
When the earth trembled, it fell with a mountain of God from the sky, and it shook the tens of thousands of miles.

If it is not the first emperor, with the great formation guardian, it will be affected.

Such a big move has already alarmed the powerhouses of the emperor in the emperor’s capital, and even the great emperor in the depths of the Great World was shocked.

However, when the great emperor just looked at his eyes, he regained his gaze.

The battle between the emperor and the emperor could not attract his attention.

In addition, I have great confidence in the strength of the Crown Prince, the Emperor of the First Emperor. He listened to the mystery of the Taiji Emperor in his presence for half a year. If even a so-called god is unable to suppress it, it is a joke.

“Crown Prince is stronger than six months ago!”

“Why can’t you even hold the Crown Prince’s Attack, even how can it be?”

“How can the Crown Prince’s strength grow so fast?”

The emperor, even the emperor in the imperial court, was shocked by the strength of Crown Prince.

“It is said that Crown Prince has been teaching at the side of the Great Emperor for the past six months, and strength has grown tremendously.”

An insider explained.

Everyone is silent, if it is the hand of the great emperor, this is also explained.

The appearance of Crown Prince strength has also been explained by the beginning of the Emperor He and the others.

‘I am afraid, the means that the Great left to Crown Prince, not just that! ‘

The hearts of the people are also clear comprehension.

This is the difference between the emperor and the ordinary god!

The Emperor’s cultivation of the Great Emperor, if the Emperor has the heart, can even quickly enhance the strength of the Emperor in a short time, but also provide some formidable life-saving treasure for Crown Prince!

The Son of God does not have such a good luck.

Of course, Crown Prince’s formidable is beyond doubt, even if it can’t break Wang Zhantian’s defense, it is also the Ability to fight against the king.

“Ah! Receive my move, the town of Lei India!”

After being bombarded three times in a row, Wang Zhantian once rushed out of the ground and was already thundering.

Wang Zhantian was angry, only in a moment, the whole body of blood, bones, flesh and blood, merged into a whole, behind the god Buddha and the singer became more and more high.


Wang Zhantian pinched his fists and made a force to fall!

It’s like blood, like a wave of water, like a stormy wave, it’s like a fall.

This hit, the vast fist strength mixed with Wang Zhantian’s blood, flesh and blood strength, formidable power has increased several times!


Qin Yi exhales and sings, silver and radiance rises, and if the stars are manifested, nine vast worlds emerge in Qin Yi behind, pouring their own Strength into Qin Yi within the body.

Then, punch it out!

The strength of formidable directly shattered the blood of Wang Zhantian, and then it was a punch and banged on Wang Zhantian!


The big earthquake trembled, Wang Zhantian this time is really even the shadow can not see.

This time, many supreme talents can’t say anything.

A group of gods, quasi-emperors, is also a dreaded towards Qin Yi, this Strength has reached a point enough to crush the ordinary emperor.

If it wasn’t for Wang Zhantian who was sitting in a golden body and changed to a general quasi-emperor, he might be beaten on the spot!

Even the gods who are present, dare not say that they can hold such a formidable blow!

“Ah! Pick me up again, the Buddhas in the sky!”

Wang Zhantian was rushing out of the ground and rushing to Qin Yi again and again.

Taking advantage of the defensive power of the golden body, I am not afraid of injury.


A fist fell.

“Take me a hundred rounds of reincarnation!”

Loudly shouted.


It was degraded again.

“Reconnect me and ruin the seal!”

Wang Zhantian does not care.

However, welcoming his ending is still a shot by Qin Yi, like the ball in the hands of Qin Yi.

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