Eighty-hundred 72 chapter defeat

“hu!” I didn’t talk, I stepped out, and appeared directly in the 99 layer. A white light flashed on my body, the black mist was naturally dispelled, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “This is a long time, how to see the black soul God is a bit uncontrollable?”

“weng!” “bang!” black fog suddenly blasted, the black soul god phantom suddenly screamed: “Who? Dare to destroy the deity of the deity, courting death not?”

I didn’t talk, but I had a white mask on my body, and my mouth slowly spit out: “The law, destroy!”

“hong long long!” bursts of white light skyrocketing, white rays of light skyrocketing, black soul phantom complexion changed: “God, or Peak God, who are you? The power of this law, what is this law?”

“Destroy!” Long once again coldly shouted, the white light suddenly bombed down, the black fog suddenly exploded, the black soul god phantom was instantly blown out, phantom is even more bleak, the black soul god phantom can not help but roar: ” Tashan, stop him!”

Along the side of Tashan, the sudden black light skyrocketed, and the whole person grew up in a circle. The body exudes a huge momentum. Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “You have to do it, then you have to ask me to disagree!”

“weng!” Jiu Cai’s sword glow fiercely, Tashan suddenly complexion changed, the power of this sword is too horrible, so that he had to give up the deal, Tashan stared straight at Yun Bufan: “God? Heavenly God Artifact ?”

“A good boy, even has Heavenly God Artifact!” In the eyes of Tashan, the light flashed, and the nine real gods suddenly yelled at the bottom: “Give me him!”

Yun Bufan suddenly laughed: “hahaha, you nine, do you still have to listen to this Tashan’s order? His move just let you go to death, to be the devourer of the black soul god, do you want to help him?” ”

The nine true gods suddenly stopped, and Yun Bufan’s voice passed directly out: “Join me and kill Tashan. I can make a soul vow. It will definitely not harm you. If you join forces with Tashan to deal with me, then you are destined to Being swallowed again!”

The nine true gods suddenly hesitated, and Tashan angered and said: “Kid, do you think you can compete with me with a Heavenly God Artifact? You are yourself in courting death!”

“weng!” bursts of rays of light, Tashan looked coldly at Yun Bufan, whispered, a giant machete appeared in the hands of Tashan, watching Yun Bufan’s sword, Tashan whispered, The ray of the light on the knife skyrocketed and greeted it with a knife!

“hong long long!” bursting into a burst of sound, Tashan angrily stared at Yun Bufan: “Bastard, Heavenly God Artifact, the power of the law is still so strong, if not because I am in the mountains, I am afraid It’s really not his opponent. This is where the real god came from, and even has Heavenly God Artifact !”

“Tashan, you sold the tribe to the Black Soul God, the benefits should be great?” Yun Bufan looked at Tashan coldly smiled, and Tashan suddenly paused, Yun Bufan continued: “How else would you use the top ten true gods?” The life is in exchange for this benefit? If it weren’t for the three gods you couldn’t handle it, I’m afraid it would kill them as well?”

The nine true gods suddenly fiercely trembled, and their eyes were all looked at Tashan. Tashan suddenly screamed and said: “Boy, don’t provoke distraction!”

“Provocatively detached?” Yun Bufan suddenly laughed: “hahaha, Tashan, Tashan, you said that I am arrogant, well, then I ask you, why do you want to give the life of the nine true gods to the Black Soul?”

Tashan’s face suddenly gloomy, and the nine true gods are each and everyone’s eyes flickering. Tashan sees this scene not in ones heart trembled :”Not good, these ten guys are distracted, I’m afraid they will Agitated by the kid!”

“Tashan, you have a murderous heart, then they will kill you, not betrayed, but called defense, so you damn it!” Yun Bufan shouted, Heaven Destroying sword, the nine colorful rays of light skyrocketed, Yun Bufan’s voice also sounded: “What are you waiting for? Don’t wait for him to continue to swallow you?”

The ten true gods were still hesitant, but they couldn’t help but devour two sons. They couldn’t help each other and stare at Tashan with an angry look. As Yun Bufan said, this Tashan, just want to swallow them!

“Not good!” Tashan suddenly complexion changed, looking at the black soul of the side of the past, I saw that the phantom of the black soul is more and more thin, Tashan bite his teeth: “I am afraid that Lord Divine Venerable can not last long, Must escape!”

“Tower Mountain!” Tashan suddenly screamed and shouted. He was named Tashan. This Divine Artifact is also called Tashan. Few people know what his original name is. Since this Tashan has made a name in the northwest region, he is Tashan!

“hong long long!” burst into a roar, the black light of Tashan skyrocketed, “weng!” “weng!” Countless rays of light gathered together, a small stone mountain suddenly appeared in his hands, like a stone tower, Yun Bufan surprised Look at the stone tower!

