
The tyrannical aura, dissipated in Wang Zhantian, swayed the sky.

Wang Zhantian gently wiped the blood of the corner of the mouth, sounding like a Hong Zhong: “Crown Prince is a good cultivation base, but unfortunately, with the Crown Prince His Highness, this punch can not break my sturdy body!”

“The courtesy, Crown Prince, and I am punched!”

Wang Zhantian shouted, standing in the sky, if he stepped on this side, Hollow was empty.

The flawed aura leaked on the body, making the whole piece of Scorpio tremble!

“Sun and Moon Fight!”

Wang Zhantian punched his head and the mana of the world was constantly surging on his arm.

Under Wang Zhantian’s fist, a path of dark space cracks spread, as if this side Hollow space is going to be completely Shatter.

The dazzling golden glow transpires and tears the time and space around.

The golden body is like a Buddha, and the sun is shining!


Qin Yi smirked, his body tilted forward slightly, and Muir volleyed a punch.

“hōng lòng !”

Silver light shines, lingering on Qin Yi’s right fist, like the Level 1 layer of water, surging on Qin Yi’s right fist, which is derived from the Hollow Magic World.

With nine Hollow illusionary Xiao Qian World, this fist is spurred, it seems that this punch can be cracked even with Heaven and Earth, and everything in the air of Shatter Hollow.

The next moment, slamming on Wang Zhantian’s right fist, came a hard hit!


A sound like the sound of a flooding bell, the vast god can suddenly escape.

The terrifying volatility spread out from the collision of the two punches, set off a terrifying storm surge, and even torn the Space, destroying the sun and the moon.

The entire emperor’s emperor was shaken a few times, and the distant peaks did not know how many were broken!

The mighty fluctuations, even the many gods and quasi-emperors are complexion changed, have to release their own mana, and settle the Hollow in this 10.

“That is?”

When the crowd looked up again, they saw that in the previous collision, Wang Zhantian was kicked by Crown Prince and shot Nine Heavens from Hollow.

On the ground, there is a huge pothole, whole body battered and exhausted.

“How can this be?”

This time, even Lu Qiuyi and other gods’ eyes are all congested.

Wang Family’s golden body, changed from Buddhism’s golden body divine ability, not only fleshy body is powerful, it can resist the lower half of the emperor, its fleshy body qi energy is about to reach the strength of tens of thousands of dragons, almost a True Dragon Power!

Body cultivation Martial Artist hammering fleshy body, qi energy terrifying, when fleshy body strength breakthrough, qi energy is round, you can step into the power of a True Dragon!

The power of True Dragon here is the supreme of the Divine Beast Dragon Race, the Strength of the True Dragon family.

One force can be pressed, and one palm can cover the sun and the moon!

Even Wang Zhantian’s Strength does not break through the power of a True Dragon, but it should not be underestimated. The general quasi-emperor powerhouse is hard to deal with it!

Even Lu Qiuyi and other gods, in the face of Wang Zhantian’s fleshy body Strength, will temporarily avoid the edge.

However, Qin Yi took a punch and fired Wang Zhantian again. This time, Wang Zhantian did not have any contemptuous thoughts. The result was still a punch by Crown Prince!

What this means, the gods are naturally very clear.

Crown Prince’s fleshy body is stronger than the king’s fleshy body!

“No, this is the Strength of the Taishi Emperor. The Crown Prince actually condenses nine Hollow illusionary Xiaoshen World, and enters the 8th Layer’s deep realm?

The strength of the nine Hollow Magic World is so skillful? ”

Lu Qiuyi is seeing a little clue.

It’s not that Crown Prince’s fleshy body is stronger than Wang Zhantian, but Crown Prince’s Strength of Hollow Magic World has overwhelmed Wang Zhantian!

The strength of the nine Xiaoqian World, how to say it, is stronger than Wang Zhantian’s strength!

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