Eighty Hundred 73 Chapter Lock Tower

“weng!” white light flashed, looking at the tower of the tower, when I saw the stone tower, it was also the flash of light in the eyes: “Lock the tower, how can this tower be here? Why do I know this tower?” ?”

“Not good, God Zun has been defeated!” That Tashan saw the black soul of the gods of the phantom actually dissipated, it is not complicatedion greatly changed, then looked at the long eyes filled with a fear!

“Hey!” Yun Bufan’s low-pitched sound suddenly sounded, Tashan screamed wildly, black light skyrocketed, and the stone tower in his hand grew bigger and shrouded directly toward Yun Bufan: “Repression!”

“Blood essence!” After Tashan whispered, with the body’s lifeblood essence instantly blended into the stone tower, the stone tower suddenly rose and rose into a huge blood tower, Tashan cold shouted in a low voice : “blood essence, spirits, lock the soul!”

“This is the lock soul of the lock soul tower!” The long face changed slightly: “Not good, once the soul is locked, the soul of this kid is afraid that it will never come out again. This lock soul tower should be inside. Extremely scary!”

“Kid, run out, don’t be taken in!” Looking at Yun Bufan suddenly shouted in a low voice, Yun Bufan glimpsed, the nine rays of light skyrocketed, but the same, the suction of the stone tower also became The more horrible!

“No, Zifu Yuanying!” Yun Bufan is a move: “There is something in it that is affecting me within the body of Zifu Yuan Ying, Zifu Yuan Ying is going to go inside, there, What is there?”

Yun Bufan’s heart moved, and then the whole person actually directly earned the stone tower. The complexion greatly changed: “This lock tower, but the ancient special treasure, its effect in the heyday is no worse than the Paragon Divine Artifact, and its The ability to lock the soul is even more horrible. This kid is earning more than just bode ill rather than well !”

“Lock the god tower!” In the eyes of the eyes, the light flashed and looked straight toward Tashan. Tashan was coldly smiled and looked at the long coldly said: “When I went in and killed this kid, I took his Heavenly God Artifact and I took a look. How do you deal with me!”

“weng!” The black light flashed on Tashan, and the whole person disappeared instantly. It was directly integrated into the stone tower. The huge stone tower suddenly fell down and stood on the 99 floor, emitting a strong black rays of light. Anyone Can’t get close!

“This locks the tower, it can resist the intervention of others!” Looking at the stone tower with a sullen look, the nine true gods on the side are a bitter smile, because the road to go out has been closed, they can not go out!

Just before Tashan entered the stone tower, they threatened Tashan in their minds: “When I clean up the kid, come and pack you, I want you to know, betray my end!”

“This is the interior of the stone tower?” Yun Bufan fell into the middle of it, and found that it was similar to the temple. He couldn’t help but look around: “No, it seems that the traction of the purple house is on the top, but it is also inside the stone tower. 99 layer?”

“99 layer!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the eye, and then rushed directly toward the top, the nine rays of light flashing, 2-Layer, 3-Layer, 5-Layer, tenth floor, just before he rushed to At the time of 20th-layer, Tashan just stepped into it!

“I look at the kid who ran to the first floor!” Tashan slowly closed his eyes. After a while, Tashan opened his eyes and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: “24th-layer, this is just a short moment. , even to 24th-layer?”

Tashan whispered snorted and said: “50th floor started, it was full of forbidden and formation array, I would like to see how you squat down, now, slowly catch up with him!”

“hu!” A silhouette stopped at the 48 floor, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly flashed, brows frowned: “The 48 layer, but the force of traction is still on it, it is impossible to have any danger in this tower. I feel a faint heart, and there must be danger!”

“Where is the danger coming from?” Yun Bufan flashed directly on the 49 floor and looked at the 50th floor ladder. Yun Bufan without the slightest hesitation flew out and just did not flash on the 50th floor. Next, it will suddenly flash, a thunderbolt!

“formation array ban!” Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed greatly, and his eyes burst into flames, and Yun Bufan whispered: “The Eye of the Wind!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of rays of light, the left eye thunderbolt flashes, the right eye is savage, “hong long long!” The eyes of the wind and thunder appear, Yun Bufan whispers: “These formation arrays, too Dealing with me? Break for me!, broken, broken!”

“weng!” Heaven Destroying sword hovered over Yun Bufan’s head, bursts of colorful rays of light, Yun Bufan whispered, nine-color sword glow flashed directly, “hong long long!” bursting into the sound of bombing The endless stream of transmissions, suddenly the entire 50th floor’s great array and the prohibition instantly collapsed!

