At the beginning of the Taiji Emperor’s dynasty, it was 50 million years old. It was a generation of 10 million years. It has also passed for five generations, but no one has ever been born.

Why is this?

Except for the suppression of the great emperor, it is because the realm of the emperor is too difficult to breakthrough!

Otherwise, the supreme talents of countless Dongjiang borders will not think of competing for the secret of the emperor in the emperor’s road, so as to be promoted to the great emperor.

For the general god, perhaps being promoted to the quasi-emperor is already the ultimate achievement of their lives.

And they pursue a lifetime of realm, such a powerhouse will die like this in front of them?

How can this not shock the gods?

Not only the gods, but the powerhouses who just arrived, never expected that it would be such an ending.

“Are old ghosts dead?”

A group of powerhouse secretly screaming at Qin Yi, who is slowly stepping on the refining soul stone, is also incredible.

They have thought about the sect master, which will be killed by the Emperor, or the old Monsters in the early Tais.

Or, they were killed by all of them.

However, I did not expect that the sect master will be killed by Crown Prince.

Although the sect master is only a first-time realm, it is still a supreme emperor, standing on the top of most people.

The powerhouse that arrived at the scene was also the four emperors.

The quasi-emperor is not a dispensable character. The ancient saint is not precious for one emperor, although it is precious.

However, the quasi-emperor is different. The quasi-emperor is not like the ancient sacred giant, and it is a big one. Even if it is the peak ancient holy, one of the thousand worlds can be born.

Most of the quasi-emperors came from Daqian World and the Supreme Emperor.

Moreover, the emperor of a dynasty will not exceed 100 sects. In the early dynasty, there was a powerhouse of the emperor who had a surname in the dynasty.

Qin Yi has been to the Chaotian Emperor, and only 20 Yu Zun!

Needless to say, the sect master, who has the refining soul stone, is not the weakest of the emperor, and can even be said to be top-notch!

Crown Prince can kill the sect master, this strength, how can they not be surprised?

More importantly, it is true that Crown Prince can defeat the two emperors and the thirteen emperors by their own efforts.

Wuyuan Building sect master and the thirteen emperors lost, unable to fight again, and the refining demon sect master is directly killed on the spot!


The refining demon stone struggled in the hands of Qin Yi and broke out of the formidable Strength.

After the death of the sect master, the refining demon stone also lost control, and the evil Strength penetrated from it.

The devil is low, like a prison!

The mighty aura, scattered to all directions, the faint demon qi with endless violent madness.

The sect master of the refining sorcerer squat master is weakened by the backwardness of the scarlet, and it is also swallowed by the refining demon stone.

The Strength on the refining demon stone instantly skyrocketed and wanted to break through the imprisonment of Qin Yi’s palm.

Qin Yi is just faintly smiled, and the silver light rises in the hand, such as a vast expanse of stars, as well as the path of Heaven and Earth.

Muir, turned into a huge Hollow Magic World, will instantly suppress this refining soul stone.

The silver light is hidden, and this refining soul stone disappears.

At this time, Qin Yi turned to look at many gods, powerhouses, behind a more vast god of light.


Silver light stars, hanging over Nine Heavens.

For a moment, it seems that hundreds of millions of stars are turning in Qin Yi behind, sacred and majestic, magnificent and vast!

The vision is through the sky!

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