“This is the power of the rules?” Yun Bufan complexion slightly changed, Tashan looked coldly at Yun Bufan: “I am the formidable power of Tashan, I am afraid that you have not seen it yet, the kid, with the strength of your true God, actually Dare to deal with me, even if you have Heavenly God Artifact, you will die if you enter!”

“Give me death!” Tashan screamed, and the little stone tower in his hand rose up in the storm and turned into an incomparable gigantic stone tower, which shrouded directly toward Yun Bufan, and a huge phantom suddenly shrouded!

Yun Bufan feels this powerful power, and the eyes are even more brilliant: “This tower mountain is not a real Divine Artifact, it is a broken Divine Artifact. The power of this rule is weak, but it is very clear, the black soul is respectful. It’s impossible to sense it, but he’s not at all, it’s a secret!

Yun Bufan’s heart beats, Heaven Destroying sword light swells and whispers: “God Exterminating Sword !”

God Exterminating Sword, the first sword of Life Annihiliation Chapter in “World Extinguishing Sword Art”, using the Heaven Destroying sword to cast this sword, will undoubtedly erupt all the power, purple rays of light suddenly rise to the sky, a The smell of destruction suddenly broke out from it!

Yun Bufan’s eyes are skyrocketing: “This sword, a strong strong sword, Master’s World Extinguishing Sword Art is not a Paragon god, if my destructive power is as pure as the Master, I am afraid that under this sword can Destroy the gods, but now, even if the gods are not destroyed, it is more than enough to resist the attack of the gods!”

Yun Bufan in the eyes of killing intent flash: “Break for me! !”

“bang!” sword glow flashing, slamming on the top of Tashan, Tashan suddenly appeared a trace of fear: “This sword, what is this attack sword? Is it so terrible?”

“Paragon oracle?” At this time, the black soul phantom phantom suddenly whispered, watching Yun Bufan whisper: “He, this kid will actually Paragon oracle? Which one is Paragon’s successor, or accident Got the god of Paragon?”

“In the west of God World, there is no Paragon at all. The Paragon god on this kid can be plundered!” The soul of the black soul is full of greed, and at this time, the white rays of light on the long body are lit again. , white aura flashes!

“Bastard, who is this woman? The strength is so strange, especially her strength, even completely restrained me, I can feel that her strength has not fully recovered, otherwise, the deity of the phantom has long dissipated!” Black Soul God’s eyes flash, eyes killing intent flash!

“Rotate, soul disappear, loose!” Slowly and gently, a burst of white light slams, the black soul of the phantom suddenly turned up, the black soul god suddenly felt a sense of fear: “This is, this is What power? I, I can’t resist it?”

“The deity will remember you!” The phantom of the black soul god screamed wildly, looking at the long, as if to imprint the other person’s appearance deep in the mind, the long face calm, a wave of hand, is a black paint The light spot was caught in her hands!

“Just a foreign soul, not the main soul?” He whispered quietly: “Devouring, memory reproduction!”

“weng!” The black light spot poured into the long eyebrows, and the black light flashed, while at the same time, in an unknown dark hall, a man’s body covered in a black robe Trembling, the mouth corner overflows a long bloodshot!

“My soul is deprived!” The great hall looked extremely gloomy, and the black robed man whispered: “It’s a pity, for a thousand years of cohesion, a foreign soul dissipates!”

“Dare to shoot for me, no matter who you are, you must die!” Black robed man, it is the black soul god respect, just when he just got up and went to the Tashan tribe, suddenly his body trembled, his eyes showed a stunned color!

“This is my memory!” The black soul god rushed to sit cross-legged, crazy roar, and the black fog continued to emerge: “I am copying my memory, what is this Divine Ability? Even Paragon can’t do it.” This, this is a violation of the Heavenly Dao rule!”

“Bastard, give me a loose, outer soul, disappear!” The black soul god screamed, the black fog continued to skyrocket, “bang!” within the body a muffled sound, suddenly seven bloodshed: “awesome power, this Female, it is not advisable now, wait until I plan to finish, and then go to find your account!”

“Soul, set!” “hu!” “hu!” The wind and the wind, each and everyone black, the soul is constantly pouring into the eyebrows of the black soul god, the black soul god once again closed his eyes, body for a while The black fog is filled!

“en?” In the middle of Tashan, he slowly opened his eyes and his eyes flashed a trace of surprise: “Self-destroyed the outer soul? This black soul is respectful, but it is also somewhat decided!”

“Unfortunately, I know a part of the memory, there is no memory in the important places!” A sigh of whisper, could not help but look at the direction of Yun Bufan!

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