Chapter 639 Demi-God matchup

“Oh? It seems that you really know these people. Does anyone know where they are?” There is a hint of expression in the eyes of the black iron steel bear, and finally have the chance to find this guy!

Everyone is looking at each other in dismay. After coming here, almost everyone is scattered. Who knows where Yun Bufan is, and they will get together again, that is the credit of these Divine Beast, maybe The black iron steel bear did not know that there was a riot in him, and the entire ancient gods were rioted, which pushed them to one place!

“Divine Beast, we are also looking for this Yun Bufan. He is not only offending you, but also offending almost all the forces on our side. Since we have a common enemy, it is better for us to cooperate. How do you see it? “At this time, the silent dust that has been silent for a while suddenly appeared to the black iron steel bear with a smile!

“What?” Everyone looked at the dust and looked at them. They didn’t come together. At this time, the dust had shrunk, and they cringed thoroughly. They began to seek cooperation with Divine Beast!

Dao Sheng was very angry and whispered: “Daozizi, I didn’t expect that you are the emperor of the Emperor’s Mountain. I didn’t even have a bit of bones. I bowed to Divine Beast. How do you face the history of my emperor? Tao Huang?”

“Dao Sheng, can we fight hard with them?” In the eyes of the dust, the cold light flashed: “And who knows what Chun Bufan has won in the end, it is difficult for him to get the baby, we will wipe him ass? Don’t forget, he wants to destroy my way!”

“You can’t say the words of cooperation with Divine Beast. Even if we are surrounded, we must at least rely on ourselves. What happened to Divine Beast? Can they be able to kill us?” St. Coldly snorted, watching Black iron steel bear and the others are not retreating!

The purpose of the Taozizi is originally the kind of villain who harms others and self-interest. Dealing with Yun Bufan is originally in their plan, and can solve the immediate crisis. It can be said that killing two birds with one stone, how can he not do it!

Tao Chenzi looked directly at Ye Hongchen and dreaming alone said solemnly: “Ye Hongchen, dreaming, what are you two?”

Ye Hongchen and Meng Lianxin looked at each other. How many years of the three of them had dealt with each other. When the dusty mouth opened, they knew that the dust was a hit, killing two birds with one stone, it was a good idea. !

Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart did not speak, but the eyes were also flashing, but they did not find it. All their conversations were heard by Yun Bufan, who was hidden in the distance. Yun Bufan’s killing intent flashed: “Dust, good. , killing two birds with one stone? This ancient god domain, you don’t want to live out!”

“hahaha, old boy, are you stupid in this seat? Do you have the qualification to cooperate with this seat? Give you two ways, tell this place where this kid is, leave all your storage ring fingers, then Get out!”

The black iron steel bear suddenly laughed heartily up and looked at the dust and the others said with a sneer: “The second way is that we robbed your storage ring, killed your people, and then we went there. Boy, now, start to choose!”

“What?” The dust and the others are startled, and the dust is even more angry: “Do you think that you can kill us? We want to break through, you can’t stop, if you want the Fish dies or the net splits, you are believing or not, you can’t live yourself?”

“I can’t live myself?” The black iron steel bear laughed out of madness: “The first one, you are the first human to say that I can’t live, then I will see, how can you make me live? , kill me!”

“roar!” “roar!” Dozens of Divine Beast suddenly snarled and everyone was filled with excitement. The black iron steel bear laughed at the side python. “We both went to deal with the three Demi-God, long time. Didn’t move with human Demi-God, see how the strength of these three!”

“haha, okay!” The king was also laughed heartily. He and the black iron steel bear flew toward the holy trio. The three people were surprised. They didn’t expect the Divine Beast to say that they started. It seems that it is dangerous!

“bang!” The black iron steel bear stopped the Taoist and Wusheng at once, and said to the king with a smile: “The one who gave the sword is handed over to you. His attack should be the highest. These two should Enough to play with me!”

Incomparable gigantic’s spurred black stick emerged from the black iron steel bear. The black iron steel bear was armed with a black thorn and went straight to the holy sacred. The sacred complexion greatly changed, slamming, ray of The light slammed, and the Divine Artifact with the body also flew out and greeted it directly!

Wu Sheng directly rushed toward the black iron steel bear, the close combat has always been the masterpiece of Wu Sheng, Wu Sheng eyes flashed in the eye, the hand has already had a long knife, long knife waving continuously, instantly bursting out Three knives, red, yellow and blue three kinds of rays of light at the same time skyrocketing, the majestic momentum directly pressed toward the black iron steel bear!

There was a slight surprise in the black iron steel bear’s eyes: “Three forces, good, good, so interesting, hahaha, give me back!”

