The 580th chapter mysterious Shuntian League

“This is, what is the momentum? Really strong, so powerful, I am afraid that it is about to be close to the gods?” Among the VIP rooms, seven Great Elder and Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord stood up at the same time, shocked to see The direction of the third VIP room!

“That is, the place of Yun Bufan, the VIP room No. 3, what is the momentum? Who is this?” In the VIP room No. 2, the glare of the glory and the second treasure hall stood up at the same time, the face was full Shocked expression!

“The horrible momentum is only a lot stronger than you. When is this Yun Bufan’s side, when is this such a powerful master?” In the 10th VIP room, the old man sitting on the knees all of a sudden Stand up and watch the direction of the VIP room in shock!

In this old man side, the dusty face looked ugly, gloomy face, staring in the direction of the VIP room No. 3, did not speak, and in the 12th VIP room and the 13th VIP room, Ye Hongchen and dream Lonely is also shocked to see the VIP room, next to them, there are two people, one full of vicissitudes, one is full of elegance!

“This, to the big brother, your strength!” Among the VIP rooms, Yun Bufan was shocked to see the sky, and it was laughed: “Cloud brother, you may not know, I have been affected many years ago. The internal injuries, so that the strength is greatly reduced, and later in the poison, the strength is once again greatly damaged!”

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect that this peach cherry blossom not only solved the poison in my house, but also cured the internal injuries I suffered before. This is my true strength, complete strength!” It’s full of joy and smile. Obviously, for the magical effect of peach blossom, he feels unexpected!

“To the big brother, you are poisonous, can you tell me what the person who hurts you looks like?” Yun Bufan slowly nodded, the momentum of the past has disturbed some people who participated in the auction, but Found that not at all what happened, they could not continue to participate in the auction!

“It hurts me to hurt my man. It seems to be a huge azure crab, but his crab claws are dark black, and he seems to have been injured. In order to hurt me, he also used self-harm. The method, we can say that it is the bone side suffer, but it hurts even more!” The sky is slowly opening, and the voice is open!

“Yu Zaiduo!” Yun Bufan and He Lin looked at each other and both of them spoke at the same time. They looked at Yun Bufan with a puzzled look: “Cloud brother, do you know that person?”

“Jade, one of the four kings of the demon world, was only one of the treasures that I took him. Later, it caused him to lose great strength. What benefits should he get in the Secret Realm? When the poisonous swamp met him, his strength was comparable to that of the Tenth Emperor, and he was full of strong poison!”

Yun Bufan’s face was gloomy and slowly opened the mouth and said: “The injury on his body should have been caused by us. At that time, we crushed him seriously and later he was run away. I didn’t expect him to meet big. Brother you!”

“No wonder!” It is also a bitter smile in the past, and Bai Xiaosheng on the side suddenly said: “This crab Yedo is also among the stars. I guess he also participated in the big auction. I saw him three days ago. He is looking for a lot of poison in the treasure, it must be used for healing!”

“The Crab Jeddo!” The ninth halllord’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and he also said: “He bought a lot of poisons in the second treasure hall of our spiritual treasure cabinet, the third Treasure Hall and the fourth treasure hall, and the number is quite good. Big, it seems that this crab Yedo, it should be above the auction!”

“Oh?” Yun Bufan suddenly became surprised. It’s always an astonished, Yun Bufan looks around. If it’s been naive to come to this big auction, it’s the first floor lobby. This VIP room, that’s the crab. It is not qualified to go in!

“No, there is no crab in the hall, and those VIP rooms are arranged forbidden. If my fairy knowledge is inspected, it will surely cause the masters inside to be alert. Young Master, if the crab is at this auction, That must be in the VIP room!” Next to Yun Bufan, He Lin said quietly!

“He Lin, are you sure?” Yun Bufan did not speak, but the ninth lord and the lord Tiandu had already looked at He Lin, and even Bai Xiaosheng looked at He Lin. With their strength, even if they explored this In the hall, I must miss a lot of people, but He Lin’s words have great confidence, which makes people a little unbelievable!

“Three, you don’t need to doubt He Lin’s words. He Lin’s fairy tales are special. Even the 10th-level Emperor, you can’t avoid He Lin’s fairy tales. Since he said that Crazy Yedo is not in the hall, then It’s absolutely not there!” Yun Bufan explained with a smile!

The ninth lord, Bai Xiaosheng and Tianlai were all looking at He Lin with amazement. Yun Bufan asked solemnly to the ninth lord. “The lord, this is your nine great hall. Have you recently had more VIPs? Who are the VIP rooms of the sixteenth, do you know at all?”

