The first thousand 320 six chapters of the Lord’s response

In the north of God World, a black particle suddenly appeared around the Teleportation Formation, the black particles suddenly ray of light, a black light flashed, Yun Bufan’s silhouette slowly emerged, and around the Teleportation Formation, only 羲A person is here to host the big picture!

“羲Senior!” When Yun Bufan appeared, he slowly exhaled, and smiled and greeted him, 羲startled, and also smiled at Yun Bufan and opened the mouth and said: “All the reinforcements, all came over, there Teleportation Formation, are you ruined?”

“Destroy!” Yun Bufan nodded, then said with a bitter smile: “If I didn’t understand the space, Silver Moon also has a space. If the two or two are superimposed, this will be transmitted from the west of God World. Otherwise, I’m afraid we can’t send it!”

“Variable King Wolf King, comprehend the strength of Space, it really is good!” 羲 slow nodded, then looked at Yun Bufan screaming opened the mouth and said: “Reinforcement, there have been four million to go to the Tianxia Gorge, There are more than two million that have spread to the surrounding seven Teleportation Formations. Are you sure that the Angels will fully capture the Teleportation Formation?”

“Hey Senior, then the Lord knows that our reinforcements are all there?” Yun Bufan blinked, 羲startled, nodded opened the mouth and said: “Our people are now just above the Broken Gorge, so they should know. !”

“Since it is known, then the Lord will surely withdraw these people. We will wait for it. Very Senior. They led the reinforcements to the Broken Tianxia, ​​and the Tianxia Gorge should not need us to worry!” Yun Bufan’s mouth is slightly tilted, with a hint of smile!

羲slightly paused, then nodded, Yun Bufan slowly opened the mouth and said: “Hey Senior, you helped me that, I said that I am the key to your breakthrough, but until now, Junior has not helped you. What, 羲Senior, how can Junior help you? Please also 羲Senior express!”

“I don’t know how you want to help me!” 羲shook the head, watching Yun Bufan slowly open: “I can only count about it, I only know that you will be my noble person, can help me breakthrough to The level of the sacred, other, I don’t know!”

“You have to ask me, how can you help me breakthrough to the Holy Spirit, I don’t know!” He smiled and shook the head: “If I know, I have already told you to help me directly. Why bother, this one. Things, let’s go, the fate is here, naturally you know!”

Yun Bufan is also a bitter smile, but it can only be so, nodded, Yun Bufan slowly exhaled: “羲Senior, a friend of Junior was seriously injured. In a short time, the Angel family should not have any movement, and Junior is practicing here. Let’s take a look at how the friend of Junior is hurt. The situation here is that the Senior Manager pays attention!”

“You go!” 羲 着 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y The Shenfu slowly appeared, and the knowledge of Yun Bufan suddenly poured into the shrine!

Among the shrines, Yun Bufan saw the appearance of the snow and the recovery of the knees, but the heart was darkly relaxed: “Fortunately, the snow has not suffered any irreparable damage, otherwise I am also at ease!”

“Ice chalcedony!” Yun Bufan’s eyes suddenly brightened. After he got this shrine, a lot of treasure, he didn’t have time to sort out, and he didn’t have time to understand, but he vaguely remembered that there was an ice attribute. Supreme Treasure, named Ice Chalcedony!

Ice chalcedony, not only can be refining, but also to cure Supreme Treasure, especially those who cultivate cold attribute cultivation techniques, which is Supreme Treasure in Supreme Treasure, Yun Bufan looks at the snow, the gods Then I went straight to the 2nd floor space!

After getting Shenfu, he has moved all the divine objects in it to the 2nd floor space. Yun Bufan looks at the 2nd floor space, and the rows of treasures suddenly spread out. In each and everyone space, it must be a piece. Piece of treasure!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the flash of light flashed in his eyes. Looking at the treasure of the 2nd floor space, he then lowered his head and said: “Ice chalcedony, I don’t know if it has any effect on the injury of Qianqiu!”

“Ice chalcedony, come!” Yun Bufan whispered, waved, suddenly a jade bottle floated out of it, Yun Bufan looked at the white jade bottle, the eyes of the light flashed, followed by deep exhaled: “I hope it will be useful for Qianqiu Snow!”

“Qianqiu Xue!” Yun Bufan’s voice rang directly in the mind of Qian Qiu Xue. Qian Qiuqi slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed of ray of light, and then the voice was weak: “Yun Bufan? You are safe. Already?”

