“weng! ”

A round of silver big day, rising.

Qin Yi is bathed in silver light, like a god of aloof and remote. Pair of eyes is no sadness and no joy. The indifferent pupil light falls on the body of an emperor.

汝 汝 汝 蝼 蝼 蝼 蝼 蝼 岂 岂 岂 岂 岂 岂 岂 岂 岂 蝼 蝼 蝼

Since Qin Yi walked out of Heavenly Shining Continent, after entering the Eastern Frontier, what are the levels of his opponents?

Xuan night demon race, Xuan night Emperor!

World dominates, Tian Yao Heavenly Dao!

Moreover, it is the character of the heavenly emperor, the emperor of the early emperor, each of whom is a man of the emperor, or the existence of the emperor.

Only such a presence can be called Qin Yi’s opponent!

These characters are free to go out of one, it is not these so-called gods, can resist the existence!

Even if it is just a avatar, after the breakthrough, this avatar has long since put these few so-called gods in the eye.

No matter what.

Good words are hard to persuade the damn ghost!

If you want to find death, then you will be sent to the road!


The next moment.

Qin Yi squatted and opened the boxing ring and punched it directly.


This punch collided with a palm hit by a monarch, and it uttered terrifying to extreme fluctuations.

“Hang bang bang!”

The wind and waves of the sky, rolling in the air of Hollow, terrifying the extreme, every aftermath will wear Hollow hollow, like thousands of rivers rushing!

If the river hits the sky, it will shake the world!

The incompressible aura is scattered, breaking the Hollow air into a hole in the Shatter.

“weng! ”

One yuan emperor complexion big change, almost once again hit by Qin Yi.

Fortunately, he had expected that he would cover himself with the law of time and always maintain a peak state. This was barely under the support of Qin Yi, only half a step back.

Even so, the one-dollar emperor is also full of blood, almost a blood squirt.

“Time decays!”

One Yuan Emperor bit his teeth and roared, supporting the mana that motivated himself.

Behind the time and law, it is a dazzling rays of light!

For a moment, a path of time chained up, bursting out terrifying rays of light, drowning Heaven and Earth, and enshrining Qin Yi.

Under the ray of the rays of light, this Hollow space seems to have passed through the endless years, and it will decay and collapse in a blink of an eye.

As for the countless ancient plants that grow on the mountains of Chengdi, they are one after another, and they are entering the end of silence!

Many gods present at the scene felt an unspeakable pressure in an instant.

This is from the heart, the fear of time!

Time is like light, everything is decaying!

“This is the Crown Crown Prince, you have to lose!”

The black armor sighed.

The Crown Crown may be extremely formidable, and its strength is beyond his imagination, but after all, it is not a level of existence with the one-dollar emperor and the others.

After the anger of the First Emperor, how can the resistance of the law of time and space be resisted?

But the black armor king unexpectedly.


In the glory of the endless time, Qin Yi is hunting and walking, just like walking in the air, bathing under the power of time.

The two gods of gold and silver, shrouded in the body of Qin Yi, let the time of Shenhui how to wash, can not help Qin Yi points!

Even if a little bit of blood is washed away by the time, Qin Yi breathes, and the lost blood can be added back in an instant.

His face is calm, aura calm and calm, and walk slowly, just like a god walking in the long river of time!

I am like a god Buddha, and I am immortal!

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