The beginning of the emperor.

This script, created by the great emperor of the early Taiji, has always been in the early emperor’s dynasty, and even in the eastern frontiers, he has the name of Hehewei!

After Lu Qiuyi and the others, they also learned about the Crown Prince’s cultivation base.

Naturally known Crown Prince cultivation into the first 8th Layer realm, but according to previous information, Crown Prince should have just stepped into the 8th Layer.

But now, this clearly has entered the deepest realm of the 8th Layer!

The ability to transform the nine Hollow World’s Strengths, such as the arm, must have gone a long way in the 8th Layer of the First Emperor.


Another roar that suppressed the anger, a golden light rose from the ground.

The golden light dissipated, revealing Wang Zhantian, who was battered and exhausted.

At this moment, Wang Zhantian was angry and burned, and his anger reached the extreme. Looked towards Qin Yi’s eyes filled with grievances!

Wang Zhantian is the first generation of the Emperor Wang Family. It is sought after by thousands of people. Wang Family has come up with countless years of background, hundreds of thousands of ancient medicines, and it is a favorite for it.

In the same generation, since his cultivation has become a behind, even if he is suppressed, he has not suffered such humiliation!

You know, he is known as the supreme talent of the Son of God.

What is the Son of God?

The son of Gods, the supreme talent of God’s clock, is the Son of God!

How arrogant the title is, but the result is being beaten twice, which is a humiliation for Wang Zhantian!

When did he suffer such a loss?

“Hey! Crown Prince, pick me up again!”

Wang Zhantian was full of anger, his expression was low, and Hollow was empty, and he snarled and suddenly punched.

In fact, Qin Yi just had two punches, which seemed to be amazing. In fact, Wang Zhantian was not seriously injured, that is, Wang Zhantian was dizzy and vomited blood that’s all.

Therefore, Wang Zhantian believes that Qin Yi has no way to break the defense of Baishen Jinshen.

“His Royal Highness Prince, taste my style of martial arts!”

Wang Zhantian was bloody and smashed, and the golden qi energy of the cockroach stuffed Hollow.

Hollow’s golden glow in the air bursts into the most gorgeous rays of light, and it seems to be tearing the sky and time!

“Wang Zhantian is really angry, and Tianzhu is the most powerful boxing method of Wang Family.” Lu Qiuone by one laughs, “This is a smashing fist, Wang Zhantian has already crossed tens of millions of years ago. Into the realm of Perfection, to the dilemma.”


Haoran’s blood suddenly broke out, lingering in Wang Zhantian’s body, and his fighting power reached its peak, and then he rushed to Qin Yi.

This Strong, if it is solid, even a million mountains can be smashed!

“weng! ”

Qin Yi is indifferent, without any slight movement, his wrists turn over, and the faint silver radiance rises from his palm and blooms infinitely rays of light.

Then, Qin Yi was also punched out.


A shuddering muffled sound, Wang Zhantian’s fist collided with Qin Yi’s fist.

This time, Wang Zhantian insisted on three breaths, and immediately flew out with a terrifying speed!

On the sky, I found a deep pit that could not be seen. I couldn’t even see the silhouette. I didn’t know how deep it was.

“How can this be!”

The supreme talent of the Imperial War, which has been in the early days, has been dumbfounded.

If Wang Zhantian was bombarded for the first time, he could still say that it was a big idea. The second time he was bombarded, he could barely say that Wang Zhantian had the card at the bottom of the box.

Then the third time it was bombarded, that is the huge gap on the strength!

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