The 554th chapter is always recovering

“This last treasure is a Divine Artifact. It is said to be a Divine Artifact. It is ten or even hundreds of times stronger than the Same Divine Artifact!” The ninth lord looked straight at Yun Bufan, then Slowly open!

“What?” Yun Bufan startedled, and his face was shocked. Even He Lin was a fascinating color. Divine Artifact? The ninth lord always pays attention to Yun Bufan’s face. Seeing this, he can’t help but ask: “What? The Yunxing Master knows this Divine Artifact?”

“Divine Artifact, above God World, is also the top Divine Artifact!” Yun Bufan blinked in his eyes and said: “In God World, the strongest Divine Artifact is called Paragon Divine Artifact, and then It is Divine Artifact, and Divid Artifact’s formidable power is only ten million times stronger than ordinary Divine Artifact!”

“What?” This time, it was the turn of the ninth lord to be shocked. He knew that Divine Artifact was very powerful, but what he did not expect was that this Divine Artifact was so powerful that the ninth lord face was flushed. ,excitedly said : “Photographed, be sure to take it, even if you pay for everything in my ninth treasure hall, you must take this Divine Artifact!”

“Lord, this Divine Artifact, we must win, even if it can not play its full formidable power, it is not comparable to the general Divine Artifact, if the owner has this Divine Artifact, the strength must be increased several times! Yun Bufan also took a deep breath and screamed!

It’s Yun Bufan, Divine Artifact is so much, but there is still no Divine Artifact. Even the most powerful Divine Sword has never reached the point of Divine Artifact. He didn’t think of a small one. There is even the existence of Divine Artifact in Immortal World!

“Lord, I think I should find out who this consignor is, a Divine Artifact, if he can get it, then it is possible to get the second Divine Artifact, the third Divine Artifact, even if There is only one possibility, we should all try it!” Yun Bufan looked straight at the ninth lord, and his eyes flashed!

“Yes!” The ninth lord suddenly stood up excitedly, and then took a deep breath: “I immediately told people to check, I have two confidants, the Captain of the Shadow Team, they check. There should be no problem!”

“Yes, I have to send my heart to the heart, this news must not be leaked!” Yun Bufan is also nodded, just at this time, the voice of Ma two passed again: “This third treasure, named peach cherry, rumored peach cherry Specializing in a hundred poisons, even after taking Hundred Venoms Immunity, this peach cherry is rare, this is the only one in this auction!”

“Peach cherry blossoms start price is guaranteed thousand, each time the price increase must not be less than 10,000!” Ma two slightly smiled, screamed, and in the third VIP room, Yun Bufan and the others were all seen on the auction platform. past!

Peach cherry, although it is a wonderful flower, but there is not much practicality. This peach cherry is known as a special cure for poison, but some special toxins cannot be solved. For example, the poisonous body of the ninth lord is not this. Peach cherry blossoms can be unlocked!

Therefore, although the peach cherry blossom is rare, it is not precious. The starting price is guaranteed thousand, but the transaction price should be around one million. This is the reason why the black iron can only sell 1 million Xianshi. It is reasonable to say that This peach cherry, 1 million is about the same!

“200,000!” When the peach cherry blossom appeared, I couldn’t help but shouted loudly in the past. Yun Bufan wanted to stop it too late, and couldn’t help but shook the head: “To the big brother, you are too anxious, I am afraid this peach cherry blossom To shoot, you need more than 1 million!”

“en?” has always been complexion changed. Sure enough, at first sight, it was the third room VIP bid. Outside and everyone shouted the price: “300,000!” “400,000!” “five hundred thousand !”

“85,500,000!” All of a sudden, I reached the height of the 850,000th. I always smiled when I was in the sky. Yun Bufan slightly smiled, shook the head, He Lin has already called out directly: “2 million!”

“hua!” is another burst of gloom, peach cherry, 2 million Xianshi, which can be said to be extravagant, and the VIP room has always gratefully glanced at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan is very speechless, this He Lin shouting It seems that they are all addicted, and even an opening is 2 million!

He Lin has already liked this feeling of spending money. It feels too much. The high price of 2 million has almost stopped everyone, even the people in other VIP rooms have not continued to bid. Lin successfully won!

Among the VIP rooms on the 10th, Daozi looked gloomy at the VIP room No.3, and his eyes flashed coldly: “hmph, Yun Bufan, see how many things he still shoots. It seems that the ninth lord is not ready to The last treasure is up!”

“This is not necessarily, how do you know that this is not Yun Bufan’s own fairy stone, but the celestial stone of the ninth lord?” Beside him, the old man was so open that his eyes flashed: “Senshi is all ready, Don’t auction anything in the middle unless you need it!”

