Eight hundred 70 four chapter rule space

“In front, go back three steps! Then stop!” The voice of Little Five Elements sounded in Yun Bufan’s mind. Yun Bufan walked very fast. Here the prohibition and formation array, he didn’t have to break it. So you can only go around!

“Then stop, this chain of locks will move by yourself, so you must always pay attention!” The sound of Little Five Elements sounded with a hint of excitement and caution: “Kid, you must be careful, don’t worry, this Once the lock chain locks you, your soul and silhouette are not lucky!”

“This chain of locks is so horrible?” Yun Bufan is also shocked. He Lin said: “It’s more horrible than you think. Once God respects the lock chain, it is absolutely dead! ”

“Bastard, this kid, I don’t know if it is the first few floors!” On the 80th floor, Natashan rushed straight up, and suddenly encountered several fires, surrounded by a fire, Tashan complexion greatly Changed !

“This bastard, all the way down the formation array rearrangement does not say, now in the eight 11th-layer, even left the formation array without breaking, this great array, I did not happen once a hundred years ago!” Tashan heart anger Roared!

From the beginning, he will be blocked by the formation array almost every layer, and these formation arrays are easy to break, but each one is extremely numerous, all of them are a group of small form arrays, but it is extremely troublesome to break!

I have been chasing eight 11th-layers. This Tashan is a bit embarrassing, and now it is trapped by this fire. Tashan is even more violent, watching the fire around, suddenly slamming, binocular red: “Bastard Kid, don’t let me catch you!”

“This tower has been unable to refining after 80 layers since I recognizing Master. But this tower will not hurt me, just do not know what dangers there are after the 80th floor, will it cause any harm to me! “The light in the eyes of Tashan flickers, and the heart is dark and dark!”

“Bastard, fight, this kid has a weird body. Once you get down, I am afraid I will get any benefit. The benefits of this tower have never been obtained, indicating that good things should be at the end!” The light in the eyes flashed, and then slammed, rushing straight down!

“bang!” The eighth 11th-layer’s formation array is not difficult to break with his god’s strength, but it is extremely costly and powerful, especially time, when the twelfth great array is broken. Tashan finally stopped looking tired!

“Bastard, I can’t go down, I can’t go down, this formation array and the ban, too strong, I can’t break it!” Tashan’s eyes are full of unwillingness, he knows, once Yun Bufan reaches the bottom, the benefits Absolutely great!

“I am not willing, not reconciled!” Tashan’s eyes are full of madness: “The outside is also out, the woman has been waiting, the body of God respect has not come, if you want to come, I am afraid I have come over, too That is to say, God is afraid of the woman!”

“I have no other choice. Only when the boy is down, even if he gets the benefits of the big, he is only the true god, the most, the blast and he perish together!” There was a madness in the eyes of Tashan, and he returned to the 80th. Floor!

“Here, I can arrange countless killings to besiege him, consume his strength, and then observe his strength by the way, see if he can get any benefit on it, if you don’t get any benefit, then I am completely You can kill him directly!” In the eyes of Tashan, the light flashed, and then the ray of light flashed!

The eighth 19th-layer, Yun Bufan had a faint sweat on his face. He used the eyes of the wind and thunder, making him very tired. Yun Bufan looked at the 90th floor ladder, deep exhaled, and then stepped on!

“weng!” A burst of rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan appeared on the 90th floor. However, the space on the 90th floor made him feel a little shocked. Golden’s splendid palace, with the body’s little Five Elements. Shock: “This is, power of Rule, the rule of gold force!”

“The homemade rule space, this lock tower, what is Divine Artifact?” Little Five Elements looked at the golden space with horror, then whispered: “Regular space, is this a Paragon Divine Artifact? ?”

“Small Five Elements, how do I feel here, is it a little uncomfortable?” Yun Bufan felt the chest faint, and the little Five Elements flew out of his with the body of the body: “You are uncomfortable, Because it is full of the Power Attribute of Metal Attribute, because you don’t reach the level of God, you can’t understand power of Rule !”

“You?” Yun Bufan looked at the sudden appearance of the little Five Elements. The little Five Elements slowly exhaled: “Here, my best land of cultivation, because I just want to understand the rules space!”

“hu!” Little Five Elements closed his eyes, and the power of golden continually poured into his within the body. The little light elements suddenly rose up in the face of Little Elements. The eyes of Little Five Elements showed a stunned color: “This is, Power of Rule , the power of Rule of Metal Attribute !”