Yun Bufan coldly snorted: “If I guess it is correct, this 50th floor will only have a formation array and a ban, and the eyes of the wind and thunder must always flash. Otherwise, I am afraid it is difficult to break the prohibition and formation array!”

“51 layer!” Yun Bufan blinked and then sneered: “Sure enough, there is a formation array and a ban, but it’s useless, Break for me!, broken, all broken!”

“bang!” “bang!” All the formation arrays and bans were directly destroyed by Yun Bufan, and all were destroyed. At this moment, the face of Tashan, which is swaying by 25th-layer, is finally dignified: “These The formation array and the ban, it took me a lot of effort when I first broke it. How could this kid break open instantly!”

“Five 17th-layer, the speed of this kid, very quickly, I have to catch up!” Tashan blinked, his eyes were a bit eager, but when he reached the 50th floor, the face of the tower god changed: “The seventh 16th-layer, my formation array and the ban, only placed on the 80th floor, 80th layer back, that is, I did not break open!”

“I got this stone tower, a total of 87,000 1500 years. Over the years, I have been studying the magical effect of this tower, only to break the 80-layer prohibition and formation array, but this kid came here for the first time, even all the way. Broken into the seven 16th-layer, his body, there must be something to break the formation array and the banned baby!”

In the eyes of Tashan, the light flashes, full of hot colors: “If there is such a baby, then I can reach the 99 layer directly, and the XremeX layer has the best treasure, so this kid must die!”

The black light of Tashan was surging, but the speed was a little faster. On the 78 layer of “bang!”, Yun Bufan broke the prohibition and formation array directly, and then broke into the seventh 19th-layer. Then he was in the heart: “Tata Mountain, keep up!”

“No, this way, I need to break the great array and ban, but he doesn’t need any time to catch up. If this continues, I will be chased by him sooner or later, you must think of a way!” Yun Bufan Focus on the forbidden and formation array, coldly smiled!

“bang!” The seventh 19th-layer’s formation array and the banned instant smash, Yun Bufan coldly snorted, bursts of ray of light, then entered the 80th floor, 80 layers of prohibition and formation Array is still easily removed by Yun Bufan, and then directly enters the eighth 11th-layer!

“These formation arrays and bans!” Yun Bufan suck in a breath of cold air : “This, at least consisting of thousands of small arrays and hundreds of great arrays, can’t be broken in a short time, but with the formation array and the ban, There is a trace of opportunity to live, where is opportunity to live?”

Yun Bufan’s brow wrinkled slightly, and then the eye flashed in the eye: “Under the eyes of the wind and thunder, I am afraid that any formation array is invisible, but this prohibition, I am afraid I can only rely on the small Five Elements, I can not delay too much time!”

Yun Bufan is slightly exhaled and goes straight ahead, and his knowledge is also poured into the shrine: “Small Five Elements, I met a strange Divine Artifact, inside this Divine Artifact, but this There are a lot of bans inside, you can help me take a look, how should this go?”

Among the temples, the little Five Elements sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, flashing a colorful divine light in his eyes, and then through Shenfu, he saw the appearance of the eighth 11th-layer, and the small Five Elements blinked in the eyes. And: “This is, the chain of locks, a lot of chains of locks!”

“Kid, where are you?” Little Five Elements looked at Yun Bufan and couldn’t help but blink in his eyes. He said, “What kind of Divine Artifact is this? You give me a detailed explanation!”

“A tower, a stone tower, and a god behind it is chasing me. How does this go?” Yun Bufan knows that at God World, Little Five Elements can’t be freely shot, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of Five Elements. Therefore, Yun Bufan will let Little Five Elements help this just to lead the way without taking the shot!

Little Five Elements complexion changed: “Stone Tower? Could it be, legendary lock tower? One of the top ten rare treasures?”

Yun Bufan is staring blankly at Little Five Elements, and Little Five Elements is silently opened the mouth and said: “Boy, you mean you are in the tower now?”

Yun Bufan smiled and nodded: “This tower has a total of 99 layers. I am already at the eighth 11th-layer. But this is not allowed to know the eight 11th-layer ban. The formation array can be avoided, so it will let you help me!”

In the eyes of Little Five Elements, the light flashes in the eye: “Lock Tower, the highest 99 layer, this 99 layer, but it has never been seen before. This lock tower is said to be the Divine Artifact in the hands of a hermit expert. The strength of this hermit expert is very strong!”

“The secret of this lock tower is no one can know. I didn’t expect it to appear here. This prohibition, I know, is the prohibition of the lock chain arrangement, the chain of locks, the gods are not up to you. Yes, it can be seen that the strength of the expert at that time is at least God!”

“Go, I tell you how to go down and see if you can enter the 99 layer!” Little Five Elements is also rare to be excited!

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