The 600th 40 Chapter Convergence: Shenzun Shenfu

“Great brother! Big brother, how do we get in?” Ancient gods, a huge mountain, a magnificent temple stands in the foothills, Xiong Wang, Crab Yedo, Peng Wang and Yu Wang are gathering together. Here, looking at the huge nodded in front of you, Crab Yedo is excited to open his mouth!

“Don’t mess!” Xiong Wang blinked, then said solemnly: “Forgot the words of alliance lord? Ancient gods, that is the battlefield of ancient Deity, and can be built into such a magnificent palace. Definitely a strong Deity, and after so many years of still, the strength of this Deity has reached a horrible level!”

“What do you do? Don’t we go in?” Crab Yedo’s eyes were full of anxiety. Xiong Wang faintly glanced at it, slowly said: “What are you worried about? Going in, you have to find someone to explore the road?”

Xiong Wang’s gaze looked at Peng Wang, Peng Wang suddenly complex changed, Xiong Wang coldly said with a smile : “You rest assured, your use of us is still very large, we will not let you go to death, you go, to the surroundings Just find a Divine Beast!”

“big brother, you want to find a Divine Beast, let it lead the way, see if there is danger?” Crab Yedo’s eyes flashed, then laughed: “In this case, if there is no danger inside, then powerful The existence of the dead is already dead, and the treasures inside will be ours. If it is really dangerous, it is also a dead person, hahaha!”

“hu!” After a while, Peng Wang swiftly swept over, in his hand, carrying a small lizard family, Xiong Wang faintly looked at the lizard family, there is the power of Level 9 Xiandi, then Said coldy: “If you want to live, then you only have to enter the temple, otherwise you will die!”

“Adult, forgive!” The lizard suddenly cried out: “Adult, this temple, you can’t get in, the bowl is banned, don’t say me, you can’t get into the adults, this Prohibition, unless it is human beings, will disappear, otherwise, we Divine Beast can not get in!”

“What?” The bear king was shocked. Then he grabbed the lizard and threw it at the great hall. “Peng!” A burst of rays of light flashed, the huge lizard was directly shocked back, bloody, huge The lizard suddenly asked for mercy: “Adult, we Divine Beast really can’t go in, adults are forgiving, forgive!”

“Bastard, there is really a ban, you mean, as long as humans go in, this ban will disappear?” Xiong Wang saw this scene, also know that this lizard did not lie to him, could not help but more anger, to the lizard solemnly asked!

“Yes, yes, not only here, every Cave Mansion in the ancient gods is like this. Only humans are advanced, and we can enter Divine Beast. Otherwise, this prohibition will bounce us off. The prohibition here seems to be only For our Divine Beast!” The lizard has nodded again and again, Xiong Wang slowly nodded, and then looked toward towards Peng Wang!

Peng Wang did not say a word, just left and left, when he came back again, there was already a level of XXIX Emperor’s dispersal in his hand. Xiong Wang looked at the level 5 Xiandi coldly, said coldy: “You You should know who I am, enter that hall, you can live!”

“The hall?” That level 5 Xiandi has long been scared, the four in front of him, how could he not know, just one can easily kill him, look at the huge hall, then look at the eyes of Xiong Wang That undisguised killing intent, this Level 5 Xiandi not even think, directly rushed to the temple!

“Sure enough, human beings will not be banned!” In the eyes of Xiong Wang, the light flashed, and Level 5 has reached the door of the temple. “bang!” directly pushed in, and Level 5 Xiandi suddenly broke into the door. among them!

“Prohibition, it really is gone!” Xiong Wang eyes shined, and then laughed, the palm of the lizard smashed: “Go, kill the Level 5 Xiandi, find the treasure in this hall!”

“hu!” “hu!” The four kings of Xiong Wang just walked into the hall. Suddenly, the whole hall suddenly trembled. Not only the entire temple, they felt it. It should be said that the entire ancient gods trembled, even fighting. The Qingdi and the others also felt this fierce tremor!

“This is, what happened?” The black iron steel bear stopped, and the eyes flashed, and the king was also retreating in the encirclement, his face was also dignified: “The ancient gods, the entire ancient gods are shaking, What happened?”

At this moment, whether Divine Beast or humans, they stopped their hands and gathered together in their respective camps. Yun Bufan and the others who were hiding in the distance were also surprised. He Lin Shensheng opened the mouth and said :” Young Master, there, the vibration comes from there, there must be a major event there!”

“What major event happened?” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but look at the East. At this time, the black iron steel bear and the others also looked eastward, and they must have found the same thing there!