“hong long long!” The black iron thorns on the black iron steel bears suddenly skyrocketed, and the whole huge bear was mastered into a fist shape, and then the fists filled with thorns directly smashed down to the three blades of Wusheng!

“hong long long!” “bang!” bursts of explosions, and Wu Sheng was suddenly shaken out, his eyes filled with incredible expression: “How is it possible? This, impossible, how might his strength be terrifying? , me, I am also Demi-God!”

A blow was taken, and the gap was obvious. The black iron steel bear suddenly laughed: “hahaha, you also give me away, your strength, too weak!”

“hong long long!” The black iron bar of the black iron thorns went straight to the holy sacred, and the sacred screams, “bang!” “pu!” Daosheng was directly smashed out, spit a mouthful of blood came out, pale as paper!

“It’s too weak, too weak, you don’t even have the body to make it, you have the strength and can’t fully display it, weak!” The black iron steel bear haha ​​laughed wildly, and at this time, the silhouette of the sword emperor was also fiercely 斩Flying out, the huge python flew over to the black iron steel bear!

“Their strength, too weak!” Yu Wang looked at the black iron steel bear, disappointing shook the head, and in their distance, Yun Bufan was stunned, and Yun Bufan was shocked muttered: “really strong , they, the strength of really strong, the strength of the black iron steel bear, actually horrified to this point?”

“Young Master, they are all Divine Beast body, can play the real power of Divine Artifact, and it is Divine Beast, innate talent, against the Tao, they are naturally with no difficulty, the Tao is also Demi- God, but they are not Divine Physique, but the fairy, unable to play the true formidable power of Divine Artifact, which should be worse than the Spirit treasure of the spiritual treasure!”

On the side of He Lin suddenly explained to Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan was slowly nodded, and at this time, a burst of azure sword glow suddenly appeared in the Divine Beast group, “Chī!” “Chī!” “Chī!” The four Divine Beast around the sword glow were torn into pieces and turned into pieces!

“Your Emperor!” Yun Bufan startled, Xiao Wei on the side is also surprised: “Really strong sword qi, this Qingdi is the most terrible of them!”

“Deity’s body, this Qingdi has been refined into the body of Deity, and his Divine Artifact, based on the Young Master’s god iron, was directly promoted to Divine Artifact, but the strange thing is his Divine Artifact It seems that there is a soul!” He Lin brows frowned, Yun Bufan got the god iron is very special, once Immortal Artifact is promoted to Divine Artifact, the power of the soul will dissipate!

“He must have used a special method!” Yun Bufan also had a dadded face, and then slowly exhaled: “A good young emperor, the deepest hidden is him!”

“Oh? Yes, there is a good man!” The black iron steel bear saw the Qingdi rise to the sky, not because of eyes shined, nodded, the eyes filled with the appreciation of the meaning, Qingdi face dignified, said to the Taoist three three people: “You Three to deal with the king, this bear is handed over to me!”

“Give it to you to deal with? Kid, you are very confident!” Black iron steel bear looked at the Qing Emperor, the eyes flashed cold, the young emperor coldly smiled: “To deal with you, but it is enough!”

“hahaha, ok, well, the more confident you are, the better, let me see what you have!” The black iron bear laughed heartily: “Only you are more confident, the strength of your outburst The stronger it will be, pick me up!”

“Take you a blow? Why do you want to pick you up? You can block my nine swords and say it!” Qingdi coldly smiled, body green rays of light flashing, bursts of green light, nine green sword shadow Go straight to the black iron steel bear to go!

“Okay, sword qi, sharp sword qi, really good, Break for me! Open!” Black iron steel bear eyes shined, laughed heartily, the black iron in the hand just stabbed the black stick directly, “bang!” “bang !” Nine words sword qi suddenly smashed, a burst of sword qi scattered!

In the eyes of Qingdi, there is a flash of light: “The strength of really strong, this Divine Beast is so terrible!”

“Kill!” Daosheng, Sword Saint and Wu Sheng also killed the king in the past, the king was laughed, the huge tail flew over to the three fiercely, a gray bead suspended in the top of the king, smashed He is sneered, and the black beads whizzed toward the emperor!

“Terror, this is the confrontation of Demi-God powerhouse. It really is horror. Whether it is this black iron bear, or the king, or the Qing emperor and Sansheng, their strength is too strong, but this way, only I am afraid that everyone else will be killed by Divine Beast!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the blood was boiling, but he knew that such a battle was not qualified to participate. Looking at the other people who were killed, Yun Bufan was struggling: “Save? Or not?”

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