Six hundredth 41 Zhang Shen Shenfu

“Yun Bufan!” “It’s your kid!” “Yun Bufan!” The sound of three gnashing teeth sounded at the same time. Daozizi, Crab Yedo and Black Iron Steel Bears all stared at Yun Bufan, all three eyes It is killing intent!

Yun Bufan couldn’t help but smile. The three forces and themselves can say that they have a holiday. They thought that they were already looking for treasure in the hall. Who knows that it is blocked at the door, and they came across them when they came in!

Yun Bufan looked at the forces of the three parties and smiled lightly: “Immortal World Three Great Emperors, the four kings of the demon world, the two most powerful Divine Beasts in ancient times, tsk tsk, it seems that you are all like the life of Yun Bufan! Is it that the treasure in this hall is more important than my life?”

“hahaha, so bold!” The black iron steel bear suddenly laughed and looked at Yun Bufan said with a big smile: “Boy, you are very discouraged, good, but your person stole my treasure. I must also figure out this account with you! You let him hand over the things, I will not be embarrassed by you, how?”

In the eyes of the road, the eyes flashed and turned to the bear king opened the mouth and said: “Bear King, not as good as us…”

“Xiongwang? Who are you called Xiongwang?” The Taozizi had not finished talking. The black iron steel bear interrupted his words in a violent manner, staring at the dust, and the killing intent in the eyes skyrocketed: “You are giving I said, who are you called Xiong Wang?”

Whether it is the bear king of the demon world or the black iron steel bear of the ancient gods, both of them are bears. In the two circles of the fairy demon, the bear king of the demon world is the king of the bear family, but in the ancient gods, this black Iron and steel bears are much stronger than Xiong Wang. How can the other party be king in front of themselves?

The road dust breathe, the bear king over there also said with a big smile: “Nature is called this seat, it is difficult for you to think that it is called you, look at you this weird look, do not know whether it is a bear or something else What monster, who heard that the bear is still long and stabbed?”

“You are courting death!” The black iron steel bear eyes in the killing intent skyrocketing, directly shot to the bear king palm, the bear king coldly snorted, it has not seen the strength of the black iron steel bear, plus its strength for itself Also very confident, how can I fear the black iron steel bear this palm!

“Peng!” “bang!” The two palms collided, and the bear king was directly shaken back by seven steps. The complexion changed, and the black iron steel bear flashed a trace of astonished, then proudly coldy: “I am not worthy. Call yourself in front of this seat, let alone the bear king!”

Xiong Wang’s face is ugly, but Yun Bufan’s eyes are flashing a trace of surprise. The strength of this bear king has risen to such a degree. The collision just happened, it can block the black iron bear’s blow. Explain the strength of the bear king, and there is almost a Half-God Level!

Half-God Level is hard to achieve. Most of them are directly crossing tribulation like drunkenness, instead of deliberately crossing tribulation failure, then the fairy is isolated, remodeling Divine Physique, or the whole person is in God. Under the robbery escape, the fairy baby passed the tempering of the god robbery, changed to the baby, and then went further!

Among them, it is definitely the immortal baby, reshaping Divine Physique is much more dangerous and more powerful, and Divine Beast is a unique existence. Their body is originally Divine Physique, which can reach Demi- God then soared again, which is why Sansheng is not the opponent of the Black Iron Steel Bear!

The black iron steel bear looked coldly at the dust, said coldy: “Remember, in front of this seat, don’t give me any bear king in the future, no bear can be king in front of this seat!”

The road dusted his face, staring at the black iron steel bear, and then looked at the direction of Xiong Wang, the black iron steel bear said with a sneer: “Want to join hands? Yeah, then look at you even if you join hands Not being able to withstand my Divine Beast!”

Behind the black iron steel bear, there are dozens of Divine Beasts, the weakest of which are Level 9. The overall strength is much stronger than they are. The silent San San suddenly said: “You also want to fly. God World, maybe, here is an opportunity, don’t you want to explore the mystery of this temple?”

“hahaha, the mystery here, I know, the black iron steel bear, you killed both of them, I tell you the mystery of this temple, how?” Yun Bufan suddenly laughed heartily, looked at the black iron steel bear, face It’s full of smiles!

“en? You know this Majesty’s name?” The black iron steel bear looked at Yun Bufan with amazement. The dust suddenly shouted to Yun Bufan: “Yun Bufan, where are you qualified to speak, we are three parties, whatever? One can kill you, you better shut me up!”

“Shut up? Can you kill me casually?” Yun Bufan sneered with sneer: “Can you kill me? Daozizi? Well? Is it you? Or, is that defiated crab Yedo? Not to say Others, say you two, can you kill me?”

“Family!” Crab Yedo’s face turned red. After eating a loss in the hands of Yun Bufan, he always wanted to kill Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan is now revealing his scars in public and making him even more angry: “Yun Bufan, you are courting death !”

