Chapter VIII Variations Divine Beast Eggs

“Young Master, look!” Among the VIP rooms, He Lin suddenly pointed to the auction floor and was excited about Yun Bufan.

鈥渆n?鈥?Yun Bufan turned around and looked at it. At this time, the auction did not know that the first few treasures had been auctioned, but the treasure that appeared this time turned out to be an egg, a silvery white rays of light. egg!

“He Lin, what is this?” Yun Bufan saw He Lin so excited, could not help but wonder, asked!

“Egg, mutating Divine Beast’s egg!” He Lin took a deep breath: “It is Silver Moon Sirius, Young Master, this is Silver King, it is the only one in the world. Another can use strength of Star The Divine Beast, and the variant Divine Beast, has unlimited potential. Although the silver moon Sirius in ancient times was only a god-deserved place, it can kill five gods of the same level!”

“What?” Yun Bufan startled, and the ninth lord of the side, Bai Xiaosheng and the heavens are all puzzled, what gods respect, what mutates Divine Beast, they can say that they do not know!

“Lord, this egg, I must take it, maybe I have to borrow some sacred stones for you!” Yun Bufan looked at the ninth lord with a dignified look. The ninth lord later questioned: “This thing, very important?”

鈥淚t鈥檚 important!鈥?Yun Bufan took a deep breath: 鈥淢aybe it鈥檚 not too big now, but its future value is absolutely comparable to a Divine Artifact, even more valuable than a Divine Artifact! 鈥?/p>

“en?” The ninth lord was shocked, Yun Bufan was heavily nodded, and the ninth lord was slowly exhaled: “Well, although you are asking for the price, if you are not enough, I will give you this slate first!”

“This fairy beast is brought out from the ancient gods. It has been stored in our spiritual treasure cabinet for a long time, but no matter how you use it, you can’t float the fairy inside, but it is distributed from it. In terms of momentum, it is absolutely at least the immortal beast of the Xiandi level, or even a growing fairy!”

Ma Er looked at the fairy beast egg in the tray, and then slowly opened: “This fairy beast, auctioned from my spiritual treasure cabinet, but bought the brother, we can hatch, can not hatch, don’t look for us Spiritual treasure, so please take note of this fairy egg, starting price, 10 million Xianshi, each increase, not less than 1 million!”

鈥?0 million Xianshi?鈥?is just a quotation. It has already let a large number of people talk about it privately. This offer is too horrible. 10 million Xianshi, not to mention who can afford it, even if it can afford it, who Willing to buy, the spiritual treasure cabinet can not hatch, then they have any grasp!

To know that the spiritual treasure cabinet is the most well-informed message of the whole fairy and the demon, even they don’t know the message of the fairy beast. This shows how mysterious the fairy egg is. Since it can’t hatch, how many people are there? Would you like to buy 10 million to buy this fairy beast?

“20 million!” Yun Bufan hasn’t spoken yet. He Lin’s excited voice has already been passed out. Yun Bufan suddenly feels awkward. Then he can’t wait to slap him to death. This bastard, so shouting, is not clear to tell others that this is Good thing? Isn’t this adding competitors to yourself?

He Lin was not stupid. After he shouted, he discovered the problem. Looking at Yun Bufan鈥檚 fierce gaze, He Lin shuddered and then sang with a smile: 鈥淵oung Master, accident, this is an accident. , I, I am used to it!”

“Unexpected, bastard, this time I want to take it, I am afraid it is not so easy!” Yun Bufan shook the head, whispered!

鈥淗ua!鈥?was awkward. Everyone looked at the VIP room. In the absence of someone鈥檚 bid, the VIP room on the 3rd opened the price of 20 million, which made everyone feel amazed and felt It was incredible for a while!

“Buy the price, this VIP room is definitely deliberately raising the price!” “No. 3 VIP room, hey, the first three things were auctioned, and the other time has not been shot, now shot, absolutely deliberately raise the price!” “Spiritual treasure is not clearly stated, is it not allowed to raise the price?” “You are stupid, this thing is not for friends!”

A whispered voice rang in the hall, almost everyone decided that the VIP room 3 was definitely raising the price, so the entire auction, there is only a piece of discussion, the high price of 20 million , even let everyone not bid directly!

In the VIP room, Yun Bufan looked at it all at a glance, then said with a bitter smile: “This, should it be beaten?”

“haha, Young Master, this 20 million, it’s too cheap, too cheap, haha, it’s best to think that we are raising the price!” He Lin was also excited about the laughed heartily, looking at the people under the discussion, Excited face flushed!

Yun Bufan鈥檚 face also showed a smile, and at the time of the transaction, a faint voice suddenly rang: 鈥淭wo thousand 5 million!鈥?/p>

Quiet, very quiet, the original noisy auction site suddenly quieted down, incredible to look at the 16th VIP room, bidding, is the 16th VIP room, the third VIP room, Yun Bufan ears move , complexityion changed: “It is Liu Chongguang!”

