“hōng lòng Long!”

A terrifying shock burst echoes in chaos.

The formidable gods cover the chaos of the universe, and the terrifying afterglow makes people dare not easily contend, and can only avoid it far away.

It is like the wrath of the gods, raging in chaos.

Gradually, the power of the Nether seems to be unsettled, and the Shatter is coming, and the rays of light on it are getting more and more bleak.

A glimpse of aura, annihilated in a very short time!

The power of the vast World, a little bit of pressure over the power of the Nether, scattered away, can see the pale face of the sect master.


In the hands of the nine secluded magic gun is a little bit broken, until the end, lost the original luster.

The law that lingers on it is also broken up a bit, turning into fragments of pieces.

“Do not!”

The refining sect master screams unwillingly screaming. He tries to extract Strength from the refining soul stone for enemment own body, in an attempt to break the terrifying imprisonment brought by Hollow illusion World.

However, the Hollow Magic World thrown by Qin Yi is too forformable, and the surrounding Wanli Space is given to the town. The nine Hollow illusionary Xiao World is a combination of Strength, which is comparable to a thousand World, and even more Passed it.

If the sect master is a great emperor, there is no problem, and you can take down this Strength.

Nine Hollow illusionary Xiao Qian World fusion, said to be comparable to the thousand world, but in fact, it is still a lot worse.

Moreover, even if it is a real thousand world, a great emperor can be defeated by one’s own strength. Wei Li belongs to the own body, and a great Emperor’s Strength, if there is no confrontation at the same level, it is enough to kill everything!

But the problem is that the sect master is just a quasi-emperor. With the strength of the refining stone, it can erupt briefly out of the Great’s Attack. After all, it is not its own Strength, and its fleshy body can’t bear such a formidable. Strength.

Less than five breaths of time, the body of the refining sect master has been broken, and the whole body bathes up and down the blood, like the ceramic of Shatter, almost collapsed!


On the scorpio, World slowly pressed down, and the road roared in the Hollow air, containing a strong and terrifying Strength.

“Do not!”

The sect master of the refining sorcerer screams with a sorrowful sorrow, and a strong barrier is condensed by the Strength in the refining soul stone. This map is used to resist the Hollow illusion World with this Strength, and he took the opportunity to escape from this place.

However, his body has long been unable to support his violent consumption!

at last.


When the sect master of the refining sorcerer once again took the Strength of the Refining Stone, his body could no longer support it and survived and collapsed.

Immediately, Hollow’s magical world fell, and the body of the sect master of the refining sorcerer was broken a little bit, and the soul of the soul was also pressed into the powder by the Strength of Hollow Magic World. There was no residue left, and it was turned into fly ash.

Only left, the refining soul demon stone quietly suspended in the Hollow air, exudes a flickering halo!

At this point, the soul refining sect master, die!

One is in the Great World at the beginning, and it belongs to the top level in the eastern boundary. It is so dead!

that moment.

In chaos, countless gods are stunned by the look at this, and can’t speak for a long time.

Such a person who entered the quasi-emperor, also belonged to the aloof and remote in the early imperial dynasty, even if they were, the innate talent was outstanding, and it was praised as ‘the Son of God’, which only represented that they had a little talent talent of the emperor.

For most of the gods, the emperor is still hopeless, not the realm they can snoop.

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