The first thousand 320 eight chapters ambush

In the castle of Heaven, in the Angel Castle, Angel Jehovah is gathering the lengths of each Archangel, and what is ugly is negotiating, and at this time, the god of darkness, the black wolf god and the witch god are also here, but their expression , but each and everyone are full of dignity!

The Lord looked at all around, then deep exhaled, and he said, “You know everything, now I want to hear your opinions. What do you have to say about God World’s reinforcements? ?”

“Break Tianxia, ​​it is not so good to attack!” The god of darkness blinked and looked at the Lord said solemnly: “Father, I feel that the grievances between our two communities can be completely released.” Otherwise, in the face of God World, we will not have any chance of winning!”

“The grievances between our two communities?” The Lord was briefly paused, and then brows frowned: “The god of darkness, what contradictions do we have between the two races? Now that the enemy is currently, we should be consistent with each other and have any grudges?”

“Is it?” The god of darkness shook the head, watching the Lord faintly opened the mouth and said: “Then my guards were treated differently when they first entered Angel Castle, and now it is estimated that you are still being Angel. Have a good lesson? Is this no complaint?”

“What?” The Lord suddenly complex changed greatly, and then shouted: “Miller, immediately check it out, show me, who is so bold, in the enemy is still just wanting to conflict with our allies, give me go with!”

“Yes!” Millerton retired, and the Lord was deeply exhaled, watching the god of darkness openly opened the mouth and said: “The god of darkness, you are assured, the enemy is present, and who is ruined by the sun, my lord People severely punish and not lend, this matter, I will definitely give you an account!”

The god of darkness sat down, nodded, and waited quietly. After a while, Miller walked in from the outside with five silhouettes, and Miller opened the mouth and said to the Lord: “Father, yes. The subordinates are not strict, and it is a small Captain who is a good advocate and is somewhat unfriendly to the devil’s allies!”

“Mixed things, don’t leave me!” Miller suddenly patted the little Captain, and the little Captain suddenly fell down. Behind him, he also smashed four four-winged Angel, the little Captain. It is a six-wing Angel!

“Is it you, take the lead in dealing with the allies of the demon family?” The Lord looked at the six-winged Angel and faintly opened, with a very natural superiority, and the six-winged Angel suddenly shouted: “Allies? Heavenly Father These ambitious, wolf-hearted things, how could it be my ally of the Angel family?”

“Where are our so-called allies when our compatriots are being massacred by God World? Where is our ally when my dear big brother dies under the other’s gods? They are in the sky Inside the gully, widened his eyes and watched our compatriots die in the war!”

The six-winged Angel looked at the Lord with anger: “Excuse me, Father, is this an ally? When you are in distress, they will not only help you, but will still be fiercely behind you, allies, allies? Heavenly Father Is this the so-called ally?”

“We don’t need such an ally!” The six-winged Angel suddenly shouted loudly, and with a look of anger and anger, the Lord looked at the six-winged Angel quietly, then said plainly: “Are you finished?”

“Father!” At this time, Miller suddenly stood up and watched the Lord whispered open the mouth and said: “Grandfather’s brother died in the battle of the day, so in the heart of Gaya, for the devil’s allies It was not acceptable for the time being, so it made a special move!”

“I also hope that the Father will look at Miller’s share and be able to get around him this time!” Miller looked at the Lord and respectfully opened the door. The Lord then looked at Miller, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: “Miller, this thing. Are you instructing?”

“Father, this thing has nothing to do with Angel. Even before Angel found his subordinates, Angel was ignorant of this matter!” The six-winged Angel looked at the Lord and opened his mouth. The Lord went straight. He looked over: “If this is the case, then I will renege you, sin!”

“Holy Light’s salvation!” The Lord waved his hand, and a burst of white light flashed, and a layer of white light flashed. Miller suddenly shouted: “Father!”

“weng!” In the white halo, the six-winged Angel suddenly showed a faint smile: “I am eager to follow Angel for countless years, I knew that I would die, but I did not expect that, I will die in my most respected Heavenly Father!”

“I always thought that I would die in the battle of the annihilation. I always thought that I would die in the battle of the annihilation!” In the whisper of Gay, the hand of the Father is not Slightly trembled, but he still waved his hand, and the white aperture suddenly shrouded!

“hong long!” “weng!” The roar of the roar, the six-wing Angel suddenly exploded, bursting into the white light, his body was not changed to a little white light, and then directly integrated In the Bible of the Lord!