“We are now in the north of God World, Qian Qiuxue, this is the chalcedony, it may be helpful for your injury, you take the healing, the battle of the annihilation is coming soon, you have to restore strength as soon as possible, then breakthrough, This is the power of self-protection!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, the white jade bottle in his hand suddenly floated in the snow!

Qianqiu snow slowly startled, then white jade bottle, eyes flashing, then nodded: “You rest assured, the battle of the killing, I will not become cumbersome!”

Qianqiu Xue closed her eyes directly, and a cold light flashed on her body. The ice crystal lotus appeared in his insertion. The drop of ice chalcedony directly rushed toward her eyebrows, and then directly integrated into her eyebrows. in!

“weng!” cold light slammed, and the snow suddenly spread a faint icy breath, and Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, then his eyes flashed: “Tian Zun Ling, but it is necessary to Hong Kong Purple Qi, I am Hongqi Purple Qi, I can’t lift my Sky Monarch treasure to the level of Heavenly Spirit!”

“My strength today should be able to impact the realm of Tianzun, but if my Sky Monarch treasure is not upgraded to the level of Tianzun, this strength can no longer be further, my way of overlord, you can not open the Hongmeng space, In the Hongmeng space, is there any inheritance imprint of my overlord’s way, but I don’t know!”

Yun Bufan gradually fell into meditation: “The treasure of the celestial spirit, which should be enough in this shrine, can be the Purple Qi of the Heavenly Spirit, even the Purple Qi, which I have stored. It’s not enough!”

“Unless, it is to go to the tomb again, and then collect some of the three products from the dragon vein, and then, after the words, it is absolutely impossible to upgrade these Sky Monarch treasures to the level of the heavenly spirit!” Yun Bufan eyes A burst of light flashes, slowly and low!

“Look at the 2nd floor’s treasure first, what else!” Yun Bufan flashed and smashed directly toward the 2nd floor space, rows of bamboo, each and everyone jade bottle, these are the first holy Respect the life treasures collected!

The collection and quality of a saint, the quantity and quality of this treasure is naturally terrifying. After Yun Bufan closes his eyes and becomes the master of this shrine, he can naturally know what these treasures are!

However, at this time, it was also when the great and the others arrived at the Tiantian Gorge with the reinforcements. The arrival of millions of reinforcements made the number of the hundred people of the Tianxia Gorge fully happy and alive. Who is willing to die?

The death of the ambition is a living ambition. At this moment, the momentum is not weakened, but more powerful. With the joining of the reinforcements, the opportunity to live is naturally more magnificent. On the other side of the gully of the day, the ruins of the Lord But not very beautiful!

Looking at the record in front of the jade slip, the pole and the others with millions of people assisting the Tianxia Gorge were burned in it, the face of Jehovah and the others could not be completely gloomy, the Lord slowly exhaled, looking at all Around the mouth and said: “The situation, you have seen it, now I am afraid it is really trouble!”

“Heavenly Father, they all blame the demon family. If they didn’t sit down and watched us and the other side desperately, but helped us, we both joined hands and took the broken Tianxia, ​​and there are so many troubles!” Miller looked at the record jade slip, his face was ugly, not coldly snorted, and said, “Call you, not to blame you, but to tell you, now what happened, what should we do?” Complexion sank, watching everyone scream, Miller suddenly startled, then silent!

Cherubim slowly opened the mouth and said at this time: “Heavenly Father, I want to know how long it will take for our Angel and Devils to support. And how many people are there in our reinforcements? This is more convenient.” our plan!”

“Our reinforcements and demon supporters should each have 5 million, just behind the door, and at most half a month will come. Our people are dragging the Teleportation Formation in God World. I am also dragging our reinforcements. But what I didn’t expect was that the other’s reinforcements had already arrived!”

The Lord’s eyes flashed: “According to our distribution, this 7 million people should not come over. How did they come over? As long as they surrounded the Teleportation Formation, they would refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. How could it be possible to get there?”

“And I also issued the destruction command, the seven Teleportation Formations that were controlled. Once they were attacked, they directly destroyed and sacrificed the part of the people, but why can their reinforcements come?” The eyes of the Lord also showed a strong Incomprehensible color!

“Receive the order, let the reinforcements active in God World, withdraw all, withdraw to the north of God World to hide, and then wait for my order!” The eyes of the Lord flashed, then the voice snorted shouted!

“Tell the devils, ask them, when will Satan go out, then send the record jade slip and ask them to give a reply!” The Lord blinked and slowly opened!

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