“Our nine big halls, there are really no more VIPs recently, so this crab Yedo is definitely not in our nine big halls. As for the tenth VIP room, it should be the emperor, eleven and twelve, it should be Sword Emperor and Martial. Sovereign, thirteen should be Peng Wang, fourteen should be Xiong Wang, fifteen may be Yu Wang, and sixteen, Liu Chongguang!”

The ninth lord looked straight at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan stood up in an instant, his eyes filled with incredible expression, watching the ninth lord not dare to set the channel: “Liu Chongguang? How can Liu Chongguang be eligible to stay alone? VIP room?”

“This is the decision of the Elder Council!” The ninth lord smiled and opened the mouth and said: “There were only fifteen VIP rooms, but the Elder Council suddenly added one more, and the sixteenth VIP room, not At all cover, that is Liu Chongguang, almost everyone knows!”

“Liu Chongguang, Liu Chongguang, Liu Chongguang may be eligible to stay in the VIP room. This is definitely a tricky thing. What is it that makes Liu Chongguang stay in the VIP room?” Yun Bufan bowed his head and meditated, then suddenly opened the eyes. The eyes are full of bleak colors!

“Divine Artifact, Divine Artifact!” Yun Bufan looked ugly, and then slowly took a breath: “The Divine Artifact is estimated to be brought by Liu Chongguang. Otherwise, he is unlikely to be eligible to enter the VIP room. Lord, don’t forget, I took out an ancient divine object, but still not qualified to stay in a VIP room alone!”

“What?” The ninth lord, Bai Xiaosheng and Tianlai Tian stood up in shock. The ninth lord also had a dignified face. Said solemnly: “It is very possible, otherwise, I can’t think of the qualification of Liu Chongguang. Stay in the VIP room, but behind this Liu Chongguang is the Shuntian League. Is it because the people of Shuntian League sell this Divine Artifact?”

“Shuntian League, Shuntian League!” Yun Bufan whispered, then Shened opened the mouth and said: “This is very mysterious, if it does not know this Divine Artifact, then there is still Maybe, but it’s obvious, otherwise you won’t know that this is Divine Artifact!”

“And you can know Divine Artifact, you must know the horror of Divine Artifact, and you are willing to come up with an auction. This is a must, there must be a conspiracy!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “Maybe killing two birds With one stone’s plot, you can get a lot of sacred stones without losing this Divine Artifact!”

“You mean, they will be on top of this Divine Artifact?” The ninth lord looked at Yun Bufan with a sullen look, and Yun Bufan slowly nodded: “Maybe, otherwise, I can’t think of it.” Why did the Shuntian League auction the Divine Artifact, it seems that the mysterious person behind the Shuntian League should also appear!”

“The mysterious person behind the Shuntian League? Is that the so-called alliance lord?” The ninth lord also nodded: “The so-called alliance lord of Shuntian League is also mysterious. It is said that there are two great messengers under his hand. The strength of the ambassador is equally horrible, and the general thing seems to be the two so-called messengers!”

“Lord, we will wait and see,” Divine Artifact, we must win, what’s the tricky, wait for Divine Artifact, let’s see, the other party dares to auction this Divine Artifact, then It means that he will be able to take it back in a short time. It is impossible for us to get it. He will take it back, so we have enough time to thoroughly master Divine Artifact!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, now it is their own method, the ninth lord nodded, slowly exhaled, laughing open the mouth and said: “Look again, can you get a problem, if If you get it, then we don’t have to hurt this brain!”

In the 16th VIP room, Liu Chongguang looked at the black robed man in front of him with respect and respect: “The messenger, I don’t know the election lord.”

The black robed man in front of Liu Chongguang is faintly opened the mouth and said: “Liu Chongguang, Yun Bufan, you are doing well, alliance lord is very satisfied, this time sent me to come, first look at this Baoxing auction, See if there is anything useful to me, and secondly, naturally, look at the finale of the alliance lord to be able to auction how many stones!”

“The messenger, for the next time, alliance lord Why take this thing out? Could it be that the strength of the alliance lord has reached the point of inattention?” Liu Chongguang finally could not help but ask the doubts in his heart, this is Divine Artifact, how many people got Divine Artifact to auction it out?

“Liu Chongguang, alliance lord do things, naturally have the lord lord own reason, you do not need to ask more, otherwise, know more, it is not good for you, and this Divine Artifact, who do you think you can get it? But who The auction is won, and at the end, the Divine Artifact will still be an alkali lord. Do you understand?”

Black robed man Looking at Liu Chongguang coldly, the cold voice came out, making people feel chilling!

Liu Chongguang suddenly turned pale with fright, looking at black robed man, respectful and said: “Yes, the subordinates understand, the subordinates will never be more mouths!”

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