“Captain!” Behind Gamma, the four four-winged Angel suddenly screamed, and the Lord looked at the four four-winged Angel. The four of them were opened the mouth and said: “You four are not masterminds, and death is forgiven. If you can’t escape the crime of living, let you be the pioneer of the war!”

“The pioneer of the war?” The four four-winged Angel suddenly smiled and looked at the Lord. One of the four-winged Angel voice hoarsely said: “Dare to ask the Father, when our people were slaughtered by the God World, the demon family While watching, the gambling prince only taught the other’s pro-guards, and he was given salvation by the Father!”

“In the demon family, those who watched our compatriots continue to be slaughtered, the devils, what treatments do they have for them?” The four-winged Angel could not help but scream, looking at the Lord, his eyes filled with stern colors!

The Lord suddenly startedled, and the four-winged Angel looked at each other. Both of them showed a miserable color: “The battle of the annihilation, the battle of the annihilation, no need, no need, Captain, we are here!”

Four four-winged Angel, the body suddenly burst into white rays of light, bursts of white light slamming, on their bodies, suddenly the aperture of each and everyone white, aside Miller suddenly whispered It’s up: “No, no, don’t!”

“weng!” “weng!” white light flashed, and the four four-winged Angels suddenly appeared a layer of white aperture. The Lord also looked at the four four-winged Angel, eyes in the rays of light flicker!

“weng!” burst into white light, and the four four-winged Angels suddenly burst into white light. Like the previous six-winged Angel, they also turned into white light, and then directly integrated into it. In the Bible!

“Father!” Miller blushes and looks at the Lord straight. The Lord startsled and looks at Miller. Miller deplores the mouth and said: “They are the best fighters, they, Don’t die here!”

“Enough!” The Lord whispered and looked at Miller’s face: “They shouldn’t challenge my authority, Miller, you should know, this kind of thing, when God World’s reinforcements arrive, it’s time to Put an end to it, you give me a good job of restraining them, I don’t want this to happen for the second time!”

“Father!” Miller looked at the Lord with a backache, but the Lord waved his hand. Miller suddenly smiled, shook the head, turned and left, the Lord looked at the god of darkness, faintly opened the mouth and said : “The god of darkness, don’t know the result of this treatment, can you be satisfied?”

At this moment, in the northern part of God World, each and everyone Teleportation Formation rays of light are constantly flashing. There are seven Teleportation Formations in the north of God World. These seven Teleportation Formations, each of the Teleportation Formation rays of light, will flash. There is a big crowd!

The Angel family, Angel close to the 200,000 people suddenly appeared, and the five hundred God God World horses that were already ready were all in the air, and the leading eight-wing Angel suddenly changed greatly, loudly shouted: “Not good, there Ambush, retreat, retreat!”

“haha, now I want to retire, but it is late!” A Sky Monarch suddenly laughed and burst into ray of light: “Kill, kill them, Teleportation Formation, Break for me! Let’s go!”

“hong long long!” Under the attack of Sky Monarch, the Teleportation Formation suddenly exploded. Under the siege of five hundred thousand God World powerhouse, 200,000 Angel, who had not stood firm, suddenly turned around and was in a hurry!

“charge ahead, fast charge ahead, then tell them that there is an ambush, God World has an ambush, don’t come over!” In the savage of the eight-wing Angel, their 200,000 people were gradually overwhelmed by more than half a million horses. among them!

At the same time, in another Teleportation Formation, there is a team of more powerful people suddenly emerged. This team of people is actually as many as hundred people, and the position that appears is a region that is awkward. !

However, the squad in the hands of the scorpion is nothing more than 70. With 70 10,000 pairs of five hundred thousand, it is almost impossible to destroy the other party. You can’t help but shouted loudly: “The three Teleportation Formation people around, immediately Surround me!”

“羲Paragon!” And Angel, the one who led the five hundred thousand people, is the ten-wing Angel, the ten-wing Angel, but he knows what he knows. When he sees it, he is also shocked and his eyes are full. Awesome!

“Ten-Wing Angel!” also showed a burst of smile in the eyes, then looked at the ten-wing Angel and smiled lightly: “I did not expect that there will be a 10-wing Angel, just right, you will leave me!”

In the eyes of Angel, the ten wings, there was a dignified color, and their Angel reinforcements were ambushed everywhere!

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