
It was a muffled sound.

Everyone has become numb, no matter what kind of Martial Arts or divine ability is displayed by Wang Zhantian.

Qin Yi just punched a stroke with nine Hollow Magic Worlds and blasted Wang Zhantian into the ground.

Wang Zhantian, the diignified god, is like a plaything in the hands of Qin Yi.


Lu Qiuyi and other gods, expression dignified to the extreme.

Crown Prince’s strength is beyond their expectations, and they are shocked. With the help of the Hollow Magic World’s Strength, you can suppress Wang Zhantian with a punch and a punch.

Wang Zhantian’s cultivation is not a weak one among the five of them, but Wang Zhantian is the most resistant one of them. They are not necessarily able to suppress Wang Zhantian in such a strong manner.

“But it’s okay, Crown Prince is stronger, and there is no formidable to break through the golden body!”

Lu Qiuyi’s careful look at, the heart sighed slightly in relief.

Up until now, although Crown Prince pressed Wang Zhantian, he did not break Wang Zhantian’s defense, which means that he did not hurt Wang Zhantian.

This means that Crown Prince may be stronger than Wang Zhantian, but there is no formidable to the point where they can’t resist.

By this time, the temptation is actually over.

“Wang brother…”

When Lu Qiuyi was preparing to start to talk, he saw Qin Yi pupil light sinking, and his movements seemed to be angered.

“Annoying flies!”

Qin Yi coldly snorted.

Yinhui rolled on his body, as if the hua hua flowing waves, the vast Strength, extracted from the nine Hollow World, integrated into the body of Qin Yi.

Immediately, the right hand is gently gripped, just like the gods and gods display the ultimate power, and the life will take a Great World out of thin air, and Muir is a punched toward Wang Zhantian.


Tianhe rewinds, and Qiankun trembles!


This punch was printed on the chest of Wang Zhantian without a fancy, and Wang Zhantianton felt a vast Strength, which followed the arm of Qin Yi.

Originally, he has not cared.

However, at the next moment, his face suddenly changed, looking down, a burst of densely packed bones, coming from his chest.

“Do not!”

Wang Zhantian’s face was not convinced, suddenly it was a stiff, and the pupils contracted violently.

He seems to see something of fear, whole body golden light, crazy, behind, buddhist singer, enemment own body, want to protect himself.

However, Qin Yi’s blow has already slammed into his chest.


A more deafening sound, Wang Zhantian vomited blood and fell back, many sons and quasi-emperors can clearly see that Wang Zhantian’s chest has collapsed more than half, as if a big hole was blasted.

The hundred dead gold body was broken!

Then, Wang Zhantian was once again thrown into the ground.

But this time, Wang Zhantian could not rush out from the ground for a long time!

For a long time, everyone understood this, this punch, Crown Prince finally hurt Wang Zhantian, and still seriously injured Wang Zhantian, otherwise so long, Wang Zhantian has once again rushed up!


Someone at the place couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air. I couldn’t believe it.

Crown Prince can actually break the battle of Wang Zhantian, this is the golden body that claims to be able to resist the half-battery!

The tension of Crown Prince is really too terrifying!

“No, impossible!”

Even Lu Qiuyi is expression changed, an incredible expression.

Crown Prince’s Strength is beyond his expectations!

He is also unable to sit still!

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