Crab Yedo’s momentum has skyrocketed, and the rays of light on the road’s dust have flashed, watching Yun Bufan angrily: “You will pay for your arrogance!”

No one else did anything. They were quietly watching the development of the situation. Yun Bufan smiled lightly and his blue light flashed. At this time, Crab Yedo and Daozi had already screamed at Yun Bufan. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Yun Bufan, and the huge crab claws and the big prints of the road dust also fell to Yun Bufan!

“bang!” “bang!” Two loud explosions suddenly sounded, “pu!” “pu!” Two silhouettes were suddenly shaken out in the explosion, and the mouth spit blood, everyone looked shocked These two silhouettes, which were shaken out, turned out to be the crab Yedo and the Taozi!

“hu!” A beautiful silhouette appeared next to Yun Bufan, and a long green hair of the green hair was scattered, and everyone looked around with a cold look. Everyone felt a horrible repression and felt the clearest. It is undoubtedly the black iron steel bear!

“High, high Divine Beast?” The black iron steel bear was shocked to see Yun Bufan side Mo Qilin, could not help but whisper, on his side, the king is also complexion greatly changed, this moment, because of the emergence of Mo Qilin, Everyone’s face is changed!

“Oh? God’s shrine? Kid, it seems that your chances are good, but this god of the gods is very complicated. I don’t know if there is danger or danger. You have to go to the last one of this shrine.” The layer can know what the existence of the Shenfu is for!” Mo Qilin looked at the huge hall and couldn’t help but open the mouth and said!

“The last layer?” Yun Bufan startled: “Is there a few layers in this shrine?”

“This is a mustard space. Don’t look at a small mansion. After you enter from that door, it is 2nd floor. The scale of this shrine is definitely more than two layers. If you want to know what is inside, you have to go. On the last floor, there will be dangers in the middle, and I am not sure, but the gods of God, even if there is a treasure, it is certainly not so good!”

Mo Qilin faintly opened, Yun Bufan also looked at the center of the temple. There was indeed a huge portal. Everyone looked at the portal. Mo Qilin gave him a faint look: “Kid, this 闯God’s shrine, the fewer people, the better. After all, the more people there are, the easier it is to touch the danger inside. You can earn me into Immortal Mansion!”

“The less people, the better?” Yun Bufan’s heart moved, and He Lin, Xiao Wei and Nine Heavens looked over. He Lin and Little Wei were nodded, Nine Heavens hesitated, but in the end it was a bite, nodded. Yun Bufan slightly smiled : “The Lord, you will definitely like my Immortal Mansion!”

“Wait a minute!” The black iron steel bear suddenly opened, Yun Bufan turned to look at the past, Mo Qilin’s eyes were killing intent flash, black iron steel bear looked at Mo Qilin’s eyes with a shocked expression, then there was a trace Desire: “Girl, dare to ask, dare to ask the girl, but from the upper bound?”

On the upper bound, the upper bound of Immortal World is God World. In this sentence, the black iron bear is a sound transmission and asks Mo Qilin. After all, such a thing is too embarrassing. It also knows that if it is asked in person, so much People here, Mo Qilin will definitely not say, but if you have sound transmission, then it is possible to tell him!

“Yes!” Mo Qilin’s cold voice sounded in the black iron steel bear’s mind, the black iron steel bear suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, then nodded, the side of the king also saw this scene, six small The eyes are full of shock, black iron steel bear muttered: “God World, go to God World, can you still come down?”

“weng!” blue Immortal Mansion rays of light flashed, Mo Qilin and the others were all included in the Immortal Mansion by Yun Bufan. At this moment, no one is stunned by Yun Bufan, because there is also a Demi- behind Yun Bufan. God, and the horrible Demi-God!

Even the eyes of Three Great Saints were full of shocks, and then asked the young emperor’s sound transmission: “Qingdi, are you her opponent?”

“Absolutely not!” Qingdi with the slightest hesitation shook the head, the eyes flashed: “Her strength, stronger than the black iron bear, I did not expect that this fairy demon in the two worlds, there is still such Strong presence!”

“Even you are not her opponent?” Three Great Saints silently, the side of the road is staring at Yun Bufan, his eyes raging, the crab Yedo is also full of grievances, Yun Bufan’s heart secretly thought: “This crab yeah It’s also a hassle for more and more dust. If you encounter it halfway, you will solve it completely!”

“hu!” “hu!” Just between Yun Bufan’s contemplation, the Qing Emperor, Three Great Saints, Xiong Wang and the black iron steel bears all smashed into the huge portal for a moment, scrambling!

Yun Bufan suddenly, then whispered: “each and everyone are like thieves, the god of the gods, the faster you run, the better?”

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