“In the current situation, I want to fully grasp this Strength, and it will take at least a decade or so to have this possibility.

But if you say that you are reluctant to master this strength, it will only take two or three years to actually be enough. ”

Qin Yi Shen Ning, slightly spread the palm of his hand, silver light 璀璨, World suspended, he realized this Strength, comprehend the Tao of the beginning of the emperor.

The breakthrough of cultivation base is not something that can be mastered in a flash.

If Qin Yi is relying on its own painstaking cultivation, Qin Yi wants to master this Strength for hundreds of years, not to mention mastering this Strength.

Just like the Yuan Yuan, the mana is the most peak realm of the quasi-emperor, but not pure enough, and does not break through to the pure realm.

If the 鲲 yuan can polish its own, polished to a pure realm.

Even Qin Yi can’t easily beat Qian Yuan!

After all, from the perspective of Strength alone, the mana of Qianyuan has surpassed Qin Yi too much!

If Qin Yi does not completely open the hole card, it is only relying on the strength of the part of the ‘bottom card’, and he also wants to defeat the Qian Yuan.

This is the difference.

“If it can break through the realm of the emperor, there is no such worry.

The emperor, concise the source of the world, every mana can explode all the power in the hands of the emperor.

For the use of mana, the Emperor has reached the realm as an arm. ”

Qin Yi sighs.

The essence of the emperor is so high, concise the source of the world, the law comprehend has reached a realm that is hard to reach, beyond imagination.

Every mana in the hands of the Emperor can be easily mastered.

The so-called huge mana of the Yuan Yuan, if it falls into the hands of an emperor, can be mastered by this emperor in an instant.

There are too many realm differences between the two sides.

“If you want to let a mana, play two points, or even three points of power, then at least the realm of the emperor peak, and even Tianzun.”

Qin Yi pupil light Squat.

The realm of Tianzun is essentially the same as the Great Dao of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

The use of mana, Tianzun is to the realm of Perfection, a mana in the hands of Tianzun, can be a red dust on the Shatter side!

Turn your hands and break the clouds.

Over the palm, you can see the sun and the moon!

“This is not the realm that can be sneaked in a short period of time. I will thoroughly master the mana that has been soaring, and then say the other.”

Qin Yi converges and thinks silently.

He has not yet become an emperor. If it is a sneak peek into the realm of Tianzun, how is this different from delusion?

Next, Qin Yi did not hurry to go to 7th Layer World, but instead practiced Martial Arts of his own practice.

“Is Tyrant Fist with Hollow’s illusory Thousand World, I don’t know what’s changed?”

One thought At this point, Qin Yi does not hesitate to push mana.

“hōng lòng Long!”

The sly silver glow rises from the body of Qin Yi.

Silver light 璀璨, 瑞气千条!

The qi and blood of the cockroaches are sent out from Qin Yi. The colors of gold and silver are like the temperament of Qin Yi.

The majestic pressure of the furnace is filled with the Ding Space, and the path of the gods is lit up, and the waves are suppressed!


Qin Yi is a boxing guy.

“hōng lòng !”

Although he has no goals in this punch, but to say that, the entire Hollow space is the goal of Qin Yi.

that moment.

Hollow empty burst, Space hanging over!

“weng! ”

Numerous lines of light illuminate throughout the great formation of the sky, and smashing the rays of light.

Even so, the whole furnace Ding Space was under the fist of Qin Yi, and it made a tumultuous roar, and almost collapsed.

It can be said.

This punch, the best!

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