Endless Hollow empty.

Space The madness of the madness is like a chaos.

Unlike the chaos of chaotic turbulence, this Hollow air has rules that dominate the world, especially the power of Space.

In this Hollow space, one side of World is like a gemstone, adorned in the black hollow of Hollow.

One of them, World, is a huge furnace. The body of the furnace is like a golden stone. It radiates the rays of light. The dragon’s moon and the mountains, the worms and the beasts, and the simple and unadorned atmosphere.

The magnificent and vast aura that is inadvertently distributed from the stove, gives a feeling like a giant beast, a mouth, can swallow the feeling of hundreds of millions of stars!

The stove is just a quiet suspension, there is no slight Stress spill, but it contains enough terrifying strength to kill the emperor!

Inside the furnace.

Time and space are quiet.

A silver-haired man sat on the empty Hollow, with a shawl on his hair, like a jade.

A faint silver light, lingering around the man’s body, if you put a level 1 bright silver battle armor, such as water waves, for a long time!


It is turned into a round of silver halo, hanging behind the man’s brain!

“weng! ”

The turbulent flow, if a round of silver big day, exudes the highest sacred aura. Give people a sense of eternal freedom, and never die.

The warm silver light hangs from the light wheel, and the whole furnace is shining brightly!

The man is bathed in silver halo, like a 谪Immortal that comes to the dust!


A clear, crisp sound, countless silver halos, like what is gestating.

Halo flow, a little outline of the outline of a World, like a chaotic airflow, and like Yin and Yang Two Qis, evolved sentient beings!

The vast world of one side, gradually built up in the silver light.

The sun and the moon are high, and the mountains and rivers stand!

This side of World is suspended in the men’s behind, oh, it seems to be extremely Hollow illusion, but with the suppression of All Heavens and Myriad Realms’s Xeon aura.

If this world has fallen, if one of the real worlds is degraded, who can afford it?


The man raised his right hand and snorted.

“weng! ”

On that side, World trembled and suddenly shrank, turning into a silver glory, moved toward the right hand raised by the man, and the empowerment was on the man’s arm.

At first, it was quite smooth.


However, when World was in contact with the man’s right arm, it suddenly burst open.


An extremely terrifying Strength burst, as if a World exploded.

Formidable’s Strength Tremor Hollow is empty, even converges into a storm that slams into the sky, and the entire stove is trembled.

The violent Strength even cracked this square space!

The fluctuation of formidable was removed from the furnace space, and almost the endless Hollow air would burst open!

“Uh huh!”

The silver-haired man groaned, separated from the sentiment.

“Sure enough, just entering the 9th layer realm of the Taiji Emperor, with this cultivation base, is not enough to master this Strength so quickly.”

Silver-haired man sighs.

This man is Qin Yi.

After his own breakthrough through the 9th layer realm, Qin Yi did not immediately go to 7th Layer World, but continued to polish his own mana.

Although he breaks through, he can’t quickly grasp his own striking Strength.

It takes a certain amount of time to polish, in order to transform this true strength of Strength into its own strength!

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