“weng! ”

A gunshot.

A vast demon qi, the dreary cold of the aura, filled with chaos, with a piercing edge.


A long spear, a magic whistle.

If the crazy sorcerer sect master, holding a nine secluded magic gun, with the evil abyss aura, the black light of the gun tip, even Hollow empty to tear.

After infusing into the Strength of the Refining Stone, the Strength of the Nine Ghosts is more terrifying.

“Not good, speed, the old man is going to be desperate!”

A group of powerhouses were shocked and did not dare to stay.

The nine-spotted magic gun that was spurred by the refining soul stone, terrifying, is superior to the previous one, and the power is unparalleled.

This blow has touched the threshold of the emperor’s blow.

A hit hits the sun and the moon Hollow empty, bursting down the strength of the Star River.

“blood essence is lost!”

This is not the only thing, the sect master screams.

The Strength of the Refining Stones in the hands is constantly spreading, blending into the body of the sect master, a path of 狰狞 horrible azure lines, appearing in the sect master.

Evil, weird aura, as if communicating with the nine abyss.


The refining sect master sect master aura soaring, if the demon in the abyss recovers, the whole body is entangled with the rough rules of the arm.

At this moment, the refining sect master sect master with the strength of fleshy body, swallowed nearly half of the spirit of the demon stone, the strength of the own body.

If the devil!

Demon qi shocked the sun, the gloom of the ages!

“Give me Activate!”

The sect master of the sorcerer smashes the chaos and stabs Nine Heavens.

This is the strongest blow he has ever made in his life. The powerful Strength of the Refining Stone is even stuffing his body.

Terrifying’s Strength, tearing his fleshy body, eyes, ears, nose, nose and blood, almost to be unable to support the Strength!

But he still doesn’t care, only the World thrown by Qin Yi.


The gun swayed up and pierced countless Spaces that existed in Hollow, and Shatter floated in Hollow’s empty World.

This gun is born for survival.

When the gods saw the sharpness of this gun, they only felt that the spirit was splitting, and they might be worn by this supreme edge.

Many of the saints 6th Layer realm’s son, directly as a ‘wow’, squirting a big mouthful of blood.

Even the many powerhouses that came to them did not dare to look directly at the guns.


Even at the beginning of Great World, there was a will in the depths of the world, and a horror was heard, which was alarmed by this Strength.

The refining sorcerer sect master is solemn, not moved by others, only one shot.

However, Qin Yi expression is indifferent, overlooking the sect master of the sacred scorpion, like the Immortal of Nine Heavens, looking down from the clouds, looks at the mortal who smashed the Temple of Heaven.

Pity is ridiculous, and its fate.


For the enemy, only the dead!

“sōu! ”

Qin Yi Gently, a touch of light fell into the Hollow illusion of World.

At that moment, there seemed to be a roar of life in World, a roar of Divine Beast in the ups and downs, and a path of the law of building World, roaring.

The water and the wind are turning, and the yin and yang are merged.

Let the sect master of the refining sorcerer furious, and only in the attack of Qin Yi, turned into Hollow no, can not shake the points.


With the pressure of the Hollow Magic World, the tens of thousands of miles of chaos that the sect master stood were shrouded in terrifying light.

One piece, only the power of the Nether and the power of World.


In the faint, many gods and powerhouses heard a crisp sound, then an incredible roar.

“This is impossible!”

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