“Human, this time you are lucky, if there is no mutation in the ancient gods, you will die here today!” The black iron steel bear looked coldly at the Qing Emperor and the others, then quickly swept toward the east!

“Saint, are we also with the past?” At this time, Daozizi, Ye Hongchen and Meng Lianxin also ran up, watching Three Great Saints screaming, Three Great Saints was looked towards the Qing Emperor, Sheng Shensheng opened the mouth and said: “Qingdi, why don’t we cooperate for a while, what do you think?”

“Oh? Cooperation?” Qingdi’s face is filled with a weird smile. Wu Sheng is also said solemnly: “You have seen the Qingdi. You have seen the Divine Beast in such a hurry. There is definitely a big treasure. We don’t cooperate. There is no way to take it from their hands, cooperate, and after winning it, one person, how?”

“You are right, but I hope that you don’t play tricks, let’s go!” The Qing emperor glared at Martial Sovereign, then calmly opened, and directly flew away, and swiftly swept toward the east!

“Go, we are follow!” After the Three Emperors, the cold light and Hong Liu and the others who were lucky not to die were also followed along, Yun Bufan secretly said: “This cold light, just how not to be killed by a Divine Beast !”

“It’s a pity, Bai Xiaosheng, Bai Xiaosheng actually died, hehe!” Yun Bufan has been hiding in the dark, and Bai Xiaosheng’s death is what he watched, because the Divine Beast’s sharp claw is penetrating him. Before the chest, Yun Bufan was sure to stop the Divine Beast, but Yun Bufan didn’t shoot because he would die if he shot!

“Let’s go, let’s go and see, this can cause the whole ancient gods to be turbulent in the end!” Yun Bufan toward Little Wei, four people laughed nodded, and then quickly flew past the East!

The eastern part of the ancient gods is an incomparable gigantic mountain. This mountain, the black iron steel bear they have been here very early, but this mountain is forbidden, he knows it, no one can break it, but at this time, they Group Divine Beast, but they are all gathered here!

“No, this prohibition, seems to be opened by people?” When the black iron steel bear walked in, he suddenly discovered that the external prohibition of this giant great hall was gone, and even he could enter the gate of the palace!

“Sure enough, the ban is broken, hahaha!” The black iron steel bear stepped in and found that not at all was popped up, not laughed heartily up, his side 蟒王 is also flying into it, then madly said: “haha, Was broken, the ban was broken, I don’t know which human beings broke open!”

“Human?” Black iron steel bear, a slap, and then slap the head, angrily said: “I am so stupid, how did you not think of humans at first? If you catch a human at the beginning, the things inside may be mine. It!”

“hahaha, not only did you not think of it, I did not think of it, go, there must be human beings inside, we have to hurry in, in case he takes away some treasure, and the humans behind it are catching up, we can not let them preempt! “蟒王laughed, go straight to the temple!”

The black iron steel bears were also a glimpse, and then ran wildly. Behind them, dozens of Divine Beast also rushed in, just after they had just entered, the Qingdi and the others also arrived, and they said nothing. Rush inside!

“A lot of people, this, a great hall, can cover such a large hall here, what strength does this person have in ancient times?” Yun Bufan looked at the temple in shock, and he had some understanding of God World. It is said that this temple is even more horrible!

“God respect, Young Master, this is definitely the temple of God, the temple of God, the treasure of power is absolutely amazing, fast, fast forward, can not let them grab the opportunity!” He Lin suddenly shouted!

Yun Bufan glimpsed a little, then Mozilin and the others in their Immortal Mansion, a bite of their teeth, the eyes flashed: “Go, let’s go in!”

“hu!” “hu!” and other Yun Bufan and the others, when they entered here, they suddenly stopped, and in the hall, they have already been divided into three groups of forces, Xiong Wang, four of them, black iron Steel bears are a group, and Three Great Saints and the others and the Qing Emperor are a group!

Yun Bufan even saw a lot of familiar faces, such as Yang Zhengtian. It can be said that almost all the people who entered the ancient gods were concentrated here, but they were divided into three camps!

In the middle of their three camps, there is a still bleeding body, presumably the first person to enter here. When Yun Bufan appeared here, Black Iron Steel Bear, Xiong Wang, Three Great Saints and the others all looked at him, and all three forces in the eyes were full of brilliance!

“Is it you?” Whether it is the Three Great Saints side, the Bear King side, or the black iron steel bear side, when they saw Yun Bufan, they all shouted in surprise, and then the three parties looked at each other in dismay. Yun Bufan is a bitter smile!

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