“This is the power of the rules!” Little Five Elements muttered the mouth and said: “” Is this the power of the rules? The power of Rule of Metal Attribute, the next layer, is the power of Rule of Wood Attribute?

Little Five Elements blinked in the eye, then looked at Yun Bufan said solemnly: “Go, go down, we go to the ninth 11th-layer, maybe the ninth 11th-layer is the rule space of the Wood Attribute, within this rule space, I have a great benefit to my power of Rule!”

Yun Bufan slightly paused, then nodded, little Five Elements blinking: “Here, there is no formation array and prohibition, and some are just obstacles to power of Rule. Without power of Rule, you can’t go down, but you don’t, I have! ”

“weng!” A little golden light flashed on the little Five Elements, a golden mask suddenly shrouded Yun Bufan, and the breath of power of Rule spread out. Yun Bufan fiercely trembled: “This is the power of the rule.” ?”

“Go!” Little Five Elements whispered, and the two stepped straight up to the ninth 12th-layer’s ladder, “Chī!” “Chī!” Yun Bufan and Little Five Elements slid straight in, the ninth 12th -layer, a dark green rays of light, full of thick wood power!

“Wood Attribute power of Rule, it’s really the rule space of Wood Attribute!” In the eyes of Little Five Elements, “Wood Attribute’s power of Rule, let me see what the Power Attribute of Wood Attribute looks like!”

Little Five Elements slowly closed his eyes, the bright Wood Attribute breaths into the body, the small Five Elements slowly exhaled, and the eyes flashed: “This is the atmosphere of the Wood Attribute power of Rule. Below, it should be Water Attribute. !”

Not waiting for Yun Bufan to speak, the little Five Elements directly smashed Yun Bufan, a green mask shrouded it, and then stepped directly into the ninth 13th-layer, nine 13th-layer space, surrounded by a burst of blue light, thick The atmosphere of the Force of Water rule is emanate from it!

The little Five Elements once again sat cross-legged, and after a while it rushed straight toward the ninth 14th-layer, so iteratively repeated until the ninth 15th-layer, the small Five Elements closed with satisfaction!

“Regular space, rule space, originally, this is the rule space. The rule space of Five Elements is like this. To have a breath of life, the power of Five Element is balanced to give birth to life. This Divine Artifact is actually With a regular space, this lock tower was absolutely comparable to the gods of the past, the lowest is Paragon Divine Artifact !”

The little Five Elements in the eyes flashed: “Five Elements balance, the last step of Five Elements is always out of step, because he did not realize the creation and originality of the Five Elements rule space, but I realized that Five Elements, Five Elements, look See who we are first to be a Five Elements Paragon. Maybe you can’t be a lifetime, but now I can definitely be a Five Elements Paragon!”

“The same is the power of Five Element, you must kill me, and I will be destroyed by me in the future!” The little Five Elements blinked in the eyes, watching the space of the last fire, and then whispered: “Boy, Send me back to Shenfu!”

“The 4-Layer below?” Yun Bufan looked at the little Five Elements in amazement, Little Five Elements faintly smiled: “If I guess well, the following 4-Layer should be the same rule space, or something special. If there is any special place, I will help you in the temple!”

“If it’s a rule space, you don’t need to come out to feel it?” Yun Bufan stares blankly at Little Elements, Little Five Elements shook the head: “No, I lock the same power of Five Element, I feel Five. Elements space is enough!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s multi-colored light flashed, and Five Elements shrouded directly, shrouded the small Five Elements, and the silhouette of the little Five Elements suddenly disappeared. Yun Bufan suddenly lit a fire red mask. Then take a deep breath and go straight to the ninth 16th-layer!

“Wind!” Yun Bufan glimpsed, this ninth 16th-layer, turned out to be the rule space of Wind Attribute, brows frowned, went directly to the ninth 17th-layer, the power of Rule of Little Five Elements has been shrouded in him, Yun Bufan Into nine 17th-layer: “This is, Ray?”

“Ninth 18th-layer!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, he knew that the ninth 18th-layer could not be the power of War God or the power of destruction, so he looked very hard, what is the power of the last two layers? !

“This is, what power?” Yun Bufan entered the ninth 18th-layer, and it turned out to be in the depths of a starry sky. The silver white starry sky is full of stars. This space is a black sky!

“This space?” Yun Bufan looked at the space with horror, and then complexion greatly changed: “The force of traction is from the 99 layer. In the lock tower, what is pulling the Zifu Yuan Ying? ”

Yun Bufan looks straight at the entrance to the 99 floor, no longer a ladder, but a white rays of light flashing holes!

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