
Hollow is as empty as a mirror, quiet and waveless.

As Qin Yi punches in Hollow’s air, the entire Hollow space is like Shatter’s mirror, cracking countless cracks and smashing into the depths of the unknown.

It seems that it can break into countless pieces at any time!

However, in addition to the hollow cracks in Hollow, Qin Yi claims to be a perfect golden body, which is also showing numerous cracks.

His right arm was covered with a web of spiders, a path of terrifying cracks emerged, and a golden light bloomed, which barely survived, like a re-bonded porcelain, which could break at any time.

Qin Yi is not smiling by the face: “Strength, which is not controlled by itself, really can’t be used more, and the strength of the golden body cannot withstand the striking Strength.”

He still stunned the unstable Strength and influenced himself.

He has just condensed the Hollow illusion of the Thousand Worlds, which is essentially not stable enough. This detached fleshy body can’t carry this arrogant Strength.

Just as he just punched, Hollow World exploded in his right arm!

Did not hurt the enemy, first hurt yourself!

The explosion of that moment almost blew his right arm to the whole!

“It is necessary to grasp this Strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, this tactical strength will not rise and fall, and there is no benefit to winning the secret of the emperor.”

Qin Yi’s heart is clear comprehension.

Strength, which is not controlled by itself, is like an untimely bomb.

Feel free to use, has not caused damage to his opponent, but it hurts himself, this is not an untimely bomb, what is it?

I don’t even dare to use it myself. What is the use?

Therefore, Qin Yi’s current imperative is to master all of his mana before, in order to occupy a greater advantage in the battle for the emperor’s secret.

‘Before you went to 7th Layer World, you can stay in 7th Layer and 8th Layer World for two years. These two years are enough to master this Strength. ‘

Qin Yi’s mind is circulating.

“Just, what a pity is this great formation.”

Qin Yi looked at the great formation next to his eyes, and he was not sorry in his heart.

This great formation, if it can be used for him, is enough to enhance Qin Yi’s many strengths.

It is a pity that this great formation is the emperor from the enchanting family. Qin Yi has no means to put this great formation.

Just as Qin Yi is preparing to travel to 7th Layer World.

“The trials of the Emperor Road, because the trials touched the Rule of the Emperor Road, now the trial of the Imperial Road changes, all the testers gathered in the road to 9th layer World.

Fight for the secret of the emperor, for a period of three years! ”

An incomparable terrifying will suddenly come to the world of Emperor Road where each side has trials.

The voice of the will is like a Hong Zhong, which blew in the minds of many trials.

“Huh? Is there someone trying to touch the rules of the road?”

Qin Yi startled, immediately stunned.

Obviously, the one who touches the Rulu of Emperor Road is exactly the Yuan Yuan!

Qian Yuan forcibly descended to Qin Yi, which is the world of Emperor Road. It can be said that it broke the original Imperial Road Trial, which dominated the will of the Emperor Lu, and therefore made changes to the trial Rule.

“There are seven people left to test the Emperor Road Trial, 9th layer World Activate!”

That will continue.

“weng! ”

Then, a formidable Strength, hanging from the sky, shrouded Qin Yi.

The next moment, Qin Yi disappears from the great formation of the sky.

Just leave a faint discourse: “Is there only six opponents left?”

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