“I am afraid that they are the same as we thought. This last thing is really so powerful?” The eyes of the dusty eyes showed a hint of incomprehensibility, his side old man faint nodded: “More than you think.” !”

The road dust is stopped, and I dare not set the channel: “Isn’t it possible? Yun Bufan has only risen for hundreds of years. How could there be many of these stones?”

“Then, have you ever thought about it, only for hundreds of years, how could he have such a strong force!” The old man did not lift his head, faintly opened, and the dust did not speak anymore!

“This Yun Bufan, is it really a madman?” In the VIP room No. 2, the cold light is also a gloomy face, and the second lord is slowly exhaled: “The more he shoots, the better, don’t forget, the last one A treasure is the most important thing!”

“En!” Hearing the second lord mentioned the last treasure, the cold light was slightly exhaled, relaxed, the last treasure, Divine Artifact, which is the real goal of all the influential figure!

“The VIP of the No. 3 VIP room has three consecutive treasures. It seems that for this auction, the VIP Lounge No. 3 is a must. The fourth treasure is started below. This fourth treasure is a willow knife, sharp and sharp. It is easy to cut the defense of the Immortal Artifact. It is a rare treasure. The starting price is 1 million, and the price increase must not be lower than the hundred thousand!”

The excitement of Ma Er suddenly rang, and the fourth treasure was lifted up. It was a rare hidden weapon, but unfortunately, it was of no use to Yun Bufan!

“One hundred and one hundred thousand!” “1.2 million!” “One hundred 300,000!” The sudden bidding suddenly sounded, but then it became more and more fierce and more and more intense. After discovering that the VIP room No. 3 did not bid, they The mood is obviously very high, and the constant price increase of hundred thousand thousand!

In the VIP room No. 3, some time ago, when they waited for the silence of Yun Bufan’s bid, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but whisper: “These people seem to be afraid of our bid, we don’t bid, this auction It’s really lively!”

“You are scared!” The ninth lord is also smiling smiled: “He Lin brothers every time they raise the price, they make them feel scared, and find that you have no bids, they naturally know that there is hope to get this willow knife, no competition will blame! ”

Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled. This willow knife was finally bought by a fairy emperor at a high price of six hundred 300,000. At this time, the fifth treasure was taken up. It turned out to be a rare auxiliary Immortal Artifact named Qing. Magical flag, which contains several great arrays, is a great Immortal Artifact!

The next few treasures, Yun Bufan and the others did not have any interest. One of the VIP rooms had a hand, and a rare iron ore was taken at the high price of 10 million. It was a treasure of the refiner!

Yun Bufan feels bored, looking at the peach cherry in his hand, can’t help but throw it to the sky: “To the big brother, this peach cherry you still take the first, remove the poison, increase the strength first, anyway, there is no whats the matter!”

“Alright!” The sky has always looked at the auction’s treasure, and it feels boring. These things are nothing in their eyes, but in the eyes of those ordinary people, it can be said to be Supreme Supreme Treasure!

I have picked up the peach cherry blossoms in the past, and then directly took off the flower’s flower, and then swallowed it directly. The sky was suddenly flashing of the rays of light, and then sitting cross-legged, a black mist of the stock came out from his head. !

Yun Bufan brows frowned, this peach cherry blossom is really unique, so you can use this method to force the poison fog out, Yun Bufan looked at the ninth temple owner and asked: “Dazhu, why can’t this peach cherry blossom lift you? Very poisonous?”

“I am not a smell of smell, but a very violent toxicity. It is a highly toxic mixture of hundreds of toxins. It is not what the cherry blossoms can solve!” The ninth lord shook the head, Slowly open!

“Hundreds of poisonous?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse. At this moment, a strong black mist suddenly appeared in the top of the sky. The black fog formed a black crab, and Yun Bufan saw it. When the crab is, the face suddenly changes!

“hu!” “Chī!” The dark fog of the sky suddenly dissipated, and the face was red light. A powerful momentum broke out from the body, and stood up directly, and then laughed heartily: “hahaha, me The strength, my strength, all recovered, all recovered!”

“bang!” The horrible momentum rushed in front of him. Yun Bufan and the ninth lord suddenly looked shocked and looked at the sky. This is the momentum of the ten-level Emperor, almost the horror of the ten-level Peak. They did not think that the true strength of this day has actually reached the point where the horror is close to the ten-level Peak Emperor!

This momentum not only surprised Yun Bufan and the ninth lord, but even the entire auction site, was shocked by this powerful momentum!

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