
Dignified Wang Family’s previous generation of the gods, cultivation, Wang Zhantian, who was ruined by the Golden King, was defeated by Crown Prince?

Even the golden body has been broken?

For a long time, I never saw Wang Zhantian rushing out from the ground. Everyone naturally understood that Wang Zhantian was completely defeated to His Royal Highness Crown Prince.

It’s so clean and neat!

Crown Prince took World with a fist, and when it was aired, it defeated Wang Zhantian. Even Wang Zhantian is still underground, and he has not yet climbed up.

“How is this possible, how is the formidable of Wang Shenzi’s Baishenjin, and the hard-resistance of the three emperors at the same time bombardment is no problem.

How is it possible that the Crown Prince will be bombing? ”

In the Imperial City, many supreme talents and high-level influences are also unbelievable.

Of course, after the incredible, it is full of shock.

Crown Prince is soformable, does it mean that if Crown Prince does not go to Emperor Road, what is the fourth emperor, thirteen emperors, and then cultivation for tens of thousands of years, it is 100 years, not necessarily Crown Prince opponent!

“Fortunately, Crown Prince is looking for a dead end and wants to go to the emperor to compete for the emperor’s secret.”

The wearing lord was also shocked by Qin Yi’s strength, and there was a trace of luck.

He knows the formidable of the Baishen gold body. If he is shot by him, it is impossible to break the defense of the Baishen gold body!

Simply, Crown Prince will go to Emperor Road, nine deaths yet one life still.

Otherwise, the hope of winning the position of the emperor by His Royal Highness is tantamount to heaven.

“A good terrifying punch, a moment of the nine Hollow illusion of the Thousand World’s Strength, merged into one, comparable to a Hollow illusion of the thousand world!

Crown Prince’s mastery of the First Emperor should not only be the 8th Layer, but should touch the realm of the 9th layer! ”

Lu Qiuyi stared at Qin Yi with a dignity, and he slowly started to talk.

“Crown Prince is a short distance from the 9th layer of the First Emperor.”

The rest of the gods are also beheads.

Only in this way, Crown Prince can make such a strong punch!

“And, Crown Prince’s fleshy body can’t be underestimated and can withstand the strength of nine thousand Worlds.

Tsk tsk, such a enchanting, how did we let us meet? ”

The founding god of the gods, Lin Gu, clicks one’s tongue in wonder.

Of course, although he was amazed at the strength of Qin Yi, he did not have much fear.

Sometimes, the unknown is the most terrifying!

If they don’t know the Crown Prince’s strength, after entering the ‘Emperor’ World, they will rush to the Crown Prince, and it is likely that they will be caught off guard by Crown Prince.

But at the moment, they have a general understanding of Crown Prince’s strength, but there is not much fear.

In any case, they are also diignified gods, a cultivation base in the early days of the imperial dynasty is also outstanding, how can they feel fear?

Even if someone else loses to Crown Prince, if the two gods join forces, they can already overwhelm Crown Prince!

“Our Crown Prince of Crown Prince, after entering the emperor’s road, must put it in the several abnormal, the same ranks.

Or, to lure those enchanting singers to Crown Prince?

Let these people face up, I will take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. ”

Even Lu Qiuyi began to count the Crown Prince.

Supreme talents of the emperor’s secrets have been obtained in the past, not necessarily the strongest one.

On the contrary, sometimes, the secret of the emperor will be won by some supreme talents whose strength is not too strong.

In a word.

The last person to laugh is the final winner!

Lu Qiuyi did not worry that Qin Yi was too strong, but worried that Qin Yi was not strong enough to block the supreme talent gods of other emperors and tribes!


He just wants to take Crown Prince, when the gun makes!

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