“It must be a secret technique. You must have used the secret technique.

Do not believe, this secret technique can be used at will, and you have to turn people into a pile of bones. Under the great power of time, you can mourn! ”

One-Dimensional Emperor Tremor mana, the time method of blooming the infinite number of rays of light.

For a moment, he found that Qin Yi was not affected by the laws of time and found an excellent reason.

Only for this reason can we explain why Qin Yi is not affected by the law of time.

He does not believe in the law of time and cannot influence Qin Yi!


If Qin Yi knows the idea of ​​a monarch, I am afraid I will laugh out loud.

Teenager, hey, wrong, poor guy, how do you know the sly forformable.

Don’t use your imagination, the sturdy formidable!

It is not the law of time that cannot affect you, but you are too weak!

“Time knives!”

One yuan emperor roared, and the time of behind swelled into ripples.

Followed by.

A deafening knife sounds, from the long river of time, a long knife like a thin paper flutters out, the blade light plunders, straight to Qin Yi!

The knife is terrifying. When it passes, Hollow is drawn out of the dark cracks. It seems to smash the whole piece of Tianyu, cracking the crack of Space in 100!

Rays of light, where the sword is pointing, time seems to stop flowing.

Time is a slashing knife, and Wan Gu seems to be one!

Even though there are many gods, I am also shocked. The whole person is like an enemy. I only feel that I am shooting myself. It is impossible to take this knife without loss!

“This knife!”

Zhao Cheng pupils shrank, from this knife he felt a great threat.

The law of time, with this level of blade technique, is enough to threaten him!

“Time is king, it’s enough to be in the top ten Great Dao in the 3,000 Great Dao!”

The wild gods are burning eyes.

For his martial arts, only the formidable enemies are worthy of his burning intent.

The one-dollar emperor is enough to make his full power cope!

“I don’t know what the Crown Crown Prince will take, what kind of means will he take this trick?”

Muir, the ancient gods looked towards Qin Yi, who is facing this knife, and his heart is full.

“This Prince Crown Prince, can’t take this knife?”

Black armor Wang carefully guessed.

“brat, this kind of space-time knives is prepared for the secret of the emperor, and you will force this knife out, so you can’t leave it!”

The Emperor of the One Yuan took control of the time and slashed the sword.

And before this knife.


Qin Yi stood shoulder-to-hand, just faintly staring at the knives.

The blade light is cold and peerless, and the entire time and space of the universe is broken.

“such insignificant ability !”

Suddenly, Qin Yi looks slightly, faintly smiled.

“weng! ”

Hollow is empty and light, and Qin Yi is in the glory of time, and does not retreat, and meets the knife of the One Yuan Emperor.

The flaming gold and silver flames are swelled from their bodies, and the radiant blood and blood are rushing straight into the sky.

The blood is covered with Tianyu, and it is extremely beautiful!

Qin Yi’s face was dull, only one body, one step, and another punch.


Clash of metal, the unmatched boxing hit a knife that cuts the star river.


After the waves are scattered, the rolling spiritual qi is like a tide, as if it is a huge wave in Hollow.

Hollow is all hit by this, and it is constantly falling!

A lingering wave fell into Wanzhang, and it collapsed directly. I don’t know how many mountains of God, and the sky is screaming!

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