“Liu Chongguang?” He Lin was shocked with the ninth lord. Yun Bufan was heavily nodded: “I will not hear the mistake, it is his voice. This VIP room on the 16th is Liu Chongguang. It seems that Liu Chongguang should It鈥檚 the consignor of Divine Artifact, but how can he know Silver Moon Sirius!鈥?/p>

“Unless, there are people behind him, he doesn’t know, but the people behind him know!” He Lin’s eyes are also flashing, and then exhaled: “Young Master, it seems that this is also a hard battle!”

Yun Bufan is also nodded, He Lin screams: “30 million!”

“Is it really baby?” “But how do you hatch? Do they all know how to hatch?” “No. 3 VIP room and VIP room 16 are all influential figures!” This quiet auction site is once again in noisy Among them, are talking about Yun Bufan’s No. 3 VIP room and Liu Chongguang’s No. 16 VIP room!

“This Liu Chongguang, interesting, I don’t know if he and Yun Bufan really know how to hatch this fairy beast, or deliberately raise the price, or be vindictive!” In the VIP room, Great Elder was hung on his face. Interest in the expression, looking at the VIP Lounge 3 and is the 16th VIP room!

For a time, the VIP Room No. 3 and the VIP Room No. 16 became the highlights of the competition. In the VIP Lounge No. 16, Liu Chongguang鈥檚 low voice continued to spread: 鈥?0 million!鈥?/p>

“50 million!” He Lin not even think, coldly snorted, this time, everyone is even more embarrassing, 50 million, this can already be regarded as a high price, an egg that does not know whether it can hatch, 50 million Xianshi?

“Bastard, messenger, this Yun Bufan, is it the Duvine Beast egg that knows this variation?” Among the VIP rooms on the 16th, Liu Chongguang looked fiercely in the VIP room, with their financial resources, could not and the ninth lord In contrast, although the rise of Shuntian League is very fast, it is almost a moment of rise, but the same, the lack of Xianshi is also the most!

“Impossible!” black robed man The low shook the head: “Perhaps, as they say, this variant Divine Beast egg should be consigned by his friend, he is raising the price, except for my Shuntian League, it is impossible. Someone knows that this variant Divine Beast egg is me, and I don’t know which variant Divine Beast is, is it really useful!”

“But we don’t have many celestial stones, and we can’t let others know that Divine Artifact is the auction we used. Otherwise, we can ask the spiritual treasure cabinet to predict some fairy stones!” Liu Chongguang is also full of anxious eyes. Color, if the auction is down, then it is also a meritorious deed!

“I also have 30 million Xianshi here. You can take it first, 10 million 10 million. If you really raise the price, this Yun Bufan should be suitable. A variation of the Emperor-level egg is at most six 70 million. What kind of fairy beast is this? I don鈥檛 know how it grows, but it鈥檚 all unknown!鈥?/p>

Black robed man lost a storage ring to Liu Chongguang, the low voice sounded, Liu Chongguang took over the storage ring, a look excited, then loudly shouted: “50 million!”

Adding his own 60 million celestial stones, Liu Chongguang has 90 million sacred stones in his hands, but his heart is full of suffocation. However, He Lin鈥檚 bid is like pouring a cold water: 鈥?0 million!鈥?/p>

No suspense, no hesitation, Liu Chongguang suddenly angry: “Bastard, this is not what the price is, how much does he really have his own stone? 60 million, 60 million still with the slightest hesitation, just shout price?”

He Lin鈥檚 fare increase is not only Liu Chongguang鈥檚 anger, but also the people underneath are shocked. The call is too fast. There is almost no hesitation. Liu Chongguang still wants to talk. The black robed man suddenly stopped him: 鈥淒irect fare increase, To 90 million !”

Black robed man Gloomy man, looking straight at the VIP room, the killing intent flashed, Liu Chongguang glimpsed, then shouted: “90 million!”

This price is almost bitten out of the teeth, 90 million, his heart is bleeding, this is 90 million Xianshi, how many masters can be absorbed, how much strength can be expanded, after all, buy Immortal Artifact, draw people’s hearts, Everything depends on the fairy stone!

鈥?0 million?鈥?Everyone was amazed, but among the VIP rooms, there was still a voice with the slightest hesitation: 鈥?00 million!鈥?/p>

“100 million!” On the auction floor, Ma Er, is about to happily faint, 100 million, 100 million immortals auction, this is absolutely, definitely a big auction, the profits that he can extract, will also be great, very Big!

“100 million?” The price of 100 million yuan has completely plunged everyone into a sluggish situation. They simply can’t think of it. A fairy-level fairy beast egg can send such a terrible price, which is beyond everyone’s. Know the scope!

At this time, the talents found that the VIP room No. 3 could not be raised at all, because no one would raise the price like this!

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