
In the long river of time, Qin Yi has not been affected.


He just spit out a word and waved his sleeves.


This shrouded in the endless glory, if the one-time emperor who is in charge of the long river god, is directly given a sleeve by Qin Yi to fly again!

This sleeve, like a slap fan on the Yuan Emperor, directly shattered the endless glory of the one-yuan emperor, and the whole person flew out.

This time, the one-yuan emperor was directly hit the ground, and the whole person disappeared.

“How can it be?”

The black armor eyes are straight.

This should not be ah, one yuan has been relying on this time to decay, at the same time to suppress the ten emperors, only to achieve the prestige of its time emperor!

As a result, Qin Yi has not been affected by any influence, but it is also a sleeve that will fly the one yuan emperor!

This is the third time that a monarch has been fanned out!

Many of the gods are also moving, and they are reminded of Qin Yi’s vigilance.

Even Cang Yunzi, who has been reading the Taoist sect, seems to have some feelings. The sound of reading the scriptures pauses, and this continues to read the Tao.

Surprised by everyone, the One Yuan Emperor was even more surprised.


The emperor rushed out of the ground, bathed in time, and for a long while, he recovered his own peak under the Strength of Time Law.

“Impossible, why are you not affected by the rules of time, don’t believe it!”

One Yuan Emperor’s heart was in doubt.

This is the time rule that relies on the eastern borders. This time is decadent, and it is the biggest card that He relies on to counter many gods.

At this time, this card can not affect Qin Yi.

This makes the Yiyuan Emperor not afraid, how to not fear?

“A little bit of tricks, but also with ugliness in front of the deity?”

Qin Yi coldly smiled.

The so-called time rule of this Yuan Emperor, perhaps for the general prospective emperor, is terrifying to the extreme, for a short time, not ordinary people can resist.

A breath is a lapse of time, and there are several other existences that can withstand this move?

God spirit, fleshy body, a few breaths can be passed through countless years, instantly hanged old, and attributed to decay!

But for Qin Yi, this trick is nothing, as he said in his mouth.

The soul, fleshy body, is not affected at all.

System suppresses the soul, even if it is only a avatar, System is not in the source, but it is also enough to suppress the spirit of Qin Yi, not shaken by time.

As for the fleshy body, there is no killing of the golden body to suppress the source, plus the thousands of Worlds that have been condensed by the emperor’s emperor, and one of the thousands of Worlds, it is enough to resist the erosion of the time rule.

World is immortal, time is eternal!

Unless the Emperor of the One Yuan can condense the Emperor, it is possible to incite his body!

Otherwise, with the strength of the Yuan Emperor now, it is impossible to hurt him.

“Don’t believe it!”

The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty shouted loudly.

He does not believe that Qin Yi is not affected by the laws of time. No one can withstand the power of time, even if it is the emperor who has won the own body, he will enter the Jubilee Year under the scour of time!

You must know that the average Terran emperor, who can live two or three times, will enter the Jubilee Year.

Only the emperor of the law of cohesion can go beyond time, and the life essence soars dozens of times, which can be called the existence of does not die and extinguish.

However, Qin Yi has not even proved the Great, and how can he bear the Strength of Time Law.

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