flashed in a flash of light. The reason why Lei Gong and Feng Po were chosen was because Lei Gong and Feng Po were special Divine Artifacts, and because of the wind and thunder wings, this is also Yun Bufan. Two great stunts!

“Master!” Lei Gong and Feng Po appeared, and the eyes were also confused. I don’t know what Yun Bufan called them out. Yun Bufan smiled open the mouth and said: “Le Gong, Feng Po, Feng Lei Wing also Well, the eyes of the wind and thunder are all condensed by the two bodies of you!”

“And now, the enemies we face are getting stronger and stronger, so our own strength must be stronger and stronger!” Yun Bufan smiled at them, and then faintly opened the mouth and said: “I I want you to advance the spirit of the heavens!”

“What?” Lei Gong and Fengpo were shocked. Then they looked at Yun Bufan with great joy. “I will give you enough divine objects. I will also prepare you ample Pur Qi, and will give you a separate breakthrough.” The cultivation space, but you must give me the breakthrough to the heavenly spirit!”

“Tian Zun Ling!” Lei Gong and Feng Po suddenly looked ecstatic, but Yun Bufan’s request is to break through to the extent of the heavenly spirit, which makes Lei Gong and Feng Po could not help but fall into contemplation, Lei Gong deep exhaled, see Yun Bufan quietly opened the mouth and said : “Master, can you show us something about the divine object?”

“divine object, will make you satisfied!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, then waved, dozens of divine objects flew over: “16 of them divine object, belong to your Leigong, and another 18 However, it belongs to Fengpo. I don’t know if these divine objects are enough for you?”

“This?” Lei Gong and Feng Po, looking at the dozens of divine objects in front of them, the eyes burst into the flash of light, the wind is deeply exhaled, whispered opened the mouth and said: “Master, if these divine objects are Give me advanced, if there is enough Hongqi Purple Qi, I have the full grasp of the breakthrough to the level of the heavenly spirit!”

“Lee Gong, what about you?” Yun Bufan turned his head and looked at Lei Gong. Lei Gong was biting his teeth. He was also silently opened the mouth and said: “Master, his subordinates also have complete assurance, breakthrough to the point of heavenly spirit!”

Yun Bufan is frowned. This Leigong seems to have complete assurance, but it seems that not at all is so simple, but Yun Bufan has no openings, just nodded: “There is only one chance, I hope you can grasp it yourself!”

Yun Bufan’s body azure light flashed, and in the Shenfu, there was another roaring sound, and another space suddenly appeared. Lei Gong and Feng Po, suddenly flew into the space, Yun Bufan deep exhaled The eyes are suddenly gloomy!

“Hong Meng Purple Qi, should be enough to support the birth of four pieces of Heavenly Spirit, five words, it is a little reluctant, then I am afraid that it is not worth the loss!” Yun Bufan eyes flashed: “Hong Meng Mu Ling, advanced divine object is not enough After all, the life attribute of the attribute is still less!”

“The Earth Black Tortoise Shield, after all, is only a defense, and what I am short of is attack. The attack of the Water King is not strong enough, but I have no choice but to choose me!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, and his eyes are flashing. And up!

“After the fireball, help!” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but think of the last breakthrough of the helper. He felt that the helper was not as peaceful as the surface. It was Fire Attribute Divine Artifact, and the hidden explosive power was absolutely horrible. Either don’t break out, or an outbreak may make you fatal!

“The master’s control of Divine Artifact only takes a moment to destroy the soul mark, but if Divine Artifact kills the Master at this moment, it is not impossible, and if the promotion is stronger, the soul The binding force of the ban is also small, and the possibility of rebellion is greater!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “To be completely out of the master’s control, you must reach the point of chaotic Divine Artifact, help, is a ambition of the soul of Divine Artifact, he will always be forbearing, forbearance When there is a strong rebellion, it will directly rebel!”

“So for the time being, the help is safe!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “Although the soul of Divine Artifact is not well-balanced, the explosive power of this fire-bead is indeed not weak, and it can even be said. It is extremely strong, but it can be improved, and the attack is really strong!”

“Washing the fireball!” Yun Bufan waved his hand and shunned the fireball suddenly, and it continued to rotate in his hands. A flash of fire flashed, and the body that helped the high body suddenly appeared. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed and the help was respectfully opened. The mouth and said : “Helping to see the host!”

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